Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/465

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A8891l6 - A889155
JUL-DEC. 1977

A889115 (con.) cobable? Bv tllriaa L. Hitcbea. kitb editorial assistance froB Jane Habernas & David Solisch. 12 p. Hiriaa Bitcheui 11»uq77; A889115.

A889116. The Lanqe stove catalog and Hood heat guide. Rritten bv John David Lyle 6 illustrated by Nicholas, Katherine e Jessica Lvle. 2nd ed. 19 p. David Lyle: 17Auq77: A889116.

A889117. Little Tarzan: the story of a baby squirrel that fell out of a tree and into a »orld full of love. By Katherine D. Harrison. 1 v. e Katherine D. Harrison; 26JU177: A889117.

A889118. Health education in the eleientary school; aodules, concepts, and resources for teaching. By Narie Vick. 2nd ed. 83 p. Q Burqess Publishing Company; 16Aug77: A889118.

A889119. A Biocheaistry laboratory manual. Issued by staff, Departaent of Bioc- heaistry, cleoson Oniversity, editors: James K. Zimmerman & Carolyn S. Brown. 2nd ed. 1 v. O Department of Bioc- hemistry, Clemson Oniversity; 16Auq77; A889119.

A889120. Practical Enqiisb. By Jacques P. Thiroux. 87 p. Jacques P. Thirouz; t6Auq77: A889120.

A889121. Exercise: a lifetime coaaitaent. By David K. Hiller e I. Eacl Allen. 2nd ed. 169 p. David K. Hiller G T. Earl Allen: 16Auq77; A889121.

A889122. A Conversation with Thoaas Jefferson. 5 p. Appl. au; Dan Kalenak. 6 Dan Kalenak; 26Auq77; A8B9122.

A889123. Honey Uorker: budget helper. Envelope. Appl. au: John Joseph 0*Leary. 6 Honey worker Publications: 26Auq77; Ae89123.

A8891211. The Beadioq road to writing. Book 4: pronouns. By Robert B. Potter. 42 p. O Globe Book Company, Inc.; 29Apr77; A88912It.

A889125. The Beading road to writing. Book 5: words often confused. By Bobert B. Potter. 4« p. Globe Book Company. Inc.: 7JU177: A889125.

A889126. The Beading road to writing. Book 6: mechanics of writing. By Bobert fi. Potter. 59 p. Globe Book Company, Inc.: 8JU177: A889126.

A889127. fieport of the Citizens' Study Commission on Poor Belief: findings and recommen- dations. 75 p. 6 Citizens' Study Commission on Poor Belief; 10Auq77; A889127.

A889128. Cooperative Auto, Inc. ; case and teaching notes. Prepared by Claude I. Shell. 21 p. O Claude I. Shell; 26Auq77: A889128.

A889129. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005- 23 1- 91 5PT, issue B, Auq. 1977. Folder (1 p.) e The Pacific Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 1Auq77; A889129.

A889U0. The Hardinge BMC bar and chucking machine. Folder. Appl. au: Carl Bombarqer. O Uardinge Brothers, Inc.; 22Auq77; A889130.

A889131. Independence, and others titles. By Bose Neaerow. 1 v. Bose Neaerow; 29Aug77; A889131.

A8e9132. Principles of biology. Laboratory manual 1. By Kenneth 0. Laser € George H. Hechtel. 125 p. e Kenneth D. Laser 6 George H. Hechtel; 17Auq77: A889132.

A889133. Laboratory manual for physical science. Produced by Department of Chemistry and Physics, Hiddle Tennessee State Oni- versity. 117 p. O Leon D. Stancliff 6 B. Oakley Jennings; 17Auq77; A889133.

A8e9131t. Laboratory manual for Physics 218. 66 p. d Department of Physics, Texas A and n Oniversity; 16Aug77; A88913a.

A889135. Some principles and techniques in general chemistry. By A. G. Loscalzo. 1 V. O A. G. Loscalzo; 16Aug77; A8891J5.

A8e9136. The Haunted house. Book 3-IAN. By Josephine Joan Uilliaas. 191 p. O Josephine Joan Villiaas; 26Aug77; A889136.

A889137. Cable splices and some of their effects on the safety ground system. By Hilliam James HcCoy. 1U2 p. O uilliaa James Hccoy; 25Aug77; A889137.

