Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/643

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4896312 - 1996382
JUL-DEC. 1977

48963112. Spirit masters on keeping faaily recocds. Bv Linda B. Chucchill 6 E. Bicbard Churchill. 19 p. & sheets (35 p.) in boi. C J. Heston Balch, Publisher; 17Jan76: i8963«2.

4896343. Latin 4iierican qeoqraphy nap activities; spirit masters. By E. Bichard Churchill 6 Linda B. Churchill. 5 p. 6 sheets (47 p.) in box. e J. UestoD Ualch. Publisher: 60ct76i A896343.

4896344. Hap activities for C.S. qeoqraphy classes; spirit masters. By E. Bichard Churchill S Linda B. chucchill. 5 p. C sheets (47 p.) in box. O J. Heston Dalch, Publisher; 28JaD76: 48963<»<t.

4896345. 4 Celebration of vegetables; menus for festive meat-free dininq. By Bobert C. 4cXart, drawings by Harjorie Zaum. 274 p. Bobert Ackart; 7Sep77; 4896345.

4896346. Damned in paradise: the life of John Barrymore. By John Kobler. 401 p. NH: text 6 photos. John Kobler; 16Sep77; 4896346.

4896347. The Complete book of bulbs. By Frederick Frye Bockveil 6 Esther C. Grayson, revised & edited by Rarjorie J. Dietz. 368 p. 4ppl. au: The Literary Guild of 4merica, Inc., employer for hire, Hariorie J. Dietz. Hfl: revisions 6 additional text. C The Literary Guild of 4merica, Inc.; 294ug77; 4896347.

4896348. Life of Christ. By Fulton J. Sheen, pcef. by the author. 476 p. SB: pref. Fulton J. Sheen; 16Sep77; 4896348.

4896349. 4merica*s housing challenge: mhat it is and hov to meet it. By fioqer Starr. 130 p. Prev. pub. in The New leader. NB: revision Z expansion. 4merican Labor Conference on International 4f fairs. Inc.; 12Sep77; 4896349.

4896350. fiadiation-associated thyroid carcinoma. Edited by Leslie J. DeGroot 6 others. 539 p. Grune and Stcatton, Inc.; 184ug77; 4896350.

4896351. The Triton ultimatum. By Laurence Delaney. 247 p. O Laurence Delaney; 31Aug77; 4896351.

4896352. Police professionalism; rhetoric and action. By Barbara Baffel Price. 121 p. Ntt: compilation 6 additional text. D. C. Heath and Company, a division of Baytheon Company; 14Jun77; 489^352.

4896353. The G- io handbook: finger- pressure techniques for paramedical use. By Hichael Blate, foreword by Barey Sultanoff. illus. £ photography: Hichael Blate. 201 p. O Hichael Blate; 2Jan76; 4896353.

4896354. The 4rts of Japan. By Hiyeko Horase. 46 p. 6 slides. NH: text G compilation of illus. BcGraw-aill, Inc.; 2Sep77: 4896354.

4896355. Baldman on dance. By Hax Haldman with an introd. by Clive Barnes. 1 v. O on introd. ; Clive Barnes; 154uq77; 4896355.

4896356. Haldman on dance. By Hax Haldman, with an introd. by Clive Barnes. 1 v. O on entire text £ photos., excluding introd.; Hax Haldman; 154uq77; 48S<6356.

4896357. Having it your way; the strategy of settling everyday conflicts. By Bobert I. Bell, drawings by Janet Hebb. 189 p. O Bobert Bell; 294uq77; 4896357.

4896358. Jimmy Carter. By Charles Hercer, illus. by Euth Sanderson. 62 p. on text; Charles Hercer; 28Jul77; 4896358.

4896359. Jimmy Carter. By Charles Hercer, illus. by fiuth Sanderson. 62 p. O on illus.; Buth Sanderson; 28Jul77; 4896359.

4896360. Disorders of the respiratory tract in children. Editor: Edwin L. Kendiq, Jr., associate editor: Victor Ct-ecnick. 3rd ed., rev. 1115 p. d u. B. Saunders Company; 21Sep77; 4896360.

4896361. For better, for worse; a feminist handbook on marriage & other options. By Jennifer Baker Fleming 6 Carolyn Kott Hashburne. 406 p. 4ppl. states all new except selections on p. 136, 144, 254, 263, 287, 387-90 € 392-96 f photos, all new except 10% prev. pub. Portions prev. pub. in Hs. magazine, 4ug., 1977 & others. O Jennifer Baker Fleming & Carolyn Kott Hashburne; 6Sep77; 4896361.

