Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/668

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A897329 - A897372
JUL-DEC. 1977

A897328 (con. J e Herediti.rv Disease Foundation; 27Auq77; A897328.

4897329. Stop dcouqht. It. © California Dehydrated Hater Works; 10Jun77; A897329.

4897330. The Boad to Hisdom. By Ira A. iilliaus. 1 V. e Ira A. Hilliams; 16Sep77: A897330.

A897331. After 6 and under S5: a qaide to dining in the beach area. Hcitten by Michael B. La»ler. illus. by Melissa Campbell. 1977-78 ed. 1 T. e Michael B. Lanier; 20Auq77: A897331.

A897332. Get straight A's in college by beating the system. By Dale P. Bich, illns. by Bichard E. Hill. 123 p. Dale P. Bich; 13Sep77; 4897332.

A897333. Poemsi nakai and mauka. By Arthur Mampel, drawings by Chris Tirre. 2t p. e Arthur Mampel; 12Aug77; 4897333.

4897334. No» that you're retired; a description of Donnelley 's benefit-plan program for our retired employees- 39 p. Appl. au: Harqie Douglas. @ B. B. Donnelley and Sons company: 2May77: A89733t.

A897335. Textile chemist and colorist; AATCC buyer's guide. Vol. 9, no. 74, July 1977. 278 p. Add. ti: A Buyer's guide for the textile net processing industry, July 1977. e American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists; 2Sep77; 4897335.

4397336. Kingdom of love, Kovember 20, 1977. By Hugh J. O'Connell. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications, e Liguori Publications; 2Sep77; A897336.

A897337. The Three Advents of Jesus, December i*, 1977. By Hugh J. O'Connell. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications, e Liguori Publications; 2Sep77; 4897337.

4897338. The Coming of the Lord; past, present and future, November 27, 1977. By John Farnik. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. O Liguori Publications; 2Sep77; A897338.

A897339. Saratoga! America's fastest 1/2 mile harness track, September 16, 1977. 10 p. 4dd. ti: official program and past performances. 3 Saratoga Harness Bacing, Inc.: 16Sep77: A897339.

4897340. Saratoga! America's fastest 1/2 mile harness track, September 17, 1977. 10 p. Add. ti: official program and past performances. 6 Saratoga Harness Bacing, Inc.; 17Sep77: A8973it0.

A89731H. Saratoga! America's fastest 1/2 mile harness track, September 15, 1977. 10 p. Add. ti: Official program and past performances. O Saratoga Harness Bacing, Inc.; 15Sep77: 4897341.

A897342. Saratoga! 4merica's fastest 1/2 mile harness track, September 14, 1977. 10 p. 4dd. ti: Official program and past performances. O Saratoga Harness Bacing, Inc.; 14Sep77} A897342.

A897343. Saratoga! America's fastest 1/2 mile harness track, September 13, 1977. 10 p. Add. ti: official program and past performances. 6 Saratoga Harness Bacing, Inc.; 13Sep77; 4897343.

4897344. Saratoga! America's fastest 1/2 mile harness track, September 12, 1977. 10 p. Add. ti: official program and past performances. 6 Saratoga Harness Bacing, Inc.; 12Sep77; A897344.

A897345. Laboratory experiments. Vol. 1. Issued by chemistry staff. Prince George's Community College. 104 p. Add. ti: Chemistry laboratory manual, volume 1 Appl. au: Vera zdravkovich, Margaret E. Tierney £ Joe L. Padgett. Paladin House, Publishers: 1Sep76; A897345.

A897346. Periodismo patriotico de Evaristo Izcoa Diaz: biografia. By Victor M. Gil De Bubio. 1 v. © Victor M. Gil De Bubio; 254ug77; 4897346.

4897347. Ghost of the Garrison: a topographical approach to old Fort Hash. By King B. Jamison. 61 p. © King Jamison; 24Aug77; A897347.

A897348. Heart on my sleeve. By Sue C. Boynton, editor: Hope B. Friedmann, illustrator: Bron Smith. 77 p. © Hope B. Friedmann; 5Dec76; 4897348.

A897349. Military professionalism and officership in America. By Allan B. Millett. 29 p. (A Mershon Center briefing paper, no. 2, May 1977.) Adapted from 411an E. Millett, The General: Sobert L. aullard and officership in the United States 4rmy, 1881-1925. HM: p. 1, bottom p. 2-12, p. 18-22 6 material on professions in 4merica. © Mershon Center, the Ohio State Bniversity; 31May77; 4897349.

