Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/510

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A890923 - A890966
JUL-DEC. 1977

&890923 (con.) (Thoughts From Above, no. 131) Thoughts from ibove: 25Jun77; i890923.

i89092U. Leaves and memories fall. Thought: William Euqene Butler, art; Karen Pieroni. Folder. (Thoughts From Above, no- 130) Thoughts from Above; 25Jun77; A890924.

A890925. Business reply card. © Southern TimbergroHers, Inc.; 1Jan77: A890925.

A890926. Sybil Leek's Psychic test kit- Edited by Hichael Bomkey. Appl. an; Hilla Oswalt Kuncl. NH: additional text S, compilation. e Hilla Oswalt. Inc.; 28Jun77: A890926.

A890927. After divorce. Art work by Lois Neitzel- 27 p. Appl- au: fiosalie Durante & Hary Gennerman- 6 Rosalie Durante, aary Genneroan, Lois Neitzel, Terri O'Connor & Harriet Osumi: 21Sar77; A890927-

A890928- A Multimedia instructional package on water pollution control for secondary school students in Camden County vocational and technical schools, Gloucester Township Campus, Sicklerville, New Jersey 08081- By Richard T- Jenkins- Sheets (5^ p- ) & slides. Appl. states some of the slides are copies of those purchased from Rater Pollution Control Federation. NHi new script & text. e Richard T- Jenkins; 19Aug77: A890928.

A890929- The Perimatics system — pricing service; terminal assembly manual for piping groups- Bidding manual TAM-2, Sept. 1, 1976, appendix A. 1 v. Appl. au; Harvey W. Perry- Harvey H. Perry; 21JU177: S890929.

A890930- Earth photo globe. 1 v. Appl. au: Jonathan Block Friedman & Ivan Kreitman O Jonathan Friedman e Ivan Kreitman; 1Jul77; Ae90930-

A890931. God of the city streets. By Theodore L. Conklin. 1 p. € Isabell Conklin; 20Apr77: A890931.

A890932. CB radio handbook, spring 1977. Editor-in-chief: Hubert P. Luckett 6 other editors. 1 v. Appl. au: Times Mirror nagazines. Inc. 3 Times Hirror Magazines, Inc.; 1»ar77: A890932-

A890933- Lights (ATA number 33) thrust reverser lights — modification of- Gulfstream 2, aircraft service change no. 196- 12 p. Q Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 6Jun77; A890933-

A89093II. Save money on prescriptions; how to get lower prices and better service. 1 v. Appl. au; Jeffrey Harmon (Jeff Harmon) Jeff Harmon; 11Aug77; AS9093'I.

A890935. Price of preludice: the dangers of a closed mind. By Manly P. Hall. 13 p. (Lecture notes, lecture no. 216) O The Philosophical Research Society, Inc. ; 25Peh77; A890935.

A890936. Rolling thunder. Novelization by Richard L. Graves, screenplay by Paul S. Schrader & Heywood Gould. 222 p. Appl. au; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corpo- ration, e Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation; lMar77; Aa90936.

A890937. Paris. By Sam Dodson. 222 p. Appl. au: Series International, Inc. @ Series International, Inc.; 1Mar77; A890937.

Ae90938. Mathematics test T. 7 p. Appl. au: MAA Committee on Placement Tests, J. E. Keisler, chrm. £ Betty J. Binman. © The Mathematical Association of America, Inc.; 2Aug76: A890938-

A890939. Mathematics test A/2. 7 p. Appl. au: MAA Committee on Placement Tests, J- E. Keisler, chrm. £ Betty J. Hinman. The Mathematical Association of America, Inc. ; 2Auq76: A890939.

A890940. The Lamentations of an expectant father. By George B. Abernethy. 1 p. O George B. Abernethy; 19Hay77; A8909a0.

A89a9l41. Research recommendations, February 1977. Sheets. Q International Conference of Building Officials; 21Peb77: A8909tl.

AB9091I2. Sell your house or condominium without paying a commission! New California ed. By F- L- Burnham, pseud- of Laurence Burnham Fredericks. 3rd rev- ed- 75 p- Add- ti: Sell your house without paying a commission! @ F- L- Burnham, pseud- of Laurence Burnham Fredericks; 28Jun77; A8909I12.

