Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/688

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JUL-DEC. 1977

48981111 (con.) bitlnq. Br Noraan Goodvin. 18 p. Goodllln Publishers; 19Aug77; 4898111.

4898142. Groundtfork with the parachute; the coDplete physical education quide for its use. By John Douqlas Eichele. 1 v. O John Douqlas Eichele; 21Auq77.: A89B1V2.

A898143. lou and the professional: a team; working Hith professionals who Hill assist you and your handicapped child. 16 p. Appl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. 6 Hontgouery County Intermediate Unit ; 224ug77; 4898143.

4898144. Hho can help? what professionals can do for you and your handicapped child. 11 p. Appl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. 3 Montgomery County Intermediate Onit; 224ug77: A898144.

4898145. Learning aids for the hearing impaired child. 17 p. 4ppl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. 6 ttontqomery County Intermediate Unit; 22Auq77; A898145.

4898146. Direction information for parents of handicapped children: agencies, child advocacy groups, sources of financial assistance. 43 p. 4ppl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. O Montgomery County Intermediate Dnit; 224ug77: 4898146.

4898147. Learning aids for the visually impaired child. 16 p. Appl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. 6 Montgomery County Intermediate Onit; 22Aug77: A898147.

4898148. Hhat does it mean? how to interpret professional reports concerning your handicapped child. 13 p. Appl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. Montgomery County Intermediate Onit; 22Aug77; AB98148.

A898149. Taking charge: coordinating clinical and educational information about your handicapped child. 1 v. Add. ti: Parents of the handicapped in partnership with helping professionals. Appl. au: National Learning Besource Center of Pennsylvania. 6 Montgomery County Intermediate Onit; 22Aug77; A898149.

4898150. Top management report on: Government- business cooperation in meeting world needs. Co-editors: Edward c. Bursk 6 Gene E. Bradley E other editors, art director: C. J. Hepburn. 48 p. O International Management and Development Institute; 12Sep77; 4898150.

4898151. Heirloom ornaments 4. 3y Betty Ann Deems. 35 p. O Betty Deems; 30Jul77: 4898151.

4898152. Jarke Corporation, a world of material handling eguipment for all industries. Catalog 77/2. 43 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. Jarke Corporation; 23Sep77; 4898152.

4898153. Haan 77; rev. col. ed. 99 p. NM: editorial revision & additional text G pictures. 6 Vilem B. Haan, Inc.; 16Sep77: A898153.

4898154. Activity therapy: an innovative approach to individual program planning. By Eusse'll P. Krey 6 Sharon S. Krey. 93 p. e Bussell P. Krey; 22Sep77; 4898154.

4898155. Bowling. By Patty Costello with Alfred Glossbrenner, all photos, except the frontpiece are by James Uhittier Parker. 136 p. Patty Costello; 6Apr77: 4898155.

4898156. The New Mercedes-Benz guide. By Joe Oldham. 127 p. (Modern sports car series) Tab Books; 2Sep77; 4898156.

4898157. Microprocessor programming for computer hobbyists. By Neill Graham. 382 p. e Tab Books; 294ug77: 4898157.

A898158. Photo guide to 4M/FM stereo repair. By Homer L. Davidson. 288 p. Q Tab Books; 294ug77; 4898156.

4898159. The Illustrated dictionary of broadcast- CATT-telecommunications. By B. Terry Ellmore. 396 p. e Tab Books; 29Aug77; A898159.

4898160. The Strange world of Frank Edwards. Edited by Hory Stuart. 185 p. The material in this book was selected from Stranger than science fi others. NM: newly collected & new introd- by Lyle Stuart- e Lyle Stuart, Inc.; 15Sep77; 4898160.

4898161. The Availability of minorities and women for professional and managerial positions, 1970-1985. By Stephen 4. Schneider, with the assistance of Martha B. Preiss & Bobert i. Shangraw. 280 p. (Manpower and human resources studies, no. 7) Q The Trustees of the University of Penns- ylvania: 14Sep77; A39S161.

