Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/485

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1889881 - »a89923
JUL-DEC. 1977

A889880 (con.) HlcEOfila. Gullleciio Aucello Boza OoBiaquez; 15Auq77 (Id notice: 1976); 1889880.

1889881. The Aesthetics of feninisa in Virqinia Uoolf's fiction. By Dorothy Ann Duff Bcoun. Hicrofila. Dorothy Ann Duff Brown: 151aq77 (in notice: 1976); 1889831.

1889882. Poor woBen's fertility decisions: illeqal abortion in Cali, Colombia. By Carole Browner. Hicrofila. e Carole Browner: 151uq77 (in notice; 1976); 1889882.

1889883. Hall crypts of first Boaanesque. By aarqaret Sorensen Burke. Hicrofila. Barqaret Sorensen Burke; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889883.

A88983U. Analyses of icon content in individual huaan red blood cells by electron aicroprobe and scanninq electron aicroscope. By David Davis. Hicrofila. e David Davis; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976): A889e8l».

A88988S. The Belationship of children's self concepts to their locus of control* acadeaic acbieveaent and social status in the classroOB. By Matividad DeAnda Hicrofila. C Hatividad DeAnda: 15Auq77; A8B9885.

A889886. A Struqqle to survive; conaercial naviqatlon in California's central Valley. By Harsha June Bratten Dillon. Hicrofila. O Harsha June Bratten Dillon; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976): A889e86.

A889887. Airline competition: a theoretical and empirical analysis. By Gary Jay Doraan. Hicrofila. C Gary Jay Doraan: 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889887.

1889888. Bole and status of rural Jaaaican woaen: hiqqlerinq and aotberlnq. By Victoria Durant-Gonzalez. Hicrofila. O Victoria Durant-Gonzalez; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); 1889888.

A889889. Developaent planninq and population policy developaent in Puerto Bico: a case study and a plan for population sta- bilization. By Kent Cline Earnhardt. Hicrofila. Kent Cline Earnhardt; 151uq77 (in notice: 1976): A889889.

1889890. The Effects of reservation systeas, incoae. and season on use of California canpqrounds. By Donald Edward Eckeraan. Hicrofila. C Donald Edward Eclceraan; 15luq77 (in notice: 1976); 1889890.

1889891. Successful failures: quilt and aorality in the novels of Bernard Halaaud. By Harilyn Hichele Fabe. Hicrofila. Harilyn Hichele Fabe; 1Slnq77 (in notice: 1976); 1889891.

1889892. ialt Hhitaan and the French tradition. By Betsy Jacqueline Erkkila. Hicrofila. O Betsy Jacqueline Erkkila; 151uq77: 1889892.

1889893. Psycholoqicai correlates of EEG-alpha. By Glta Elquin-Body. Hicrofila. Gita

1889894. The Evolution of the police function in Portland, Oregon, 1811-1871. By Charles Ibbott Tracy. Hicrofila. O Charles Ibbott Tracy; 151uq77 (in notice: 1976); 1889894.

1889895. The Boles of attitude and aotivation in second-lanquaqe acquisition. By Neal Francis Cavanauqh. Hicrofila. Neal Francis Cavanauqh; 1SAug77 (in notice: 1976): 1889895.

1889896. Statewide survey of educators' perceptions of alcohol education programs in California public schools. By Lee Alan Bichaan. Hicrofila. Q Lee Alan Bichaan; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889896.

1889897. Consumer participation: an exploration of orqanizational representativeness and responsiveness. By David Haldonado, Jr. Hicrofila. O David Haldonado, Jr.; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889897.

A889898. Divorce and the adult life span: a longitudinal study. By Tsipora Bindsunsky Peskin. Hicrofila. Tsipora Bindsunsky Peskin; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889898.

1889899. Frontier consciousness in American literature. By llbert James Von Prank. Hicrofilm. Albert James Von Frank; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889899.