A890943. Embroidery stitches from old American quilts. By Dorothy Bond, calligraphy £ illus. by Donlynna Peterson. 30 p. © Dorothy Bond; 21Jul77; A89091t3.

A8909mt- Jerry Snyder's Chord charts guitar- Folder. Appl. au: Charles Hansen Educational Music and Books, employer for hire. NM: compilation £ text. © Charles Hansen Educational Music and Books, a division of Charles Hansen Music and Books, Inc.; 31Dec76: A8909a4.

A8909lt5. Competitive analysis; attached single family. Sheets. NM: editorial revision fi additional text. 3 Home Data Corporation; 29JU177; A8909a5.

A8909U6. And sweep the skies. By Elizabeth Cron (Elizabeth Cron Harrison) 1 v. 3 Elizabeth Cron Harrison (in notice; Elizabeth Cron); 30Apr77; A8909it6-

A890947. The Lyricist. Vol. 11, 1976-1977. By Debra Beale 6 others. 77 p. 6 The Lyricist; 15May77; A8909t7.

A890948. Trip tag tally. Card. Appl. au: Mark S. skovira. © Leonard D. skovira 6 Karen M. Merritt; 28Mar77; A89094a.

A890949. Encounters with Jesus: meet the Lord. By James J. DiGiacomo £ John Halsh. 97 p. e Hinston Press, Inc.; 2 6Jul77; A8909119.

A890950- Love and let grow; reflections on family living. By Herb Montgomery £ Mary Montgomery. 63 p. 3 Herb E Mary Montgomery: 18Jul77; A890950.

A890951. Real living: a small-group life experience with the Gospel of Luke. Pt. 1. By Mary Ilvisaker Nilsen. 1 v. O Winston Press, Inc.; 26Jul77: A890951.

A890952. Be an artist in your kitchen; 101 successful cooking-kitchen ideas from the Master Chef's kitchen. 1 1 p. Appl. au: Joseph Meyer. 3 Reliable Enterprises; 5JU177; A890952.

A890953. Even if you don't understand the numbers, you can still spot the misfiled folder with spin file standard color coding systems. 10 p. 3 Methods Research Corporation; 1Dec76; A890953.

A890954. Buyers manual: scheduling board kits. 15 p. © Methods Research Corporation; 1Feb77; A890954.

A890955. Magnetic and T-card scheduling board kits; special school catalog- 7 p- 9 Methods Research Corporation; 10May77; A890955-

A8909S6. Visual control boards for hospital and health care facilities. lip. 3 Methods Research Corporation; 1Mar77; A890956-

A890957- Gradual psalms and alleluia verses for the church year. Prepared by Howard E- Galley. 59 p- NM; arr- £ selection. 3 Charles Mortimer Guilbert as custodian of the Standard book of common prayer; 12JU176; A890957.

A890958. Southern California Singles Register. 2 p. 6 Aldo lorli d.b.a. Southern California Singles Register; 16Jul77; A890958.

A890959. Great legal, moral victory. By Josephine L. Hindman. 1 v. 3 Josephine L. Hindman a.k.a. Jo Hindman: 1Jul77; A890959.

A890960. Tone deaf- 12 p. Appl. au: John Joseph Williams. 3 John J. Williams and Family; Laurencia, Laurie, Clifford 6 Melanie; 11JU177; A890960.

A890961. Graduate school guide, 1977- 16 p. Appl. au: The Catholic News, employer for hire- © The Catholic News Publishing company, Inc-; 3Sep76; A890961-

A8909e2. Lackawanna route in central New Tork- 32 p. Appl. au: Albert J. Kallfelz. 8 Central New York Chapter, National Railway Historical Society, Inc. ; 16Feb77; A890962.

A890963. Life in Lyme; from clouds of war to dawn of a century, 1860-1900. By Adeline Wright, drawings by Martha Burr. 100 p. 3 Historic Lyme Village Association; 12Dec76; Aa90963.

A890964. The Pyatte family of western North Carolina. By Martha A. Pyatte. 114 p. © Martha A. Pyatte; 23Jul77; A890964.

A890965. World thrust, world involvement profile: confidential profile. Folder. NM: editorial revision. 3 Campus crusade for Christ, Inc.; 21May77; A890965.

A89a9e6. The Elements of philosophy; a compendium for philosophers and theologians. By William A. Wallace. 338 p. Appl. au: Society of Saint Paul, employer for hire.

NM: additional text E editorial revision.


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