Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/592

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A89a265 - 4894305
JUL-DEC. 1977

489a265. God*s will in ny life in pcose and poetry- By Elizabeth Bebecca nartin Huqhes. It. e Elizabeth Bebecca Huqhes — nee Martin; 10Sep77; 4894265.

4894266. Teaching touard a faithful vision; participant's manual. By The Task Force on Christian Education for Horld Peace. 60 p. NH: additions, coDpilations & revisions. Discipleship Besources; 1Sep77; 4894266.

4894267. Teaching toward a faithful vision: leader's nanual. By The Task Force on Christian Education for Horld Peace. 75 p. NH: additions, coapilations G revisions. Discipleship Besources: 1Sep77; 4894267.

4894268. Interpreting the eclipses. By Bobert Carl Jansky. 1 v. e Bobert Carl Jansky; 29JU177: 4894268.

4894269. The 4ICP4/Tyiiishare library: list of programs. Folder. lynshare. Inc. ; 8Sep77: 4894269.

4894270. Tvmshare provides continuing education to CPAs. 2 p. O Tymshare, Inc. : 8Sep77; 4894270.

4894271. The Road to a super saile. Designed by Susan Gaylord Buxton. 24 p. Appl. au: B. G. 41exander. B. G. 41exander, Inc. (in notice: B. G. 41exander) ; 3Dec76; 4894271.

4894272. Onited Nations iooen's Guild cook book; a collection of international recipes. Divider illus. : Haria Davelaar. 176 p. 4ppl. au: United Nations Hoien's Guild. O Onited Nations Rosen's Guild: 12Sep77; 4894272.

4894273. Safe food handling; a booklet for people who nork Bith food served to the public. 11 p. Appl. au; Lois ieinberq Barron, e Lois Heinberg Barron; 1sep77: 4894273.

4894274. Book of the Order of Elijah the prophet. 22 p. 4ppl. au; John Bryant. @ Church of Christ (Patriarchal) ; 9Sep77; 4894274.

4894275. Crisis in Federal forest land nana- geaent; proceedings of a svaposium. Edited by Dennis c. Le Master £ Luke Popovich. 110 p. society of 4«erican Foresters e American Bar Association; 124Ug77: 4894275.

4894276. O un amy! essays on Montaigne in honor of Donald H. Frame. Edited by Baymond C. La charite. 341 p. English 6 French. © French Forum, Publishers^ Inc. ; 24Aug77; A894276.

A894277. The Theory of and instructions for the nen flip-top scale assembler. By Soger L. Lucas. 1 V. Boger L. Lucas; 15Aug77; A894277.

A894278. Atlas of Habasha County, Minnesota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all net* except some photos. & the county highway map. Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 22Apr77: 4894278.

A894279. Atlas of Murray County, Minnesota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states ail new except some photos. & the county highway map. Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 274pr77: A894279.

4894280. 4tla5 of Barnes County, North Dakota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. & the county highway map. 6 Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 27Jul77; A894280.

A894281. Atlas of Faribault County, Minnesota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. 4ppl. states all new except some photos. 6 the county highway map. Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 1SJul77; 4894281.

4894262. A British ranchero in old California; the life and times of Henry Dalton and the Bancho Azusa. By Sheldon G. Jackson. 265 p. 9 The Arthur H. Clark Company; 9Sep77: 4894282.

4894283. Multinational electronics companies and national economic policies. By Edmond Sciberras, foreword by C. Freeman. 328 p. (Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis: an international series of monographs, vol. 6) JAI Press, Inc.; 30Aug77; 4894283.

4894284. The NFL's Official encyclopedic history of professional football. Edited, written 6 compiled by Tom Bennett, David Boss, Jim Campbell, Seymour Siwoff, Bick Smith 6 John Hiebusch, prepared by the Creative Services Division, National Football League Properties, Inc. 512 p. 4ppl. au: National Football League Properties, Inc. "4 Diagram history of football" from the book. The Pro style by Tom Bennett. Q National Football League Properties, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4894284.

4894285. The International album of wine; your personal record of wine labels and tastes. By Steven J. Schneider, designed by Paul Bacon, maps by Jill Ueber, illus. by Paul Bacon, prepared by Vineyard Books, Inc. 288 p. Vineyard Books, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4894285.

4894286. Conversation in December; a play in one scene. By Ethol Pullen. 16 p. e Ethol Pullen: 12Sep77; 4394286.

A894287. Enchanting contemplation. By Jack B. Abrams & Audrey B. Abrams. 44 p. 6 J. Bama 4brams E sita 4brams; 304ug77; A894287.

4894288. The Young wrestler. By Thompson Clayton. 80 p. Thompson Clayton; 1Sep77; A894288.

A894289. North Pork and Shelter Island guidebook. Edited by James I. Masters. 114 p. James I. Masters: 254ug77; 4894289.

4894290. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of coronary heart disease. By Elias S. Hanna. 20 p. O Elias s. Banna; 14ttg77; A894290.

A894291. Theater and revolution in France since 1968. By Judith Graves Miller. 169 p.

A894292. Sailing and yachting first aid. By John J. Bergan, with drawings by Dick Latham £ Kathy Sisson. 43 p. Add. ti: DSYEO sailing and yachting first aid. John Bergan; 12Sep77; 4894292.

4894293. Helping children communicate through written language. By Janet Kathlyn Kierstead. 69 p. e Janet K. Kierstead; 104ug77; 4894293.

A894294. Hestgo adaptor kit for drill fill seed treatment applicator; instruction booklet. 4 p. e Gustafson, Inc.; 6Sep77; A894294.

A894295. Bonda service repair handbook 125-250cc Elsinores, 1973-1977. By Mike Bishop, editor: Eric Jorgcnsen. 2nd ed. rev. by Jim Coombs. 151 p. Appl. au : Clymer Publications a.a. d.o. Andleer, Inc. Clymer Publications a. a. d.o. 4ndleer, Inc.; 22Aug77; A894295.

A894296. Honda service repair handbook 100-350cc 4 stroke singles. 1970-1977. Editor; Eric Jorgensen. 4th ed. 228 p. Appl. au: Clymer Publications a. a. d.o. Andleer, Inc- e Clymer Publications a.a. d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 28Aug77; A894296.

A894297. Missouri sources of proof. 2nd ed. 1 V. e The Missouri Bar; 29Jul77; 4894297.

4894298. New York City: Bhat! why? Here?! Edited by Douglas B. Ayres. 133 f © Douglas R. Ayres; 10Aug77; A894298.

A894299. Automotive jobbers net price list. Bholesale catalog no. 1040, fall 1977. 73 p. Appl. au: Jack M. Cleaveland. S Jack M. Cleaveland; 1Sep77; A894299.

A894300. Beal Estate Selling Skills. 2 v. , card £ sheets (3 p.) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45505, in folder. O Golle and Holmes corporation; 29Jul77; A894300.

A894301. Code of ordinances, town of Greensboro, Florida; adopted May 2, 1977, effective June 30, 1977. 1 v. O Municipal Code Corporation; 18Jul77; A894301.

A8943a2. Capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1400, Aug. 25, 1977. Sheets. 6 Commerce clearing House, Inc.; 25Aug77; A894302.

A89430 3. Capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1397, Aug. 4, 1977. sheets. Q Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 4Aug77; 4894303.

4894304. Capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1398, 4ug. 11, 1977. Sheets. Q Commerce clearing House, Inc.; 114ug77; 4894304.

A394 305. Capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1399, Aug. 18, 1977. Sheets. Q Commerce Clearing House,

Inc.; 18Aug77; A894305.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.