A898162. How to make a violin bow. By Frank V. Henderson. 182 p. Frank V. Henderson; 16Sep77; A898162.

A898163. Portrait of a silver lady: the train they called the California Zephyr. By Bruce A. MacGregor £ Frederick H. Benson. 357 p. in box. e Bruce 4. MacGregor e Frederick I. Benson; 15Sep77; A898163.

A898154. Collected works. By Thomas Thompson. 1 V. & Thomas Thompson; 1Jan77; A898164.

A898165. "A Haste of. effort"; psychological projection as a primary mode of alienation in selected novels by Kawabata Tasunari. By Elizabeth Ann Silberman. 261 p. e Elizabeth Ann Silberman: 3Sep77; 4898165.

4898166. Syntron parts handling systems for plastic bottle preforms: provides automatic handling of preforms from storage to blowmolding machines. 2 p. e FMC Corporation; 6Sep77: 4898166.

A898167. Bulk material handling and parts handling equipment—your single source. 11 p. Add. ti: FMC bulk material handling and parts handling equipment — your single source. 6 FMC Corporation; 28Jun77; 4898167.

A898168. Link-Belt series 3000 belt conveyor idlers. Bulletin no. 112774. 27 p. e FMC Corporation; 84ug77; 4898168.

A898ie9. Primary behavioral objectives for cootputer programming; teacher's handbook. Pt. 2. Hritten by Arlene Tunick Kramer. 91 p. Arlene T. Kramer; 15Sep77; 4898169.

4898170. "The Decathlon" game. 1 v. Appl. au: Stephen J. Millian. O Stephen J. Millian; 23Sep77; A898l70.

4898171. Your scentscope. By 4rlene Dahl. Folder, e Dahlia Parfums, Inc.; 14Sep77; 4898171.

4898172. The Leelanau Indian fieserve, 1. 1 v. 4ppl. au; Charles H. Lockwood. Q Charles H. Lockwood; 26Sep77; A898172.

4898173. Keeping Hawaii green; Hawaiian Sugar Technologists 1976 reports, 35th annual conference, Nov. 1976. 277 p. 4dd. ti: Hawaiian Sugar Technologists 1976 reports. Q Hawaiian Sugar Technologists;' 6Sep77; 4398173.

A898174. The Mountain yiew School District. Prepared by Bobert L. Taylor & Hilliam D. silsted. 7 p. e Robert L. Taylor 6 Billiam D. Hilsted; 1Sep77; Aa98174.

A898175. Home ownership. By Carol B. Meeks. p. 200-250. e Carol B. Meeks; 22Sep77; A898175.

A898176. The Natural way to good vision without glasses; or. Exercise your eyes to visual health. Kit. Appl. au: Hilliam B. Jones. O Billiam B. Jones; 2JSep77; A898176.

A898177. The King and you. 1 p. Appl. au: Bob F. Holt. e Bob F. Holt: 23Sep77; 4898177.

4398178. Thirty years of corporate fixed investment. Folder. (Capital goods review, no. 107) O Machinery and Allied Products Institute; 1Sep77; A898178.

A898179. Harvard Business School cases: 1-377-226 and others. Multiple volumes & sheets (3 p.) Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Administration. The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 13Jun77; A898179.

4898180. Harvard Business School cases: 1-577-158 and others. Multiple volumes. 4ppl. au: Harvard University Graduate School of Business 4dministration. O The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 17Jun77: 4898180.

A898181. Hearing is believing; some theoretical principles behind the . ESS Heil air-motion transformer. 46 p. ESS, Inc.; 5Nov74; A898181.

4898182. Old Hestport. By Hilliam A. Goff. 1 v. e Billiam A. Goff; 9Sep77; 4898182.

4898183. Palate pleasecs of the Bel 4ir Bomen's

Club. 108 p. 4ppl. au: Janis Hutson.


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