Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/654

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A896797 (con.) 5735-BC2 (OS/VS) 367 p. (Program product) 3 iDternational Business flachines corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 22Aug77; 6896797.

1896798. IBIJ 3600 finance conaunication system instructions and macros reference. 5th ed. 1 V. (Srstems) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 22Aug77; A896798.

A896799. Advanced communications function for VTAM (ACF/VTAM) TOITEP; program numbers 5746-EC3 (DOS/VS). 5735-BC2 (OS/VS) 57 p. (Systems) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 17Aug77; A896799.

A89e8a0. System/3i| 1ob analysis system (JAS/3it) ; program no. 5726-XP1. general information manual. 29 p. e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 13Sep77; A896800.

A896801. Operations guide for the IBM 3790 communication system; version 6. 2nd ed. 1 V. (Systems) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 18Jul77; A896801.

A89e802. Advanced comaunications function for VTAH (ACF/VTAM) program operator guide; program numbers 57a6-ac3 (DOS/VS), 5735-BC2 (OS/VS) 1 V. (Program product) @ International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 2Sep77; AS96802.

A896803. Advanced communications function for VTAM (ACF/VTAM) multisystem netnorlcing facility logic; program numbers 57a6-SC3 (DOS/VS), 5735-aC2 (OS/VS) 137 p. (Program product) 9 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 25Aug77; A896803.

A8968ai|. Introducing IBM iiord processor/32; program no. 572S-XX1. 3rd ed. 34 p. <G) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation): 12Apr77; A89680'l.

A896805. An Introduction to the IBM 3790 communication system. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN31-0653) SM: additions 6 revisions. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM corporation; 9Aug77; A896805.

A89680e. IBM 3270 information display system description, configuration, and physical planning; IBM 327it control unit, IBM 3276 control unit/display station, IBM 3278 display station, IBM 3287 printer, IBM 3289 line printer. 2nd ed. 1 v. (Systems) e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International

A896807. IBM 3600 finance communication system installation manual — physical planning. 8th ed. 1 V. (Systems) 8 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 16Aug77; A896807.

6896808. 7ai6 (MICK) inscriber/reader parts catalog. 2nd ed. 49 p. (IBM maintenance library) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 9Sep77; A896808.

4896809. IBM 3791 maintenance information chapter 5, section 1, base 3791 parts catalog. 4th ed. 1 V. © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 2Sep77; A896809.

A89e810. 3601 models 2i, 2B, 3A and 3B finance communication controller parts catalog. 2nd ed. 16 p. (IBM maintenance library) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 25Jul77; A896810.

A896811. 3602 models 1A and IB finance com- munication controller parts catalog. 2nd ed. 21 p. (IBM maintenance library) © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation): 22Jul77; A896811.

A896B12. IBM 3791 maintenance information chapter 4. 3rd ed. 1 v. C International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 18Aug77; A896312.

A896813. The Bronx, HY, address telephone directory, September 12, 1977. 6 New York Telephone Company; 12Sep77; A896813.

A896814. Staten Island, NY, address telephone directory, September 8, 1977. Se* York Telephone Company; 8Sep77; A896814.

A896815. Queens, NY, address telephone directory, September 2, 1977. © Sen York Telephone Company; 2Sep77; A396815.

A896816. MilHdukee street address telephone directory, September 1977. © Wisconsin Telephone Company; 29Aug77; A896816.

A896817. Appleton, il, telephone directory, September 1977. Wisconsin Telephone Company; 15Sep77; A896817.

A896818. Hortonville, HI, telephone directory, September 1977. 6 tfisconsin Telephone Company; 15Sep77; A896818.

A896819. Kaukauna, HI, telephone directory, September 1977. © Hisconsin Telephone Company; 15Sep77; A896819.

A896820. Little Chute, HI, telephone directory. September 1977. © Hisconsin Telephone Company; 15Sep77; A896820.

A896821. Neenah, Menasha, HI, telephone directory, September 1977. © Hisconsin Telephone Company; 15Sep77; A896821.

A896822. Instrument training study. Prepared for Texaco Befinery, Lavrenceville, IL, prepared by G. C. Armstrong. Sheets. Appl. au; Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. © Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 1Jun77; A896822.

A896823. 210 Pipe Still Area M3M 210C-1: feed preheating. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield company. Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by D. MacDonald £ Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au; Atlantic Eichfield Company. © Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 1Bay77; A»96823.

A896824. Diamond G9B rotary and IK retractable sootbloHers; manual M551S2. Prepared by Eric Boscoe. 1 v. Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2May77; A896824.

A896825. Offsite Department MSM 9017 utilities in tankage, storage and prod.uct handling. Prepared by John Cox e Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Petrosar. © Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 2May77; A896825.

A896e26. MSM 927-2, 927 C02 Plant, 5C-2/5C-3 C02 and MH3 compressor. Issued by Atlantic Bichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery, prepared by E. C. Bartmann 6 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Company. © Management and. Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2May77; A896826.

A896827. Generaclon electrica; manual EG3S. Prepared by P. Betancourt £ Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., traduccion al espanol; S. Sobredo. 1 v. Appl. au; Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal KM: translation. 8 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1May77; A896827.

A896828. Bomba colectora Galigher ; manual M219S15S. Prepared by Elmer C. Bartmann, traduccion al espanol; Felipe Basco. 1 v. Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. HM: translation, e Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 8Jun77; A896828.

A896829. Taylor model 202 sensaire transmitter; manual I 257. Prepared by Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. staff, tst revision, July 1977. 1 v. © Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 10Jul77; A896829.

A896830. Poner house manual EG-1: overview. Hritten by V. F. Estrada, prepared by Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 22 p. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Mineras Izabal, S.A. NM: translation. © Management and Training Systems for

Industry, Inc.; 10May76; A896830.


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