Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/645

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A696'125. Scarab. ?ol. 15, do. 12, »pr. 15, 1977. 10 p. Ippl. au: J. H. Ilileiiiii. J. H. Willeiin: 8iua77: A396425.

A896H26. Scarab. Vol. 15, no. 13, Hay 1, 1977. 11 p. Appl. au: J. H. HilleaiD. O J. H. Hillellill: 8Auq77: A896426.

A896lt27. Scarab. Vol. 15. no. 11, Apr. 1. 1977. 10 p. t sheets (p.29-it2) Appl. au: J. H. Kllleain. J. B. KilleaiD: 8Auq77; A896I127.

A896428. Patrol staffing in San Dieqo: one- or tMo-officer units. By John E. Boydstun, Hichael E. Sherry e Nicholas P. Hoelter. 1 V. O Police Foundation; 6Jun77; A396II28.

A896ii29. Fcanke's Hodel FD picker, opener, blender. 2 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Hain. Sr. Fred Franke, Inc.; 26Aaq77; A896it29.

A896l«30. Fcanke's Hodel nuiiber i|020 shredder, crusher, breaker. 2 p. Add. ti: Franke model 4020 shredder, crusher, breaker. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. O Fred Franke, Inc.; 26Auq77: A896I430.

A896431. You can have a happy aarriaqe. By Harilee Binns G E. Kay Lybbert. 16t p. Coaaitaent Publishinq Conpaoy, Inc.; 10aar77: A8961(31.

A896432. Oani-plan. Folder. O FIAC a.a.d.o. First Investaent Annuity Coapany of Aacrica; 19Sep77: A896432.

A89e433. Oani-plan. 12 p. O FIAC a.a.d.o. First Investaent Annuity Coapany of Aaerica; 19Sep77; A896433.

A89e434. Graaaa Gregg's Enterprises presents The BaisboH's end coloring book. ITo. 1. 37 p. Appl. au: Nancy £. Greqq. O Nancy E. Gregq; 9Sep77: A896434.

A896435. Barry and Bonnie Broun Bear ualk the rainbOH road. By Nancy E. Gregg. 46 p. O Nancy E. Greqq; 16Sep77; A896435.

A896436. Short fora and price schedule. No. 146-1361. Folder (5 p-l Kepco, Inc.; 15Sep77: A896436.

A896437. Need switchers? Kepco/TDK offers you a choice! Brochure 146-1360. 8 p. Kepco, Inc.; 15Sep77; A896437.

A896438. The Quester 1. Edited by Boly Ghost Byaa, pseud, of U. 0. Bobinson. 123 p. The Quester; 10Har77; A896438.

A896439. The Desert's edqe. By Peter B. Odens. 102 p. Add. ti: Desert tover country: the desert's edqe. Peter B. Odens; 7Jun77; A896439.

A896440. Skulldreaaer and other poeas. By Walter Griffin. 39 p. C Baiter Griffin; 25Aug77: A896440.

A896441. The Haine Briters' Conference chapbook nuaber 19. By Sheldon Christian, editor, tillian L. Hunroe, Lorna Starbird G Albert n. Jakeaan. 42 p. Portions prev. pub. in Poet, Apr. 1977 6 others. NH: coapilation G additions. The Pe-jepscot Press; 24Aug77; A896441.

A896442. Borrowing the easy way. Britten by Bichard J. Daidoue. 12 p. O Bichard J. Daidone; 18Sep77; A896442.

A896443. Beyised pages for Facts And Coaparisons, Septeaber 1977. sheets. Appl. au: Erwin K. Kastrup G Gene H. Schwach. O Facts and Coaparisons, Inc. ; 2Sep77; A896443.

A896444. Kenworth Boss power steering; service parts list. Catalog no. KB3057. 3rd cd., Aug. 1977. Sheets (8 p.) O Kenworth Truck Coapany; 10Auq77; A896444.

A89644S. Kenworth TBB (slant, - parallel, and 115) and TBS (parallel) suspensions; service parts list. Catalog no. KH092. 2nd ed., Aug. 1977. Sheets (10 p.) Add. ti: Kenworth TBB and IBS suspensions. Kenworth Truck Coapany; 28Jun7.7; A896445.

A896446. Kenworth airglide 100 suspension; service parts list. Catalog no. KB3381. sheets (10 p.) e Kenworth Truck Coapany; 9Jun77; A89b446.

