Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/557

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4892893 (con.) 1970 through 1977; 1978 Blue Book. Cat. no. OBG-20. 20th ed.. enl. 6 rev. 392 p. &dd. ti: Outboard boat trade-in quide, 1978. © lotertec Publishinq Corporation; 7Sep77: H892893.

»89289K. Official caopinq trailer and travel trailer trade-in quide, 1978; 1971 through 1977. Cat. no. CTTG-11. 11th ed. , enl. 6 rev. 328 p. idd. ti: Camping and travel trailer trade-in quide, 1978. O Intertec Publishinq corporation; 6Sep77; A89289I4.

A892895. Essential otolarvngology; a board preparation and concise reference. Edited by K. J. Lee. 2nd ed. 592 p. Prev. ti. : The Otolaryngology boards: a preparation quide. Medical Exaaination Publishinq CoBpany, Inc.; 19iua77: 4892895.

1892896. Dental exanination reviev book; 3,601 BUltiple choice questions & referenced answers. Vol. 1. Edited by Jlvin F. Gardner. 5th ed. 500 p. O Medical Examination Publishinq Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; J892896.

A892897. Fundamentals of homeostasis; a clinical approach to fluid, electrolyte, acid-base £ enerqy metabolism in health & disease. By Harwell Borow. 2nd ed. 189 p. Prev. ti. : Physioloqic responses in health and disease. Medical Examination Publishinq Company, Inc.; 1Sep77: &892897.

i892898. Ambulatory care nursing procedure and employee health service manual. By Beatrice L. Deutsch. 333 p. C Medical Examination Publishinq Company, Inc.; 1Sep77; A892898.

A892899. Pediatric radioloqy case studies; 81 case histories related to pediatric radioloqy. By Boward A. Uexier 6 Catherine A. Poole. 377 p. C Medical Examination Publishinq company. Inc.; 23Auq77; 4892899.

A892900. A Sacrifice of dogs. By Billiam Sprunt. 52 p. O Uilliam Sprunt; 12Nov76; A892900.

A892901. Pinecrest: past and present. By Carl Torkel Fisher. 19 p. O Carl Torkel Fisher; 30May77; A892901.

A892902. Goin* up Gandy: a history of the Dry Pork Beqion of Bandolph and Tucker Counties, Best virqinia. By Don Teter. 135 p. £ 1 p. Don Teter; 314ug77: 4892902.

4892903. Keyed to succeed; success with volunteers. 11 p. Appl. an: Bichard Claber Helch. Bichard Claber Welch; 2l*Auq77; A892903.

A8929014. The Moon is me. By E. Maxwell James a.k.a. James Edward Maxwell. i(U p. E. Maxwell James a.k.a. Jares E. Maxwell; 8Apr77: A89290U.

A892905. Wild preserves: illustrated recipes for over IOC natural iaas € lellies. By Joseph P. Freitus. 192 p. O Stone Ball Press. Inc.; 6Sep77: A892905.

A892906. Onirear. Printout. Appl. au: Ira Lee

A892907. The Triple crown: Kelmscott, Doves, and Ashendene. By Colin Franklin. 19 p. Add. ti: Franklin: the triple crown, d Southern Methodist Oniversity; 1Sep77; 4892907.

A892908. Hhy ioin the church? 1 v. Appl. au: Paul A. Cedar. O Paul 4. Cedar; 1Aug77; A892908.

4892909. The American Society of Dowsers, Inc- membership list, 1977. 52 p. The American Society of Dowsers, Inc.; 1Sep77; A892909.

A892910. Practice of surgery. Editor: Barry S. Goldsmith. 1 v. MB: 950 new pages. 6 Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc., Medical Department (in notice: Barper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.); 8Auq77: A892910.

A892911. The Deacon and his ministry. By Bichard L. Dresselhaus. 96 p. O Gospel Publishinq House; 16Auq77: A892911.

A892912. That none be lost. By Oliver V. Dalaba. 127 p. O Gospel Publishing House; 16Aug77; 4892912.

A892913. Primary melody makers: symbols; teacher's manual. By Judith Nicholson Uerner. 80 p. O Gospel Publishinq House; 16Aug77; A892913.

