Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/614

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A895196 - A8952110
JUL-DEC. 1977

A895195 (con.) Yankevicz. C Hestern Industries^ Inc.; 6Sep77: A895195.

A895196. Product and route data for marketing strategy. 1 ». 8 Quality Bakers of America Cooperative, Inc.; 7Sep77: A895196.

A895197. Production standards and cost on manufacturing operations. 1 v. 6 Quality Bakers of America Cooperative, Inc.; 7Sep77: A895197.

A895198. A Proposal to provide bousing program analysis services for developing countries. 1 v. 6 Arthur Young and Company: 29Aug77; A895198.

A895199. Single family residential construction: contemporary design data- Segment 3: terminal pro-ject. By David 1. Partridge, issued by the Boston Architectural Center, School of Architecture. 133 p. David I. Partridge: 18Jul77: Ae93199,

A895200. Florida statutes annotated, advance annotation service, August 1976-juIt 1977. U41 p. Add, ti: P.S.A, advance annotation service, August 1976-July 1977. The Harrison Company; 30Aug77: A895200.

A895201. ANA Convention 76: summary proceedings; American Nurses' Association 50th Convention. June 6-11, 1976, Atlantic City, NJ. 208 p. @ American Nurses' Association: 15Aug77; A895201.

A895202. Murphy, Provolt, including listings for Grants Pass* on, September 1977. e Continental Telephone Company of the North»est, Inc.; 1Sep77; A895202,

A89520'3. Movie mirror yearbook. No, 22, Editor: Connie Berman, art editor: Andren Newman. 90 p, Sterling's Magazines, Inc; 30Aug77: Ae95203.

A8952011. Data Center's househunting report. 2 p. Appl. au: Kenneth Trustman. e Kenneth Trustman; 10Sep77: A89520it.

A895205. Extension manual. 1 v. Appl. au: Paul Sublewski. Appl. states all material is new except Appendix C which has been edited. Appendix C also pub. in Training manual for volunteers. Catholic Charities, parish community services. © Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, Archdiocese of Chicago, Inc.; 30Aug77; A895205.

A895206. The Desert. 1 p. Appl. au: Jesse P. Thompson (Jess Thompson) . Q Jess Thompson: 1Aug77; A8 95206.

A895207. San Francisco: a city to remember. Photography by Philip A. Arnot, text 6 graphics by Elvira C. Monroe. 1 v. O Wide World. Inc.; 1Sep77; A895207.

A895208. Persian rugs: an introduction. By George Barkhordarian. 1 v. e George Barkhordarian; iesep77: A895208.

A895209. Physical therapy in the management of common musculoskeletal disorders. By Randolph n. Kessler. Sheets (19S p.) DM: editorial revisions 6 additions. Randolph M. Kessler (in notice: Bandy Kessler); 8Jul77; A895209.

A895210. Introduction to computer programming: structured Cobol. By Gary B. Shelly 6 Thomas J. Cashman. 1 v. 9 Anaheim publishing Company; 29JU177: A895210.

A895211. Music game. Kit. Appl. au: Eamona Dysart Hichenfelder. Ramona Dysart Michenfelder: 5Aug77: AB95211.

5895212. Struggle; a family game. By David L- Magiera. Kit. Prev. reg. A96a690. NH: revision. David L. Magiera d.b.a, D. Magiera Company; 1Apr75 (in notice: 1971;) : A895212.

A895213. Code of Georgia annotated. Books 1-14. 17-34 6 general index. 1977 cumulative pocket parts. Prepared by the editorial staff of the Harrison Company. 6 The Harrison Company; 26Aug77; A895213.

A895214. Eorsehead money kit. d Quality Bill Gifts; 29Aug77; A895214.

A895215. De Haen drugs in use. Cards 1350-1609. Paul De Haen, Inc.; 8Aug77; A895215.

A895216. De Haen drugs in use. Cards 1079-'r345. e Paul De Haen, Inc.; 27Jul77; i895216.

A895217, Crazy Mary. By John Benton. 157 p. John Benton; 6Sep77; A895217.

A895218. Christmas. By Charles Livingstone Allen 6 Charles Langiiorthy Kallis. 158 p. NN: pref. O Fleming H. Revell Company; 12Sep77: Aa95218.

