Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/48

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A872213 A Visit to Zaire: slides fi commentary. Bv Bernard Ugeax. 22 slides in boi 6 12 p. a J.. Weston Ualch, Publisher: 6Jan76: A872213.

A872214. oar English heritage: slides 6 commentary. By Margaret Segal (Margaret Balch) 22 slides in box 6 37 p. 6 J. Heston Halch, Publisher: 26Aug76; A87220K.

A872215. Slides on Napoleon: commentary. By Hilliam Beid, Jr. 46 p. Accompanied by 22 slides in box. 6 J. Heston Halch. Publisher: 26Aug76: A8722K5.

A872216. Slides on the art of Picasso: com- mentary. By Alan Leonard, pseud, of William Reid, Jr. 39 p. Accompanied by 22 slides in box. e J. Heston Halch, Publisher: 2Jan76: A872246.

A872217. Slides en German art: commentary. By Alan Leonard, pseud, of William Beid, Jr. 27 p. Accompanied by 22 slides in box. a J. Heston Halch, publisher: 2Feb76; A8722a7.

A8722it8. Slides on music in art: commentary. By William Reid, Jr. 3U p. Accompanied by 22 slides in box. ifl J. Heston Halch. Publisher: 21Sep76: A8722lt8„

A8722M9. Vocabulary bingo. By Eric Rowe. Sheets (33 p.) £ cards in box, ig J, Heston Halch, Publisher: 10Feb76: A8722119.

A872250. Environmental science bingo- By David E. Neiiton. Sheets (12 p.) 6 cards in box. a J. Heston Halch, Publisher; 1 Dec76 : A872250.

A872251. 100 photographs for teaching about Germany. By Karl H. Rehm. Sheets (tK p.| 6 100 cards in box. BM: text„ 6 J. Heston Walch, Publisher; 16Dec76: A872251.

A872252. 30 irregular Spanish verbs; spirit master practice sheets- By Austin P- Nichols. 8 p. £ sheets (60 p. ( in box. a J. Heston Halch, Publisher; 7Dec76: A872252.

A872253. Physical education word games; duplicator masters- By Ruth Bice. 9 p. £ sheets (50 p.) in box. J. Heston Walch, Publisher: 13Jan76: A872253.

A872254. World geography hidden word puzzles; duplicator masters- By E. Richard Churchill. 20 p- fi sheets (50 p-| in box. e J. Heston Halch, Publisher: 60ct76: A87225it.

A872255- Driver education word games; 37 spirit masters. By Buth Bice. 8 p. 6 sheets (37 p-l in box- e J- Heston Halch, Publisher: 60ct76: A872255.

A872256. Biology bingo. By David E- Newton- Sheets (17 p.) £ cards in box. 6 J. Heston Halch, publisher; 21Jan76; 4872256.

AB72257. Quizzes for chemistry classes: duplicator masters. By David E. Newton. 11 P. E sheets («8 p.) in box. 6 J. Heston Halch, Publisher; 16Nov76: A872257.

A872258. 44 activities in home decoration; duplicator masters. By William Reid, Jr. 9 p. £ sheets (44 p.) in box. a J. Heston Walch, Publisher; 70ct76: A872258.

A872259, Quizzes in physics and physical science; duplicator masters. By David E, Newton- 12 p. £ sheets (46 p.) in box. 6 J. Heston Halch, Publisher: 16Nov76; A872259.

A872260. Horld history bingo- By Halter F- Urbanek- Sheets £ cards in box- a J- Heston Halch, Publisher; 6Jan76; A872260.

A872261. 50 spirit master activities in environmental science. By David E. Newton. 4 p. £ sheets (50 p.) in box. a J. Weston Halch, publisher; 3f eb76 : A872261.

4872262. Activities for exploring careers in science: duplicator masters. By David E- Newton. 4 p. £ sheets (40 p.) in box. a J. Heston Halch, Publisher; 191Iov76; A872262.

A872263. 50 spirit master activities for studying the colonial and Bevolutionary periods (1492-1789) By Valleda Jane Reel. 18 p. fi sheets (50 p.) in box. & J. Weston Walch, Publisher; 23Sep76; A872263.