4397330. Here are direct answers to special questions on how to enjoy your children; including new chart of 20 principles developed during sixty interesting years helping parents and children. By Bay C. Beery. 20 p. HM: additional text. © Bay C. Beery: 18Jul77; 4897350.

4897351. The Miracle of salvation. By Carroll J. Thompson. 79 p. © Carroll J. Thompson; 23Aug77; 4897351.

4897352. Join the jet set 2 on military or retirement pay. compiled 6 edited by Connie Gibson iehrman, revised by Karen Davis Hill 5 Connie Gibson Hehrman, illus. by Debbie Torguson. 245 p. NM: additional text. © Connie Gibson Iehrman; 15Jun77; 4897352.

4897353. Swedish homesteaders in Idaho on the Minidoka Irrigation Project, Minidoka County, Idaho. By 41vin C. Holmes. 120 p. © Alvin C. Holmes; 10Oct76; 4897353.

4897354. 4nthropology and the climate of opinion. Edited by Stanley A. Freed. 274 p. Appl. au: The Sew York Academy of Sciences. a The New York 4cademy of Sciences; 15Jul77: 4897354.

4897355. Gayle. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Gayle Eileen Clark. © Gayle Eileen Clark; 23Jul77; A897355.

A897356. Music city collection of hillbilly jokes. Vol. 1. Compiled by Lee Buck. 1 V. © Lee Buck; 26Aug77; 4897336.

4897357. Jung's psychology and yoga spirituality. Study no. 4, 1977. By John i. Borelli, Jr. 21 p. © John H. Borelli, Jr.; 19JU177; 4897357.

4897358. Precious thoughts. By Muriel Pratt. 12 p. Appl. states The Lord is my shepherd is based on Psalms chap. 23 of the King James version of the Holy Bible. Muriel Pratt; 27Jul77; 4897358.

4897359. Psilocybe growers guide, illustrated. V. Appl. au: Tony Mike Lamb. 6 Nor- thwestern Enterprises, solely owned by Tony M. lamb; 20Jul77: A897359.

4897360. The Meditation medallion. Folder. Appl. au: Doris E. Thorn. © Doris E. Thorn; 19Sep77; A897360.

A897361. Letters to a friend. By David Lemire, illus. by Marthe Lemire Shirley. 42 p. © David Lemire; 15Aug77; 4897361.

4897362. Colonel Harry Gilmor's raid around Baltimore, July 10th to 13th, 1864. Britten by Eobert E. Michel. 32 p. © Eobert s. Michel; 15Sep76: A897362.

A897363. Art reproductions and posters. Folder. Giant Photos, Inc.; 29Jul77; 4897363.

4897364. 4 Guide to Japanese Sumi painting. By Kazuko Suzy Beynolds. It. Kazuko Suzy Beynolds; 15Jul77; 4897364.

4897365. Cooking with zucchini. By Deborah M. Lawrence. 130 p. © Deborah M. Lawrence; 12JU177; 4897365.

4897366. Morton: genesis, bits of knowledge. By Marvin Baldbeser & Elsie Baldbeser. 20 p. O Marvin Baldbeser; 144ug77; A897366.

A897367. Foundations of faith. Sheets. Appl. au: Monroe E. Hawley. NM: revisions. Monroe E. Hawley; 20Jun77; A897367.

4897368. Eureka! the making of a citizen. By Barbara Hudson. 287 p. © Barbara Hudson; 23Sep77; A897368.

A897369. Divining rods. 1p. The Orvan Company; 19Sep77; A897369.

4897370. Educators guide to free flmstrips. Compiled 6 edited by Mary Foley Horkheimer 6 John C. Diffor. 29th annual ed., 1977. 174 p. © Educators Progress Service, Inc.; 16JU177; 4897370.

4897371. Order form: use only for number 161, Night before Christmas greeting. Envelope. 4dd. ti: Order form for Night before Christmas greeting, 1977. O Miles Kimball Company; 29Aug77; A897371.

A897372. Order form: use only for number 171, open Bible Christmas cards. Envelope. Add. ti: order form for Open Bible Christmas cards, 1977. O Miles Kimball

COBpany; 224ug77; 4897372.


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