A895219. Field guide to Acadia National Park, Maine. By Bussell D. Butcher. 240 p. Russell D. Butcher; 1Aug77: A895219,

A895220. Mary for today. By Patricia Noone. 180 p. Thomas More Association; 8Sep77: Ae95220.

A895221, Car buyer beware or be ripped off! By Phillip G. Fields, as told to Thomas N, Lynch 6 Honora M. Lynch, illus. by Richard Richie. 157 p. 6 Phillip G. Fields 6 Thomas 6 Honora Lynch; 30Aug77; A895221.

Ae95222. Catalogue of the Green Tree collection- By Anthony N. B. Garvan 6 Carol A. Hoitowicz, with photos, by Bill Brown. 165 p. a The Mutual Assurance Company; 7Sep77: A895222.

A895223. Alaska: wilderness frontier. By Boyd Norton, foreword: Cecil D. Andrus, introd,: John F. Seiberling. 159 p. O Boyd Norton; 15Jul77: A895223.

A895224. Brachicpods from the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters. By Gustav Arthur Cooper. 211 p. (Studies in tropical oceanography, no. 14) University of Miami Press; 22Aug77; A895224.

A895225. Cellulose and fiber science develop- ments: a world view; a symposium sponsored by the Cellulose, Paper and Textile Division at the 171st meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, NY, Apr. 5-9, 1976. Editor: Jett C. Arthur, Jr. 287 p. American Chemical Society: 22Aug77; A895225.

A895226. An Anthology and analysis of 17th and 18th century French libertine fiction- By Barry Ivker. 263 p. English 6 French, NM: critical comoentary. 6 Barry Ivker; 26Aug77; A895226.

A895227. A Comparative economic history of Latin America, 1500-1914, Vol. 1: Mexico. By Laura Begina Rosenbaum Randall. 292 p. © Laura Randall; 24Aug77; A895227.

A895228. Career development program- Phases 1-7. Multiple volumes. Add. ti: Butler Shoe Division career development program. © Zale Corporation; 1Sep77; A895228.

A895229. Aces out. © Hulen Ford; V. Appl. au: Hulen Ford. 14Sep77; A895229.

A895230. Selimah — perceptions of the piscean poet. 33 p. Appl. au; Carol Nemoy a,k.a. Carol Selimah Nemoy. 6 Carol Nemoy; 14Sep77; A895230.

A895231. The Country store, the general store of yesterday. By Elmer L. Smith, photography by Melvin J. Horst. 32 p. Elmer 1. Smith 6 Melvin J. Horst; 15Apr77; A895231.

A895232. The Lives and patronage of cA'ishan Bint Talhah Ibn cObayd Allah and Sukaynah Bint al-Husayn Ibn cAli in Kitab al-Aghani. By Kay Hardy Hanson. Ill p. © Kay Hardy Hanson; 5Jul77; A895232.

A895233. The Rules governing the application of medieval Arabic circumstantial adverb and the disputes concerning them. By Gary Alan Campbell. 51 p. English e Arabic. O Gary Alan Campbell; 9Jan77: A895233.

A895234. Blairsville, PA. and nearby communities. September 1977. © Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania: 2Sep77; A895234.

A895235. Indiana, PA, and nearby communities, September 1977. Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 2Sep77; A895235.

A895236. Downsville, Eau Galle. Elk Lake, BI, and others telephone directory, September 1977. Q West Wisconsin Telephone Cooperative. Inc; 1Sep77; A895236,

A895237. Englewocd. TN, including listings for Athens. Charleston, and others telephone directory, September 1977, © Englewood Telephone Company; 1Sep77; A895237.

A895238. How to become a fully functioning human being. with Elaine C. Lehman. 1 *. (The Be book, section 1) O Elaine C. Lehaan; 10Sep77; A895238-

A895239. How to make more money on auto body repairs and auto collision claims. By L, George, pseud, of Lloyd George Gohn. 46 p. © Lloyd G, Gohn (in notice; L. George); 14Sep77; A895239.


Basic statistical data of New Jersey school districts. Research bulletin


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