A889900. Spin wave propagation in Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with finite length. By York lu Banq. Hicrofila. e York Yu sang; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); AB89900.

A889901. An Analysis of business and office education related to aanpower needs for educational planning in Thailand. By Kwanthai Uanq-Odoa. Hicrofila. O Kwanthai Hanq-Odoa; 1SAug77 (in notice: 1976); A889901.

A889902. The Deaocratic Party midterm conference, 1974: an assessment of utility and impact. By Boy Edward Green. Hicrofilm. C Boy Edward Green; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889902.

A889903. Genetic markers in human semen. By Edward Thomas Blake. Hicrofilm. Edward Thomas Blake; 151ug77 (in notice: 1976); 1889903.

1889904. Cutting schedule for truss type number 701. 1 V. on compilation of column headings, arrangement of data 6 illus. ; Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 17Hay71; A889904.

A889905. PIB magazine advertising analysis: class totals by magazine and media totals, June 1977. Vol. 30, no. 6. Coapiled by Leading National Advertisers, Inc. Sheets. Add. ti: Analysis of June 1977 magazine advertising. Appl. au: Publishers Information Bureau, Inc. O Publishers Inforaation Bureau, Inc.; 23Auq77; A889905.

A889906. Traininq manual for tutors and independent students: English as a second lanquage. Pt. 1. By Bargarete H. Schwabe La Boche. 1 v. Bargarete a. Schwabe La Boche; 15Hay77; A889906.

A889907. Computing at Dartmouth, 1973-1976: a report on the activities of the Kiewit computation Center. Edited by Thomas E. Byrne & Christine U. Thompson. 58 p. O Trustees of Dartmouth college; 12Au977; A889907.

A889908. Business conditions. Hay 1977. Foi.der. American Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 11Hay77; Ae89908.

A889909. Business conditions, August 1977. Folder. Aaerican Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 12Aug77; A889909.

A839910. Business conditions, July 1977. Folder. Aaerican Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 13Jul77; 1889910.

1889911. Business conditions, June 1977. Folder. laerican Telephone and Telegraph Company; 10Jun77; 1889911.

1839912. The Commodity option guide — using the call option in actual aarket situations. 14 p. Appl. au: Gary E. Hiller. Gary E. Hiller; 29Aaq77; A889912.

A889913. Dra^ Bace; illustrated parts catalog. 30 p. O Atari. Inc.; 11Auq77; A889913.

A889914. Time 2000; operation, maintenance 6 service manual. 76 p. O Atari, Inc.; 19Jul77; A389914.

A889915. Starship 1; operation, maintenance 6 service aanual. 42 p. O Atari, Inc.; 13JU177; A889915.

A889916. Sprint 8; operation, aaintenance, service e illustrated parts manual. 67 p. e Atari, Inc.; 16Aug77; Aa89916.

A889917. The Johnstown flood, 1977. Edited by J. Ververs Cruse 6 Elizabeth Taggart. 1 v. Appl. au: Galen Cruse, Jr. NH: com- pilation. Jujulab Corporation: 29JU177; AB89917.

1889918. The Panchronicon plot. By Bon Goulart. 156 p. Bon Goulart; 3Feb77; A889918.

A889919. Renegade of Kregen. By Alan Burt Ikers, pseud, of U. Kenneth Bulmer, illustrated by John R. Gaughau. 192 p. (Dray Prescot, 13) O Daw Books, Inc.; 6Dec76: A889919.

A889920. The Year's best horror stories: series 6. Edited by Gerald «. Page. 208 p. NH; anthology compilation with introd. & some stones. Daw Books, Inc.; 3llov76; A38992a.

A889921. Drinking sapphire wine. By Tanith Lee. 175 p. e Tanith Lee; 6Jan77; A889921.

A889922. Supermind. By Alfred E. Van Vogt. 176 p. O A. E. Van Vogt; 6Jan77; A889922.

A889923. The Heird of the white wolf. By Hichael

Hoorcock. 159 p. Portions prev. pub.


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