A889138. Preparing for marriage; leader guide. By Bichard a. Langsdale, edited by Curtis B. Haney. I48 p. C Parish Life Press; 25Aug77; A889138.

A889139. Teaching fives; a handbook. Prepared fi edited by Linda Schomaker. 47 p. NH: additions fi compilation. Parish Life Press; 25Aug77; A889139.

A88911t0. Guidelines for campaign compliance. By Stan Huckaby (Joe Stanley Huckaby) S Robert J. Perkins. 2<»i» p. 6 Stan Huckaby fi Robert J. Perkins (in notice: Stan Huckaby 6 Bob Perkins) ; 1Jul76; A889140.

A889141. Human physiology and hygiene. Issued by Department of Correspondence studies. Fort Uayne Bible College. 5 p. Appl. au: Fort Rayne Bible College. Fort aayne Bible College; 26Aug77; A889im.

A889142. The Legend of Uoodsy. Card. Appl. au: Evelyn 0. Johnson. Evelyn 0. Johnson; 1SSep76; A889142.

A889143. Iowa Husic Teachers Association syllabus. Compiled fi edited by Harilee Joeckel Crawley. p. 1-140. O Iowa Husic Teachers Association; 22Auq77; A889143.

A889144. flodern Hotors trick truck equipment. 24 p. Appl. an: Donald B. Fall fi Paul Speights. Hodern Hotors Off Boad Center; 30Auq77; A889144.

A889145. Hanual of coordinated study in Administrative dietetics 1. Pt. 1. By Barbara Peterson Clarke fi Janet Holnick Gannon. 24 p. Hood College; 26Aug77: A889145.

A889146. Hanual of general guidelines for the dietetic curriculum. By Barbara Peterson Clarke fi Janet Holnick Gannon. 17 p. O Hood College: 2SAug77; A889146.

A889 147. Advanced scripture study 3. By Ann Bee Colton fi Jonathan Hurro. p. 63-91. O Ann Bee Colton fi Jonathan Hurro; 27Jul77; A889147.

A889 148. Advance PIB magazine totals, July 1977. Prepared by Leading National Advertisers, Inc. Printout. Appl. au: Publishers Information Bureau, Inc. NH : compilation E additions. O Publishers Information Bureau, Inc.; 17Aug77; A889148.

AS89149. The Disney poster book. Introd. by Haurice Sendak. 47 p. NH: introd.. compilation of illus. fi chronology. aalt Disney Productions; 5Apr77; AB89 149. (3rd print, deposited)

A889150. Softball, January 1977-January 1979; NAGHS guide. Editor: Donna A. Lopiano. 185 p. Add. ti: NAGUS Softball guide, 1977-1979; NAGiS guide: Softball. January 1977-Jaiiuary 1979. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation fi National Association for Girls and Uomen in Sport; 13Apr77; A889150.

A889151. Bowling — fencing, January 1977-January 1979 with official rules; NAGBS guide. Bowling editor: Clare H. Albom £ fencing editor: Beth Cramer. 162 p. Add. ti: NAGBS bowling-fencing guide, 1977-1979; MAGUS guide: bowling — fencing, January 1977-January 1979. O American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation fi National Association for Girls and Homen in Sport; 25Har77; A889151.

A8891S2. Abstracts of research papers. 1977. Abstracts editor: George H. Sage. 121 p. O American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation; 25Har77; A889152.

A889153. Basketball, volleyball, July 1977-July 1979: tips and techniques for teachers and coaches; NAGHS guide. Guide coordinator: Buth Gunden, basketball guide chairperson: Rhonda K. Fleming, volleyball guide chairperson: Jo Ingraham. 93 p. Add. ti: NAGBS basketball-volleyball guide: tips and techniques, 1977-1979; NAGHS guide: basketball — volleyball, July 1977-July 1979; tips and techniques for teachers and coaches. G American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation fi National Association for Girls and Hoaeu in Sport; 8Jul77; A889153.

A889154. Sports safety 2; proceedings of the Second National Sports Safety Conference. Editor: Chauncey A. Horehouse. 122 p. Conference held in Chicago, Illinois. Oct. 15-17, 1976. e American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation; 28Har77; Ae89154.

A8e9155. NAGHS research reports. Vol. 3. Edited by Harlene Adrian fi Judith Brame. 183 p. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation; 22Jun77;



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