Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/635

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A896032 <con.) Lelshsan. 110 p. Appl. au: Tte Chcistiao Science Publishioq Society, eaployer foe hire. These articles appeared in The Christian Science loucnal durinq the period 1971-1976. HH; compilation o£ articles prev. pub. in The christian Science Joarnal with new editorial Batter e art work. The Christian Science Publishing Society: 12Sep77; A896032.

4896033. Haqnalia Christ! Anericana. Books 1 & 2. By Cotton Hather, edited by Kenneth Ballard aordock, with the assistance of Elizabeth «. Miller. 500 p. Appl. au: Seorqe H. BilllaBS. NH: editinq, annotation, notes, index, "Cotton Bather," 6 "The Idea of the wilderness of the New World in the Maqnalia." The President and Fellows of Harvard Colleqs; 4Apr77; A896033.

K89603I4. Lookinq good: a quide for sen. By Charles Hix, photos, by Bruce ieber, drawinqs by Kas Sable. 219 p. on text; Charles Hix; 1Auq77: A89603il.

A896035. Lookinq qood: a quide for aen. By Charles Hix, photos, by Bruce Heber, drawinqs by Kas Sable. 219 p. on all oriqinal photos., except several which have appeared elsewhere; Bruce ieber; Uuq77: A896035.

A896036. Lookinq qood: a quide for aen. By Charles Bix, photos, by Bruce ueber, drawinqs by Kas Sable. 219 p. on drawinqs: Kas Sable; 1Auq77; A896036.

A896037. Current themes in linguistics: bilinaualisa* experiaental linquistics and lanquaqe typoloqies. Edited by Fred B. Eckaan. 277 p. Heaisphere Publishinq Corporation: 12Sep77; A89603T.

A896038. Henry Salt: huoanitariao reformer and aan of letters. By George Bendrick, with the special assistance of John F. Pontin. 228 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Oniversity of Illinois; 20Sep77; A896038.

A896039. Tito' s aaverick aedia: the politics of Bass coBBunications in Yugoslavia. By Sertrude Joch Robinson. 263 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Oniversity of Illinois; 6Sep77: A896039.

A8960ltO. The Nalnut door. By John Bersey, illustrated by Allan Hardon. 227 p. O on new text; John Bersey; 15Auq77; A8960ltO.

A8960lt1. Six aen. By Alistair Cooke. 205 p. The chapter on Edward 8 appeared oriqinally in slightly different fora in The New Yorker t the chapters on Hencken 6 Boqart appeared oriqinally in sliqhtly different fora in The Atlantic aonthly. O on new text, coapilation, revision G prev. uQpub. photo.; Alistair Cooke; 22Auq77: A8960lt1.

A8960I12. Neqotiations: social- psycho logical perspectives. Edited by Daniel Druckaan. <t16 p. Sage publications. Inc.; 26Aug77; A89601I2.

A896043. Technigues of becoainq wealthy. By Bichard B. Bush i the editors of O.S. News and Uorld Report Books, directing editor: Joseph NewaaA. 256 p. O O.S. News and Uorld Beport, Inc.; 2i4Aug77; A8960I13.

46960411. Husic theory: probleas and practices in the hxddle Ages and Henaissance. By Lloyd Oltan. 267 p. University of Hinnesota; 1Sep77; A896UiHl.

A89601I5. Prophecy and canon; a contribution to the study of Jewish origins. By Joseph Blenklnsopp. 206 p. O University of Notre Daae Press; 18Auq77; *8960'45.

A896046. The Public Treasury of colonial South Carolina. By Haurice A. Crouse. 1<i2 p. Oniversity of South Carolina; 29Jun77; A8960«6.

48960117. Corpus juris secundum: a coaplete restateaent of the entire Aaerican law. Vol. 81-814. By editor-in-chief: Arnold O. Ginnow & aanaging editor: George Gordon, assisted by the editorial staff of Uest Publishing Coapany. 2 v. Appl. au: Uest Publishing Coapany, eaployer for hire. NM: coapilation, revisions & additions. Uest Publishing Coapany; 10Aug77; A896047.

4896018. Federal supplement. ?ol. 1128. 1391 p. NH: coapilation, revisions 6 additions. Uest Publishing Coapany; 2ilAug77: 4896048.

4896049. Federal reporter, second series. Vol. 551. 1391 p. NH: coapilation, revisions & additions. O Uest Publishing Coapany; 30Aug77; A896049.

