Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/581

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1893828 - »893868
JUL-DEC. 1977

A893a28. The Double E. By Percival Goodnan. 30U p. NM: additional text. C Percival Goodsaa: 9Sep77: A893828.

1893829. You and data maDaqenent, and other titles. U cards iu folder. Add. ti: EpsiloD introductocv brochure. Epsiloo Data Hanaqoent, Inc.; lSep77: A893829.

A893830. COBPUter systen checklist. 2 p. EpsiloQ Data Hanaqenent, Inc.; 16Sep77; A893830.

A893831. Al Jaffee's Next book. tritteo, drawn & quartered by Al Jaffee, asseabled by Harry Jaffee. 1 v. O.on conpilation; Al Jaffee; 2Aaq77; A893831.

t893832. Sonqs of stars and shadows. By Georqe B. B. Hartin. 2it0 p. NH: introd. e conpilation. Georqe B. B. Hartin; )Jul77: A893832.

A893833. a«A*S*H qoes to Hoscow. By Bichard Hooker* pseud, of Bichard Uornberqer« 6 Billiaa E. Sutterworth. 175 p. Bichard Hornberqer (pseud, is Bichard Hookert & Hilliam E. Butterworth: 1Sep77: A893833.

A89383It. Brak the barbarian versus the aark of the deaons. By John Jakes. 159 p. Add. ti: Brak versus the nark of the deaons. Prev. pub. in 1969. NH: revisions 6 additional text. C John Jakes; 1Sep77; A8938311.

A893835. The Soap opera quiz book. By Bill Adler & Alice Edaunds. 128 p. Bill Adler 6 Alice Edaunds; 1Sep77; A89383S.

A893836. The Lady of Hildersiey. By Josephine Edqar. 157 p. Josephine Edgar; 1Auq77; A893836.

A893837. The Doctor-poet of Patersoo and the science of art. By Leon John Schultz. Hicrofila. Leon John Schultz; 15Auq77; A893837.

A893838. Copyinq industry pricinq; special report. Auq. 15, 1977. 2 p. O tiainwriqht securities. Inc.; 15Auq77: A893838.

A893839. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation earnings revision and update; special report. Auq. 18. 1977. 8 p. O Bainwriqht Securities. Inc.: 18Auq77: A893839.

A8938lia. Howard Johnson Coapany; basic report. Auq. 11, 1977. 27 p. Hainwriqht Securities, Inc.; 11Auq77: A8938lt0.

A893eit1. Hhere Jesus lived. By Jane Uerner Watson, illustrated by Bonald LeBew. 1 v. Appl. au: Uestern Publishing Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. Western Publishinq Coopany. Inc. ; 4Auq77; A8938it1.

A8938U2. Bible stories froa the Old Testaaent. By Sinq Lee, illustrated by Jia Bobison. 1 V. Appl. au: Western Publishinq coapany. Inc., eaployer for hire. Western Publishinq Coapany. Inc.; IIAuq77: A8938't2.

illustrated by Darrell Baker. 1 v. Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc.. eaployer for hire. Warner Brothers, Inc.; 31Aaq77; A8938li3.

A8938I1'4. Stoneware. By Beqina Stewart £ Geraldine Cosentino. 128 p. (A Golden Handbook of collectibles) Appl. au: Western Publishinq Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Uestern Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 17Aug77: A8938itiJ.

A8938aS. Beep Beep the fioad Buaner. By Cecily Buth Hoqan, illustrated by Fred Daunno 6 Jill Daunno. 1 v. Appl. au: Warner Brothers. Inc., eaployer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; itAuq77; A89381IS.

A8938U6. Big Jia and the P.A.C.K. colorinq book. No. 1660. 1 V. Hattel. Inc.; 5Auq77; A8938IJ6.

A893847. your faaily roots: how to prepare your genealogy and write your life story--plus a faaily tree chart. By Williaa B. Jordan 3rd, desiqned by Bobert Handley, illustrated by Olindo Giacoaini. 6U p. Appl. au: Western Publishing Coapany. Inc., eaployer for hire. O Western Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 5Aug77; A8938lt7.