A892914. Environmental sciences. By Kathryn F. Granger, illustrated by Cheryl L. Granger. 192 p. O Kathryn F. Granqer; 6Sep77; A892914.

A892915. Practical formation evaluation- interpretation methods. By George E. Pickett. 90 p. NM: additions. George B. Pickett; 29Aug77; Aa92915.

4892916. The State government. Pt. 1. 2nd ed. 30 p. e Maryland 4ssaciati.on for Eetarded Citizens, Inc.; 18Sep77; 4892916.

4892917. Becords of Crawford County, 4rkansas marriage book 4, 1877-1880. Early Gazette records of marriages of Crawford County, 1829 to 18U2. Early Van Buren Press records of marriages of Crawford County, 1860-1875. Compiled by oma Cole 6 Hazel Brown. 80 p. O Oma Cole £ Hazel Brown; 1Sep77; A892917.

A892918. Polytechnic diagnostic clinic and holistic health research; a comprehensive program proposed by World Oniversity in Oiai. Folder (6 p.) © World Oniversity in 01ai; 31Aug77; A892918.

A892919. Cotton. Folder. O K and fi Specialty Advertising Company, Inc.; 1Sep77; A892919.

A892920. Songs of Nosferatu. By Helen Amelia Bobbins a.k.a. Helen Wheels. 1 v. O Helenback Music, Inc.; 15Aug77; A892920.

A892921. The Memories kit. Appl. au: Patricia c. Von Dollen — Patricia Carls. O Patricia C. Von Dollen £ Frederick C. Von Dollen d.b.a. Patricia Carls; 10Aug77; 4892921.

A892922. Jokes and anecdotes for all occasions. By Balph L. Marquard, pseud, for Hart Publishinq Commpany, Inc. staff. 117 p. NM: compilation, additional text £ pictorial matter. O Bart Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jul77; A892922.

A892923. Judging one meter diving. By J. D. Beeves £ D. A. Petersen. 03 p. J. D. Beeves £ D. A. Petersen; 13Feb77: A892923.

A89292II. The Williamsburg calendar for enga- gements and almanack for the year of Our Lord 1978. lilus. by Vernon Wooten, compiled by Jon Haglund. 1 v. Appl. au: The Dietz Press, Inc. The Dietz Press, Inc.; 29Aug77; 4e9292t.

4892925. Thoughts. By Garry J. Fedele. 1 v. Garry J. Fedele; 7Sep77; 4892925.

4892926. Proceedings of the annual Conference on Partial Hospitalization. Edited by Baynond F. Luber, Jr., Joseph T. Maxey £ Paul B. Lefkovitz. 121 p. Held in 4tlanta, Sept. 18-20, 1976. Federation of Partial Hospitalization Study Groups, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4892926.

4892927. A Consumer's guide to sex, race and career bias in public school textbooks. By Gwyneth Britton £ Margaret C. Lumpkin. 299 p. Britton and 4ssociateE, Inc.; 314ug77; 4892927.

4892928. The Fruits of a college education. By 4braham Stein. 2 p. O Abraham Stein; 2Sep77; 4892928.

4892929. Palm Springs, California. Folder. Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau; 304ug77; 4892929.

4892930. The Monday morning quarterback, September 5, 1977. Folder (t p.) Appl. au: William Bobson Spaar. O National Eatings; 5Sep77; 4892930.

A892931. Hosier air cushion calculator. Appl. au: K. C. Hosier 2nd. Hosier Indus- tries, Inc.; 18JU177; A892931.

4892932. Bibliografia sobre Lydia Cabrera. By Bene Leon. 9 p. O Bene Leon; 9Sep77; t892932.

4892933. Consumer English: an individualized approach. By Gary G. Biggers. 1 v. Gary G. Biggers; 6Sep77; A892933.

A89293lt. Whatever became of the "dump cop"? By Irving Beyer. 8 p. O Irving Beyer; 234ug77; A8929311.

AB92935. South Dakota codified laws. General index, 1977 revision. 1089 p. Appl. au: Allen Smith Company. Formerly: South Dakota compiled laws, vol. 17. State of South Dakota; 314ug77; 4892935.

4892936. Comparing advertised specials with regular prices. Making the most of unit pricing. Comparing nutrients in foods you

eat. 3 p. (Food dollars and sense)


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