Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/673

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A897537 - A897575
JUL-DEC. 1977

1897537. Haul the Hater, haul the vood. By Doris Stensland, illustrated br Docis Stensland. 209 p. Docis Stensland; 23Sep77: 4897537.

4897538. Street orqan: 26 kej keyless plans, details and specifications. By fioy a. Nocian. 16 p. Boy i. Noriau; 10Sep77: 4897538.

4897539. Diaaond certificate. Issued by European Genoloqical Laboratory. 2 p. 4ppl. au: 4.G.L. North 4Berican Genoloqical Laboratory, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. NH: revision 6 re-arranqe»ent. 4. G. L. North 4ierican Genoloqical Laboratory, Inc.: 29Auq77; 4897539.

4897540. The Base of Naperian loqarithms — to thirty deciaal places. 1 p. 4ppl. au: 411an S. Beale. Allan S. Beale; 13Sep77: 48975140,

4897541. Vowel flash cards with syllable-builder consonants. sit. (4»T structural linquistic readinq laboratory) 4ppl. au: Frank H. Lanq. NH: neii illus. S subiect matter. 6 4TT Educational Laboratory; 17Hay76; 48975111.

4897542. Soaethicq to help "iuqqle" your 1978 leqal holidays. ProB the Greater Boston Chaiber of Coaaerce, Inc. 2 p. NB: additional teit t art uork. Greater Boston Chaaber of Coaaerce, Inc.; 21Sep77; 4897542.

4897543. 4stro-indicators of business cycles. 7 p. 4ppl. au: Bilton El. Brinkley (Polaris) Polaris Publishers; 23Sep77; 4897543.

4897544. Polk County Indians: 4Iabaaas, Coushattas, Pakana Huskoqees. By Howard N. flartin. 19 p. Howard N. Hartin; 23Sep77; 4897544.

4897545. Odds for and aqainst. By Frank Biesen, Jr. Sheets. Frank Bieseo, Jr.; 27Sep77: 4897545.

4897546. Financial reportinq trends; life insurance, 1977. 112 p. Ernst and Ernst: 9Sep77; 4897546.

4897547. Enqine overhaul kits and related enqine parts. 4th ed., 1977 ed. 1 v. Hatch Grindlnq Coapany, Inc.; 20Scp77; 4897547.

4897548. Scales for viola in the first position in all aalor and ainor keys. By Saauel Flor. 32 p. Add. ti: I like to play scales for the viola in the first position in all aaior and ainor keys; Tonleitern fuer die Viola in der ersten Laqe in alien Dar und Holl Tonleitern. Enqlish S Geraan. C Saauel Flor: 12Sep77: 4897548.

4897549. Scales for violin in the first position in all aaior and ainor keys. By Saauel Flor. 32 p. 4dd. ti: I like to play scales for the violin in the first position in all aaior and ainor keys; Tonleitern fuer die Geiqe in der ersten Laqe in alien Dur und Boll Tonleitern. Enqlish t Geraan. Saauel Flor; 12Sep77; A897549.

4897550. A Collection of interestinq and historical letters for people who enjoy readinq other peoples* aail. Steaaed open by Thoaas Henry Kenny. 1 v. KB: compilation C editinq. Thoaas Henry Kenny; 21Sep77; A897550.

4897551. you can live beyond the aqe of 100: research on lonqevity. By Thoaas Henry Kenny. lip. O Thoaas Henry Kenny; 17Sep77; 4897551.

4897552. Aspirin — a danqerous druq. By Thoaas Henry Kenny. 3 p. C Thoaas Henry Kenny; 19Sep77; A897552.

A8975S3. Look at life. Grade 6. By Sister Bosalie Curran, S.C. i Batthias Haqovsky. 48 p. O uiliiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 17Jun77: 4897553.

4897554. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 1. By Harie Borel Seroskie. 1 v. NB: text e additional new aatter. Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 29Jun77; 4897554.

4897555. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed- Grade 2. By Bary Eileen Teizis. 1 v. uiliiaa U. Sadlier, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4897555.

4897556. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 5. By Sister Belanie tiaczka, C.S.F.K. 1 V. SB: text e additional new aatter. O Uiliiaa U. Sadlier, Inc.; 29Jun77; 4897556.