A896050. Desertification: environaental degradation in and around arid lands. Edited by Bichael H. Slantz with a foreword by Victor A. Kovda. 346 p. e Bestview Press, Inc.; 25Jul77: A896050.

A896051. New York City charter and adainistrative code annotated. Vol. 2. Edited by Edith L. Fisch. 528 p. Appl. au: Rilliaas Press, Inc. O Biiliaas Press, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4896051.

4896052. New York City charter and adainistrative code annotated. Vol. 2-A. Editor: Edith L. Fisch. 532 p. Appl. au: uilliaas Press, Inc. O Biiliaas Press, Inc.; 15Dec76: 4896052.

4896053. Uritinq Bysteries for young people. By Joan Lowery Nixon. 123 p. Joan Lowery Nixon; 254ug77: 4896053.

4896054. 4BU4 standard for quicklime and hydrated liae. 4UBA B202-77. revision of AHIA B202-65. 13 p. Appl. au: Paul Notari G J. E. Sinqley. NH: editorial revisions i additional text. O Aaerican Uater Borks 4ssociation; 20Sep77: 4896054.

A896055. Aaerican National Standard for gray-iron and ductile-iron fittings, 3 inches through 48 inches, for water and other liguids. 4NSI/AHIA C110-77, revision of A21. 10-1071 (4BUA C110-71) Adainistrative secretariat: Aaerican Hater Works Association, co-secretariats: Aaerican Gas Association G New England Hater Horks Association. 45 p. Appl. au: Paul Notari 6 Harold Kennedy. NS: editorial revisions 6 additional text. O 4Berican Hater lorks 4ssociation: 20Sep77; 4896055.

A896056. The Epilepsy fact book. By Barry Sands C Frances C. Biuters. 116 p. O F. 4. Davis Coapany; 8Sep77: 4896056.

4896057. The Scrutable feast; a guide to eating authentically in Chinese restaurants. By Dorothy Farris Lapidus. 246 p. English S Chinese. O Dorothy Facris Lapidus; 114ug77; 4896057.

4896058. Cow in the clinic and other alssionary stories froa around the world. Editor: G. Soger Schoenhals, introd. by Charles D. Kirkpatrick. 143 p. NO: coapilation G editing. Light and Life Press; 1Uug77; 4896058.

4896059. 4wake, By conscience! By David L. (IcKenna. 128 p. Baterial originally appeared in United evangelical action G others. NH: coapilation, editing G changes. Light and Life Press; 1Sep77; 4896059.

4896060. The Gouraet peanut butter cookbook. By Annabelle siaon (4nnabelle S. Cahn) , with illus. by the author. Ill p. 4nnabelle S. Cahn; 174pr75; 4896060.

AB96061. The Hanageaent of fashion aerchandising; a syaposiuB. Edited by Irene Cuaaing Kleeberg G B. Patrick Cash. 183 p. O National Betail Herchants 4ssociation; 2Jun77; 4896061.

4896062. Congers, Nyack, Orangeburg, NY, and vicinity neighborhood telephone directory, 1977-78. C New York Telephone Coapany; 29Aug77; A896062.

4896063. The Contra- bassoon: a guide to perforaance. By Cornelia Anderson Biggers. 4B p. Elkan-Vogel, Inc. ; 26Aug77: 4896063.

4896064. Bunkie, Harksville, L4, Hessaer, Saint Landry telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. O South central Bell Telephone coapany; 294ug77: 4896064.

A89606S. The ClassrooB observer; a guide for developing observation skills. By 4Qne E. Boeha G Bichard A. Beinberg. 109 p. O Teachers College, Coluabia Oniversity; 12Sep77; 4896065.

4896066. The Southern California conference on the media and the law. Edited G with a foreword by John Foley, Robert C. Lobdell G Eobert Trounson, illus. by Bait Stewart. 174 p. Held in Santa Barbara, C4, Feb. 12-13, 1977. O Times Hirror Company d.b. a. Los 4ngeles Times (in notice: Times Hirror Coapany) ; 12Sep77; 4896066.

A896067. The Brave cowboy; au old tale in a new time. By Edward Abbey, introd. by Neal E. Lanbert. 277 p. e on introd.; The Oniversity of New Hexico Press; 6Sep77; A896067.

A896068. Architecture: nineteenth and twentieth centuries. By Henry-fiussell Hitchcock. 4th ed. 688 p. (The Pelican history of art) Henry-Bussell Hitchcock; 254ug77; 4896068.


Practical technigues in venipuncture. By Pierce E. Scranton, Jr., illus. by


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