4896362. Language programs in the public schools. Edited by Jewell 4. Friend. 133 p. e Jewell 4. Friend; 254uq77; 4896362.

4896363. Society and homicide in thirteenth- century England. By James Buchanan Given. 262 p. The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior aaiversity; 314ug77; 4896363.

4896364. Bevolutlon in the third world; myths e prospects. By Gerard Chaliand, foreword by Immanuel Hallerstein. 195 p. Translation of Hythes revolutionnaires du tiers monde. C on English language translation & foreword; Gerard Chaliand; 254ug77; 4896364.

4896365. The Public burning. By F;obert Coover. 534 p. HH: new text & revisions. Bobert Coover; 264ug77; 4896365.

4696366. Justice ends at home; & other stories. By Bex stout, edited by John J. Ec41eer. 267 p. NH: compilation, b Estate of Bex Stout; 254uq77: 4896366.

4896367. Justice ends at home; £ other stories. By Bex Stout, edited by JoLn J. Hc41eer. 267 p. on introd.; Johr Hc41eer: 254uq77; 4896367.

4896368. fiomantic Mew Orleans. Text by Deirdre Stanforth, photos, by Louis fieens. 136 p. on text; Deirdre stanforth; 314ug77: 4896368.

4896369. Bomantic New Orleans. Text by Deirdre Stanforth, photos, by Louis Beens. 136 p. e on black S white photos.; Louis Beens; 3Uuq77; 4896369.

4896370. Hodern photography* Photo buying guide 78. Editor: Rarold Hartin. 208 p. 4ppl. au: Editors of Hodern photography magazine. C ABC Leisure Hagazines, Inc. ; 13Sep77; 4896370.

4896371. Barron's How to prepare for the new KC4T--medical college admission test. By Hugo E. Seibel C Kenneth E. Guyer. 298 p. 4dd. ti: eC4T: Barron's How to prepare foe the new medical college admission test. NH: editorial revision. O Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4896371.

4896372. Notes for today to read, write and play. Pt. 1. By George Zepp. 24 p. (Contemporary band course) For B-flat cornet/trumpet. O Belwin-Hilis Publishing Corporation; 27Bay77; 4896372.

4896373. Carnival and circus booking guide, 1977-78. Compiled by 4musefflent business/a Billboard publication, editorial director: Irwin Kirby, art director: Jim Boore. 28 p. 4ppl. au: Billboard Publications, Inc. e Billboard Publications, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4896373.

4896374. 4 College English handbook. By Lucille King Lynn £ E. J. Booney, Jr. 4th ed. 214 p. 4ppl. au: The Estate of Lucille Ring Lynn. O The Estate of Lucille King Lynn E E. J. Booney, Jr.; 13Hay77: 4896374.

489637 5. Federal leasing law. 2 p. (Be an open-eyed consumer, guideline no. 58) O Pennsylvania Department of Justice, Bureau of Consumer Protection; 27Hay77; 4896 37 5.

A896376. Consumer comix. 1 v. O Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Justice, Bureau of Consumer Protection; 1Sep77; 4896376.

4896377. 4utoaobile repairs. 2 p. (Be an open-eyed consumer, guideline no. 60) Pennsylvania Department of Justice, Bureau of Consumer Protection; 27Jul77; A896377.

A896378. Energy and the builder; a compendium from Professional builder magazine on the energy shortage and its effects on housing. 160 p. 4ppl. au: Cahners Publishing Company. NB: compendium from Professional builder. O Professional Builder/4partaent Business, Cahners Publishing Company, division of Beed publishing corporation; 34ag77: 4896378.

4896379. Insurance buyer's guide: a manual for risk managers. Bay 1977 suppl. Editor in chief: Joe T. Parrett. Sheets. Cudahy Publishing Company; 26Jul77; 4896379.

48963B0. Bacroeconomics, 1977: readings on contemporary issues. 4uthor £ editor: Peter D. BcClelland. 224 p. HB: p. 1-8 8 compilation. Cornell University; 154ug77; 4896380.

4896381. 4 Layman's guide to the Keynesian- monetarist dispute. 4uthor & editor: Peter D. BcClelland. (In Bacroeconomics, 1977: readings on contemporary issues, p. 68-70) HH: editorial revision. O Peter D. BcClelland; 1S4ug77: 4896381.


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