A896447. Kenworth clutches and release kits; service parts list. Catalog no. KB3406. Sheets (10 p.) O Kenworth Truck Coapany; 23Jun77; A896447.

A896448. Kenworth front fraae, K100, B900, C500 Brute; service parts list. Catalog no. KB 3415. Sheets (44 p.) 6 Kenworth Truck Coapany; 11Jul77; A896448.

A896449. Kenworth .Donaldson air cleaners; service parts list. Catalog no. KB3127. 2nd ed. , Hay 1977. Sheets (16 p.) O Kenworth Truck coapany; 20May77; A896449.

A896450. Hen, wolves, and history. By Irving Beyer. 8 p. C Irving Heyer; 15Sep77; A896450.

A896451. Manufacturer's shipment reporting systea aonthly statistical report, July 1977. 1 V. Q Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc. ; 9Sep77; A896451.

A896452. More to coxe. 2 p. Appl. au: Boy K. Bills, Jr. International Leisure Activities, Inc.; 2Sep77; Ae96452.

A896453. Save our warwhoops: a revelation. By Thoaas 0. Hove. 155 p. C Thoaas 0. Hove; 20Sep77; A896453.

A896454. Training the trainer topics; trainee agent development guide, agency director's leader's guide. Prepared by state Fara Hutual Autoaobile Insurance coapany. Agency Departaent, Manpower Developaent Division. 31 p. Appl. au: State Fara Hutual Autoaobile Insurance Coapany. e State Fara Mutual Automobile Insurance coapany; 5Auq77: AB96454.

A896455. The Bailroad — what it is, what it does. 1 V. Siaaons-BoardaaD Publishing Corporation; 19Sep77; A896455.

Aa96456. Hodaa house proposal and specif icatioos. 1 V. Appl. au: Bobert B. Bodaa. Bobert H. Hodaa; 4Aug77; A896456.

A896457. Bulletin for superintendents, personnel directors, and building principals. 4 p. (EPS: education personnel screening) Appl. au: Phillip A. Ollio G John K. Balthew. C LEAP Associates, Inc.; 11Hay76: A896457.

A896458. Bulletin of inforaation for teacher applicants. 3 p. (EPS: education personnel screening) Appl. au: Phillip A. Ollio G John K. Balthew. O LEAP Associates, Inc.; 11Hay76; A896458.

A896459. Educational personnel selection: EPS analysis fora. 2 p. Add. ti: EPS coapetency analysis. Appl. au: Phillip A. Ollio G John K. Balthew. LEAP Associates, Inc.; 11Hay76; A896459.

A896460. your new will and inheritance tax law report: Texas, Oklaboaa, Louisiana. Folder. Appl. au: Joseph A. Saaelsberger. NH: additions. Marshall Publications, Inc. : 1JU177; A896460.

A896461. Your new will and inheritance tax law report: California, Nevada, Arizona. Folder. Appl. au: Joseph A. Saaelsberger. NH: additions. O Marshall Publications, Inc.; 1Jul77; A896461.

A696462. The Saall businessman's laaent. 1 p. Appl. au; George H. Oonelan. O George M. Donelan; 7Sep77; A896462.

A896463. Jackie Puapkin. Folder. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A896463.

A896464. Books to be enjoyed again and again. 12 p. Appl. au: Bobert Uaamock. C Bobert Baaaock; 19Sep77; A896464.

A896465. The GASP 4 user's manual. 100 p. Appl. au: A. Alan B. Pritsker. MM: revisions G additions. A. Alan B. Pritsker; 2Sep77; AB96465.

A896466. Hain's Model EB-150 pin cylinder foaa shredder. 2 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Hain, Sr. O Bobert A. Hain and Sons, Inc.; 29Auq77; A8964b6.

A896467. Main's Hodel EB-100 heavy duty foam shredder. 2 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Main, Sr. O Bobert A. Hain and Sons, Inc.; 29Aug77; A8964b7.

A896468. Hain's Hodel "DPL" extended feed table super picker-opener-blender. 2 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Hain, Sr. O Bobert A. Hain and Sons, Inc.; 29Aug77; A896468.

A396469. Main's Famous "Philadelphia" pre-carder aodel nuaber PC-4. 2 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Main, Sr. O Bobert A. Main and Sons, Inc.; 29Aug77; A896469.

A896470. Main's Model "55" mixer-opener. 2 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Main, Sr. O Bobert A. Hain and Sons, Inc.; 29Aug77; A896470.


Main's Number 62 textile blowers. 2 p.


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