A872264. General science bingo. By David E. Newton. Sheets (13 p.) £ cards in box. e J. Heston Walch, Publisher: 19Nov76: A872264-

A872265. 50 spirit master activities for studying the Federal Government- By E- Richard Churchill £ Linda R- Churchill. 3 p. 6 sheets (50 p.) in box. a J, Weston Halch, Publisher; 60ct76; A872265.

4872266. 50 word games on grammar; duplicator masters. By Ruth Bice. 11 p. 6 sheets (50 P-) in box- e J- Weston Halch, publisher; 13Sep76; 4872266-

A872267. Personal health quizzes; 50 spirit masters. By Thomas H- Knepp- 8 p- £ sheets (50 p.) in box. a J. Weston Halch, Publisher: 60ct76; A872267.

4872268. 50 spirit master activities for studying your local government. By E. Richard Churchill fi Linda R. Churchill. 3 p. £ sheets (50 p.) in box. J- Heston Halch, Publisher; 16Sep76; A872268.

4872269. 100 reproductions of famous paintings- By Hilliam Reid, Jr- 36 p. £ 100 cards in box. NM: text. O J. Weston Halch, Publisher: 10ct76: 4872269.

4872270. 30 irregular French verbs; spirit master practice sheets. By Austin P. Nichols £ 4dele D. Bockstedt. 8 p- £ sheets (60 p-) in box. a J- Heston Halch, Publisher; 29NOV76; 4872270.

4872271. 50 spirit master activities for studying the constitutional period to the Civil Har (1789-1860) By Valleda Jane Reel. 12 p- £ sheets (SO p.) in box. 6 J. Weston Halch, publisher: 23Sep76; A872271.

A872272. Reading skills for better grades; duplicator masters. By Ward Cramer, illustrated by Carolyn Cramer. 6 p. 6 sheets (50 p.) in box. a J. Weston Walch, Publisher; 10Feb76; A872272-

A872273. Health science bingo- By David E- Newton. Sheets (12 p-) £ cards in box. a J. Weston Walch, Publisher; 60ct76: A872273.

A872274. 100 photographs on American Indians- Edited by Jane E. Hartman- 43 p- £ 100 cards in box- NH: text- a J- Weston Halch, Publisher; 2Mar76; 4872274.

A872275. Activities in physics and physical science; duplicator masters- By David E. Newton. 4 p. fi sheets (50 p.) in box- J- Weston Walch, Publisher; 250ct76; 4872275-

4872276- 50 spirit master activities for biology classes- By Thomas H. Knepp. 19 p. 6 sheets (50 p.) in box. J. Heston Halch, Publisher: 21Jan76: 4872276.

A872277. Canadian geography maps for student activities. By E- Richard Churchill fi Linda R. Churchill- 5 p. fi sheets (35 p.) in box. a J- Heston Halch, Publisher; 60ct7e; 4872277.

4872278- Zounds! Spirit masters- By Dorothy Gail Elliott- 3 p- fi sheets (35 p.) in box. a J- Heston Walch, Publisher: 3Feb76; AB72278-

A872279. Learning geographic locations: duplicator masters- By Paul F. Griffin fi Jay B. Vanderford- 7 p- 6 sheets (45 p.) in box- a J- Heston Walch, Publisher; 60ct76; A872279-

4872280. U.S- history map activities; 50 spirit masters- By Linda R- Churchill fi £- Richard Churchill. 6 p. 6 sheets (50 p.) in box- a J. Heston Walch. Publisher; 5Jan76: A872280.

4872281. Metric puzzles and problems: 50 duplicator masters. By Carolyn Anderson. 9 p. fi sheets (50 p.) in box. a J. Weston Halch, Publisher; 12Nov76; A872281.

4872282. Civics and government bingo. By George P. Connick. Sheets (19 p.) S cards in box. a J. Weston Walch, Publisher; 270ct76: 4872282.

4872283. Activities in chemistry: duplicator masters. By David E. Newton. 4 p. fi sheets (37 p.) in box. a J. Weston Halch, Publisher; 250ct76; 4872283.

4872284. Monkey math; 50 spirit masters- By E. Richard Churchill fi Linda B. Churchill. 11 p. £ sheets (50 p.) in box. 8 J. Heston Halch, Publisher; 180ct76: A872284.

A872285. Halting sheets in basic math; 50 spirit masters. By Wilbur Labbe. 16 p. £ sheets (50 p.) in box. a J. Heston Halch,

Publisher; 180ct76; A872285.


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