Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/658

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A896922. Estacion qenecadora manual EG-1: resaaen. Preparado por: 7- F. Est-rada B Hanaqement and Training Systens for ladustrv* Inc. 21 p. Appl. au: Exploracioncs y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. Hanaqeffleat and Training Sysxems for Industry, Inc, ; 10May76; A896922-

A896923. Coao reparar y nautener el motor diesel de dos tieapos. Leccion 2S — suplemento. Preparado por: E. fioscoe. 53 p. Appl. au: Hanaqement and Traininq systems for Industry, Inc. NH: translation. Q Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; iailay76; 1896923.

&896924. 1000T/D nitric acid plant HSU 3, ammonia evaporation. Issued by Honsanto Textiles Company. Pensacola Plant, prepared by Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 32 p. Appl. au: Honsanto Textiles Company. Hanageaeat and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 12Hay76; A896924-

A896925. Petrochemical Division, Styrene Department, HSH number S-4a3, make gas compression. Prepared by S. Reeve & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. Q Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; lHar77; A896925.

A896926. Hydrocracker complex 867 sulfur recovery plant HSH 867-1: overview. Prepared by H. G. Novak & Hanagement .and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic aichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 Vo Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company. 6 Hanagement and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Har77: A896926.

A396927. Off site department HSH 9012 C5 storage and transfer. Prepared by Boss Fuller & Hanaqeaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Petrosar. 3 Hanagement and Traininq Systens for Industry, Inc.; lHar77; A896927.

A896928- Hydrocracker complex 859 hydrocracker unit HSH 859-2 feed pretreating. Prepared by P. Rosidivito & Hanagenent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic Bichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Refinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company. @ Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 8Nov76: Ae96928.

A896929. Planta de mineral manual PH-6S lavado de polvo y manipulacion de lechada. Escrito por V. F. Estrada, tradaccion: Sergio Sobredo, prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal* S. A. , Planta Niguegoa. 1 V. Appl- au: Exploraciones y Expio- taciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 17Har77; A896929.

A896930. CP-12 polymer plant (CEA 279*4) HSH 9 utilities step. Prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Honsanto Textiles Company, Decatur Plant. 40 p. Appl. au: Honsanto Textiles Coapany. G Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 6Hay76: A896930.

A896931. Alimentadores rotativos. !lanual H207S. Preparado por Harry Thomas- 24 p. Appl. au: Hanagement and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. UH: translations. Hanaqement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; lApr76; A896931-

A896932. Planta de mineral manual PH-1 resumcn del proceso. Preparedo por Ing. V. F. Esti^ada, prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.* issued by Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S. A., Planta Niguegua. 22 p. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 10May77; A896932.

A896933. asm number S-30 1 pref ractionation. Prepared by D. HcLean & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. @ Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; lJun77; A896933.

A896934- Huovo pignone single stage centrifugal pump types TC and CTC. HanUca H219S29. Prepared by Bill Brown. 34 p. Appl. au: Management and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 6 Management and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2Jun76; A896934.

A896935. 210B-1 pipe still area HSH 210B-1 preheating and desalting. Prepared by F. D. Souder & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic Richfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Refinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company. Q Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; lMar77; A896935-

A896936. Orientation manual. Written by T. F- Estrada & J. A. Juusola, prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A., Planta Niguegua. 30 p. Appl. aa: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 11May77; A896936.

A896937- 100T/D nitric acid plant HSH 8 tail gas system. Prepared by Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Honsanto Textiles Coapany* Pensacola Plant. 32 p. Appl. au: Honsanto Textiles Company. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; l4May76; A896937.

A896938. Hudson fin fan cooler. Manual H224S2. Prepared by £. C. Bartmann. 1 v. Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. O Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2Hay77; A896938.

A896939. HSH 206 NOx incineration. Prepared by Kenneth U. Bryan & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 40 p. Appl. au: Honsanto Cheuical (sic) Intermediates Company. @ Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 7Jun77; A896939.

A896940. Ore plant manual PM-13 electric furnace hydraulic and cooling system. Prepared by P. 0. Jiainez & Hanagement and Training Systems for Indus'try, Inc., issued by Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A., Planta Niguegua. 1 v. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. d Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2Apr77; A896940.

A896941. Complex area 862 light ends recovery unit MSM 862-2 ClOl A and B gas com- pression collection. Prepared by LaBue Hix & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic Richfield Company, Products Division* Philadelphia Befinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company. Q Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2Hay77: A896941.

A396942. Offsite department HSH 9013 aromatics storage and transfer. Prepared by John Cox & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. an: Petrosar. Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 4Hay77; A896942.

A896943. Pignone sud series "N" control valves and positioners. Hauual I 234. Prepared by Chris Horton. 1 v. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. & Hanagement and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Hay77; Aa96943.

A396944. Sistema electrico de los molinos de crudo linea nuaero 1 (serfa) Preparado por J. H. Hazon C Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Cementos Anahuac Del Golfo, S.A. , Planta Tamuin. 32< p. Appl. au: Cementos Anahuac Del Golfo, S.A. NH: translation. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1May76; A896944.

A896945. CP-12 polymer plant (CEA 2794) MSM 8 drying and grinding. Prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Monsanto Textiles Company, Decatur Plant. 54 p. Appl. au: Monsanto Textiles Company. Q Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 23Apr76; A896945.

A896946. Inqersoll-fiand inliner type "H" 1 thru 3 X 5 HLS- Prepared by Bill Brown. 30 p. Appl. au: Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. © Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 3Jun76; AB96946.

A896947. Beading the novel: an introduction to the techniques of interpreting fiction. By Roger B. Henkle. 146 p. @ Roger B. Henkle; 4Aug77; A896947.

A896948. Instructor's manual to accompany The Dynamrcs of organizational communication. By John E. Baird, Jr. 65 p. Q John E. Baird, Jr.; 11Aug77; A896948.

A896949. Discovering what I need to leatn about reading: pretest criterion-referenced to Time and tigers. Teacher's ed. by Earl F. Rankin, Phillip L. Harris, Kenneth R. Higgins & E. Boger Trent. 1976 ed- 2 v. (Beading basics plus) Appl. au: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc. 3 Barper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; 10Aug76; A896949-

A896950. Discovering what I need to learn about reading: pretest criterion- referenced to Places and puzzles. Fish and fables, and Rain and riddles. Teacher's ed- by Earl

F. Rankin, Phillip L. Harris, Kenneth R.


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