Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/665

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A89719U. Petit leziqae arqotique (Tocabulaice estadlaotin essentiel) iwec le concours actistique de Joseph Becnard, avec udb pcef. de J. S. Haddui, nouvelle ed. , entierenent rcvue, corriqee C aise a jour par JoaD Griabert. 23 p. O Joap GciBbert; 6Jun77; 489719*.

4897195. Basic nethod for quitac. By Deonis P. acCorkie. 8« p. C Deonis P. acCorkle; 20Sep77; 4897195.

4897196. Critical care nursinq internship proqcaa: proqrai syllabus. Issued by Suburban Hospital, Department of Nursinq Services. 1 v. 4ppl. au: JoAnn 41spach. Jo4nn 41spach; 304uq77: 4897196.

4897 197. Safety instructions for operatinq Hyers mizers and dispersers. 12 p. C. K. "Bud" avers Enqineerinq, Inc. ; 23Sep77; 4897197.

4897198. Parent power! By John Douqlas. 120 p. Newspaper Enterprise 4ssociation, Inc. ; 6Sep77: 4897198.

4897199. Persuasive poeas. By the Croaesett Poet, pseud, of Kenneth J. Gleason. 79 p. O Kenneth J. Gleason, the Croaesett Poet; 1Jun77: 4897199.

4897200. The Soil to psyche recipe book. By 4nn Vrooa Phillips 6 David 4. Phillips. 1il3 p. 4DD Vrooa Phillips C David 4. Phillips; 9Sep77; 4897200.

4897201. Tiltaboard rules. 5 p. 4ppl. au: Jack B. Sliap, Jr. O Jack B. Sliap, Jr.; 2»Sep77; 4897201.

4897202. 4 aarket, marketability and hiqbest and best use study; 56.6 acres aonroe. H4. By Bill Hundy, for Western 4ssociates. 98 p. 4pFl. au: Bill aundy and 4ssociates, Inc. Western 4ssociates; 304oq77; 4897202.

4897203. aaylins' The Second book: the basics of hair desiqn. By aaylin 4. Janney, photos, bv Jeannie Sichards. 34 p. aaylin 4. Janney; 27Jul77: 4897203.

48972011. Specifications and related docuaents for additions and revisions. Fed Bart store. Job no. 77-543, set no. 2, Sept. 16, 1977. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Bernard Phillip Harris. O Bernard Phillip Harris; 16Sep77; 4897204.

4897205. Line dravinq of Governor Dixy lee Say with a quote aade by her. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Stephen P. Thoaas. Stephen Patrick Thoaas; 9Sep77: 4897205.

4897206. Execplan: an executive financial planuinq systea. 140 p. 4ppl. au: Jai P. Sawhoey. NB: additions 6 revisions. e Jai P. Sawhney; 15Jun77; 4897206.

4897207. Institutional quide foe financial aid self-evaluation. 54 p. O National 4ssociatioo of Student Financial 4id 4d»inistrators; 13Sep77; 4897207.

4897208. Bod Brawley's own personal sonqbook with lust a few basic philosophies desxqned to be shared with others. By Bod Joel Brawley. 33 p. O Bod Joel Brawley; 1Sep77; 4897208.

4897209. Extended service aqreeaent for aicrowave ovens. 1 p. O The Floor store« Inc.; 15JU177; 4897209.

4897210. Evaluatinq inforaation; an approach to critically assessing social science evidence. By Jeffrey Katzer, Kenneth H. Cook K Bayne H. Crouch. Sheets. Prev. pub. as Evaluatinq inforaation 6 Fair descriptions. Ha: revisions. Jeffrey Katzer, Kenneth H. Cook & Bayne B. crouch; 6Sep77; 4897210.

4897211. The 41aska Journal; five-year index. 197-1-1975. 41 p. O 41aska northwest Publishinq Coapany; 13Sep77; 4897211.

4897212. Reverse qenetic coding in tobacco aosaic virus. By George Bilson Cochran. 21 p. Otah State Oniversity; 22Sep77; 4897212.

4897213. The Myth of aotivation. By Earnest Richard Archer. 28 p. Earnest Richard 4rcher; 12Sep77; 4897213.

4897214. Acadeaia; by-laws and rules. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Bonald Bufrio. Ronald Nafrio; 3aay77; 4897214.