A8938U8. Bet';y Crocker's Dinner for two. Director of photography: John Garetti. 160 p. Appl. au: General Hills, Inc. hi: new cover. O General Hills, Inc.; 6Hay77; Aa93848.

A893849. Walt Disney's Pluto on the scent gaae. Kit. Appl. au: Walt Disney Productions. O Walt Disney Productions; 31Aug77; A6938K9.

A893850. Walt Disney's Goofy darn socks gaae. Kit. Appl. au: Walt Disney Productions. 6 Walt Disney Productions; 31Aug77; A893850.

A893851. The Cheaical and cellular basis of life. By Bonlta L. Boohk t Donald A. Lindsay. 99 p. (Biology: a look at life, book 1) Bonita L. Boohk £ Donald A. Lindsay; 11JU177: A893851.

A893852. The Biology of organisas. By Bonita L. Boohk £ Donald A. Lindsay. 183 p. (Biology: a look at life, book 2) O Bonita L. Boohk fi Donald A. Lindsay; 11JU177; A893852.

A893853. Laboratory inquiries into concepts of biology. By williaa Andresen, Bichard A. Boutwell, Bichard Crualey, Harry F. Force, Leo A. Galloway, Donald J. Bobbins £ Thoaas Bachow. 3rd ed. 120 p. Appl. au: Biology Department, Hissouri Western State College. Biology Department, Hissouri Western State College; 29Jul77; A893853.

A893854. Laboratory exercises in biology. By Bobert T. Kirkwood. 79 p. C Bobert T. Kirkwood; 1 1Jul77; A8938S4.

A893855. Betailing perspectives. Septeabcr 1977; a aonthly research coaaentary. By Ira Hersch. 16 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen fiesearch Corporation. The Fourteen fiesearch corporation; 9Sep77; A893855.

A893856. Coaputer- based services industry: Autoaatic Data Processing, Inc.. Septeaber 1977. Froa Bobert K. O'Connor. 15 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Cor- poration. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 8Sep77; A893856.

A893857. Telephone news. Septeaber 10. 1977. By williaa Bucknell. 8 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 10Sep77; A893857.

A8938S8. Spotlight: Aaerican District Telegraph Coapany. Septeaber 9. 1977. By John D. Siaaons. 6 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 9Sep77; A893e5e.

A8938S9. Options and convertible bonds: a portfolio aanageaent technique, option strategy. By Howard Diaaond. 2 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen fiesearch corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 19Aug77; A893859.

A89386a. A Natural gas position now I By Theodore B. King. 10 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 1Sep77; A893860.

A893e61. The Otility attrition index, Septeaber 1977. By Williaa H. Bucknell. 5 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Cor- poration. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 1Sep77; A893861.

A893862. Balone and Hyde, lac, August 30. 1977. By E. Coe Kerr E Ira Hersch. 2 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 3aAug77; A893862.

A893B63. Dividend growth aonitor, August 1977. By williaa P. O'Connor. Jr. £ Sandra A. Ferrer. 10 p. Appl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 19Aug77; A893863.

A893861I. Fuel (ATA nnaber 28) integral fuel tank repairs. 10 p. (Single engine aircraft service kit, no. 140) Gruaaan Aaerican Aviation Corporation; 16Sep77; A893e64.

A893865. Engine (ATA nuaber 75) induction air filter asseably — replaceaent of. 2 p. (Single engine aircraft service kit, no. 133) Gruaaan Aaerican Aviation Corporation; 14Sep77; A893865.

A893866. Navigation (ATA 34) — inspection of pitot/static systea's hookups. Customer bulletin no. 251. 3 p. O Gruaaan Aaerican Aviation Corporation; 24Aug77; A893866.

A893867. Engine (ATA 72) — inspection of TI cannister inlet scoop for leaks. Custoaer bulletin no. 232, amendment 1. 2 p. O Gruaaan Aaerican Aviation Corporation; 8Sep77: A893e67.

A893868. Flight controls (ATA nuaber 27) noraalized angle of attack indication- -installation of. Aircraft service change no. 185, amendaent 1. 1 v. O Gruaaan Aaerican Aviation Corporation; 9Sep77;



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