4897557. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 4. By sister 4un H. Horn, O.P. £ Joanne Parnell Bongeon. 1 v. NH: text fi additional new aatter. Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 29Ju(i77; 4897557.

A897553. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 3. By Sister Suzanne Hockel, S.N.D. de N. 1 V. NB: text £ additional new aatter. O Billiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4897558.

4897559. took at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 6. By Sister Sosalie Curran, S.C. £ Batthias Haqovsky. 1 >. NB: text £ additional new aatter. Uiliiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4897559.

4897560. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 7. By Patricia Belanqer E Helen Boyle-Coqqer, teacher's annotated ed. , by Patricia Burphy. 1 v. NB: text £ additional new aatter. O Uiliiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 29Jun77: 4897560.

4897561. Look at life; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 6. By Jane Zilles-Soberano. 1 v. NB: text £ additional new matter. O Uiliiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 29Jun77; 4897561.

4897562. Uhole numbers: estimating and computing skills; teacher's annotated ed. Level olive. Author: Naoai L. Taylor. 64 p. O uiliiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 2Jun77; 4897562.

A897563. Uhole nuabers: estiaating and coaputing skills. Level olive. Author: Naoai L. Taylor. 64 p. O Uiliiaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 2Jun77; A897563.

4897564. Uhole nuabers: estiaatinq and computing skills; teacher's annotated ed. Level green. Author: Naoai L. Taylor. 96 p. Hilliaa U. Sadlier, Inc.; 18Apr77; 4897564.

4897565. Teacher's guide for Jesus our Lord; an adaptation for teachers of the hearing impaired (and of children with other learning disabilities) Grade 3. 4dapted by Sister Bary Kraeaer, O.S.F. 31 p. (New life program, book 3) Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 1Jun77; 4897565.

4897566. Teacher's guide for Christ our life; an adaptation for teachers of hearing impaired children, and other children who need special help, 4dapted by Sister Bary Kraeaer, O.S.F, 31 p. (New life program, book 2) O uilliam H. Saolier. Inc. ; 1Jun77; 4897566.

4897567. The Economics of Kentucky coal. By Curtis E. Harvey. 172 p. The Dniversity Press of Kentucky; 21Sep77; 4897567.

4897566. Dictionary of naval abbreviations, compiled £ edited by Bill Uedertz, 2nd ed. 352 p. 4ppi. states copyright not claimed on any material secured froa official 0. S. Govt, sources. United States Naval Institute; 26Jal77; 4897568.

4897569. Naval operations analysis. Prepared by the Operations Analysis Study Group, United States Naval Acadeay. 2nd ed. 372 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed on aaterials froa O.S. Govt, sources. Bnited States Naval Institute; 1Sep77; 4897569.

4897570. Controlled release pesticides. Editor: Herbert B. Scher. 205 p. (4CS syaposium series, 53) 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of work written by a U.S. Govt, eaployee as a part of his official duties. O 4aerican Chemical Society; 164ug77; 4897570.

4897571. Ivdas: a life of Judas Iscariot. By Elliott Krefetz. 134 p. Rlliott Krefetz; 19Sep77; 4897571.

4897572. Instructional course lectures; silver jubilee index, voluaes 1-25. By the Instructional Course Index Coaaittee, Aaerican Acadeay of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 151 p. 4ppl. au: The Aaerican Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. O The C. ». Bosby Company; 19Sep77; 4897572.

4897573. New Deal art: California. Photography: Don Beatty, Glen De yoe £ Paul Hoffman. 1 p. £ 50 slides io box. 4ppl. au: George Boiling. 6 De Saisset 4rt Gallery and BuseuB, a division of University of Santa Clara; 1Feb76; 4897573.

4897574. 4 Study comparing two aetbods of teaching equivalent/nonequivalent fractions and per cent at the 6th, 7tii, and 8th grade level. By Sister Donna Barie Doshack, 4. S.C. 274 p. Sister Donna Barie Doshack, 4. S.C; 54ug77; 4897574.

4897575. 4tlas of Bichigan. Edited by Lawrence 8. Somaers. 242 p. Bichigan State

University Press; 8Sep77; 4897575.


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