4897215. Pennwalt Corporation, 4ugust 25, 1977. By Ulysses 4. laonas. 27 p. 4ppl. au: Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc. Drexel Burnhan Laabert, Inc.; 29Aug77; 4897215.

4897216. The 4colytes' nanual. 4uthor: Thad B. Budd. 32 p. C The Order of Saint Vincent: 14pr77; 4897216.

4897217. How to handle guilt. By Barvln Hoore. 48 p. O Southern Publishing 4ssociation; 15Sep77; 4897217.

4897218. Religion in overalls. By Billiar G. Johnsson. 122 p. O Southern Publishing 4ssociation; 15Sep77; 4897218.

4897219. The Fount of dreaas. By Jay C. Livingston. BU p. 6 Jay C. Livingston 6 Betatron Press; 22Sep77; 4897219.

4897220. The Coach's Tiaeplanner. 135 p. MB: revisions. O TOB, Inc. (in notice: Tiaeplanner, division of TOB, Inc.); 184uq76; 4897220.

4897221. Pat's batik instructions. By Patricia 4no Curran. 9 p. 0. F. Curran Productions; 9Sep77; 4897221.

4897222. Navaio Bountain and Rainbow Bridqe reliqion. By Karl B. Luckert, with Enqlish translations by Irvy B. Goossen C Harry Bilagody, Jr. 157 p. (4aerican tribal religions, vol. 1) Enqlish £ Bavajo. e Karl B. Luckert; lJul77; 4897222.

4897223. Power tool know bow saves you aoney- -power router. Catalog no. 9-2949. Prepared for Sears, Boebuck and Coapany^ 1 V. 4ppl. au: Edward U. Pipe. Bxdwest Technical Publications, Inc.; 20Sep77; 4897223.

4897224. The Saga of '.he for sale by owner. Sheets. 4ppl. au: Soger Dale Butcher. BH: additions C revisions. S Roger Dale Butcher; 184ug77 (in notice: 1973, rev. 1977); 4897224.

4897225. Introduction to business statistics. By Stephen Secord Haailton. 1 v. Stephen Secord Haailton; 20Sep77; 4897225.

4897226. Even you can do it! A program for effective college study. By John N. Foster. 126 p. John N. Foster; 1Sep77; 4897226.

4897227. Bhere do I go from here? 4 workshop for women. By Bary Alice Price. 21 p. aary 41ice Price; 15Sep77; 4897227.

4897228. The Effect of catioolc polyaer aolecular structure upon the flocculation of a negatively charged kaolinite clay suspension. By Bandy Douglas Jester. Sheets (91 p.) Bandy Jester; 7Sep77; 4897228.

4897229. Bell System practices, 4T and T Coapany/BIS standard. Section 751- 410-100, issue 4, 4pr. 1977. 5 p. O 4aerican Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 27Jun77; 4897229.

4897230. Bell Systea practices, 4T and T Coapany/BIS standard. Section 751- 000-100, issue 1, Bar. 1977. 8 p. O 4merican Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 10Jun77; 4897230.

4897231. Bell Systea practices, 4T and T Company/BIS standard. Section 751- 100-140, issue 1, Bay 1977. 10 p. C 4aerican Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 15Jal77: 4897231.

4897232. Bell Systea practices, 4T and T Company/BIS standard. Section 795- 500-000, issue 1, 4pr. 1977. 13 p. 4aerj.can Telephone and Telegraph Company; 27Jun77; 4897232.

A897233. Professional selling in real estate. 8 V. in box e 1 V. Appl. au: Billiam BcKinley. O The Real Estate Institute; 150ct76 (in notice: 1977) ; A897233.

A897234. Let's dance--the Greek way. By Theoni Pappas. 31 p. C Tetra-Bouse £ Bide Borld, Inc. ; 1Sep77; A897234.

A897235. Bastering the writing dialect: a self-paced course. By Colin BcLeod £ Cheryl Buggiero. 166 p. Colin Bcleod £ Cheryl Ruggiero; 19Sep77; 4897235.

A897236. Restaurant management evaluation report. 1 V. Appl. au: Bobert Dean Silva. O Bobert D. Sxlva.; 20Sep77: 4897236.

4897237. Property sales list. By Lawrence Alfred Patton. 2nd ed. 25 p. O L. 4. Patton; 294uq77; 4897237.

4897238. Introduction to counterpoint: a manual of sixteenth- and eighteenth-century styles. By Roger C. Vogel. 60 p.

O eoger C. Vogel; lSep77: 4897238.


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