Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/690

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4898225 - aB98265
JUL-DEC. 1977

&898225. Row to publish your own book (for less than $100> By Shirley Huble. 15 p. e Shirley Ruble; 2Sep77: A898225.

A89822e. Beyns* Biver tubiuq handbook. By Beynold C. Du Eois, illustrated by Cliff Du Bois 6 Cheryl Carity. 58 p. 6 Beynold C. Du Bois (in notice; Beyn Du Bois) ; 15Jul77; A898226.

A898227. Studies in the philosophy of language. Editors; Peter a. French, Theodore E. Oehlinq, Jr. 6 Howard K. Nettstein. 285 p. (Midwest studies in philosophy, vol. 2) @ The Oniversity of Minnesota; 27Jun77: A898227.

A898228. ftepleoishinq. Folder (6 p.) Appl. au; Beniamin F. Taylor. 3 Benianin F. Taylor: 10Auq77; A898228.

A898229. Buffalo Dountain poens. By Bodger Lee Butler. 1 V. e Rodger Butler; 27Sep77; AS98229.

Aa98230. Required communication of material weaknesses in internal accounting control. 12 p. (Statement on auditing standards, no. 20, Aug. 1977) 6 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 2tAuq77: A896230.

A898231. Alphabetized directory of American iournalists. 1977 ed. 288 p. Appl. au: Jack Barkley. e Alphabetized Directory of American Journalists; 8Sep77; A898231.

A898232. Transit Parts Company technical manual number TPC-877. 155 p. S Transit Parts Company; iesep77: A898232.

A89a233. BAL advanced coding technigues: moves and decision coding. Lesson 323.10. 13 p. @ Edutronics Systems International, Inc.; 1Aug77; A898233.

A89823i(. Berry College admissions catalog 1978-80, September 1977. 30 p. 6 Berry College; 26Sep77; 4898231.

A898235. Dnittool Punch and Die Heavy duty feed thru punching units. Catalog HFT-77- Folder. 6 Onittool Punch and Die Company, Inc.; 21Sep77: A898235.

A898236. Uaan 78, master cataloque of motorinq accessories; col. ed. 99 p. @ Vilem B. Haan, Inc.; 16Sep77: A898236.

A898237. I think we need a woman: or. How to obtain the appointment of women to boards and commissions at both city and county levels. Britten by Naomi Drury-Smull with members of RAC, edited by Joy Banyas. illustrated by Harqe Benoit. 31 p. Appl. au: Marqo L. Underwood. @ Somen's Appointments coalition; 18Apr77; 4898237.

4898238. TvQ, a qualitative TV research service from Harketinq Evaluations: syndicated national report, Auqust 1976-1977 season. 151 p. Add. ti: IvA, a qualitative TV research service, August 1976-1977 and associated guestionnairc. 6 Marketing Evaluations, Inc.; 16Sep77; 4898238.

4898239. Evaluation of the pollutant emissions from qds-fired water heaters. Research report no. 1507. By y. H. Thrasher 6 D. H. Dewerth. 13 p. Appl. au: American Gas Association. American Gas Association; 26Apr77; A898239.

A898210. Moments with a preschooler: a book of games and activities for parents and teachers. By Margaret Van flatten, illustrated by Dorothy Daas. 57 p. © Margaret Van flatten; 15May75; A898210.

A898211. Measured moments with a preschooler; a handbook of activities to guide inte- raction between a child and an adult. Pts. 16 2. By Margaret Van Hatten, illustrated by Dorothy Daas, Jean Daas & Leslie Senden. 2 v. O Margaret Van Hatten: 6Sep76: A898211.

A898212. Evelyn Bainbird catalogue, 1976. 1 v. e Evelyn Bainbird, Ltd.; 1Aug76; A898212.

A898213. Hating game, 1978. Calendar. Sirkay Publishing Company: 30Aug77: A898243.

A896211. Family get-together. By P. R. Johnson. 179 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. 6 Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77; A898211.

A898215. Everybody's playgirl. By Vickie Lee- 179 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. 6 Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77; 1898215.

A898216. Auntie's naughty boys. By Bank Faber. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Q Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77: A898216.

4898217. Hollywood honey. By Connie Bedford. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. 6 Carlyle Communications, Inc.: 15Aug77: A898217.

A898218. Try me out! By Alex Sexton. 188 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Formerly pub. as The Sex trap. HM; cover photo, e Carlyle Communications, Inc. ; 15Aug77: A898218.

A8982iy. Hungry flolly. By Hugo Rich. 179 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. © Carlyle communications. Inc.; 15Aug77: 4898219.

A898250. My sister, my lover. By Hilma Tarrant. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. e Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77; A89a250.

A898251. Tasty young stuff. By Kurt Halcome. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Q Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77; A898251.

A898252. Against Anna's will. By Adam Lehrle. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. O Carlyle Communications, Inc. ; 154ug77; 4898252.

A898253. Gay tricks. By Bobbie Lou Shaver. 179 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. e Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 5Aug77; A898253.

A898251. Swap circus. By Carla Comaings. 187 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Formerly pub. as Throbbing with pleasure. NM: cover photo. @ Carlyle communi- cations. Inc.; 154ug77; 4898251.

4898255. Swap for pop, by Nora Kinkaid. Only with uncle, by Roxanne Torrell. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Swap for pop formerly pub. as The Farmer's naughty daughter. Only with uncle formerly pub. as Incest: Nancy with Phil. NM: cover photo- © Carlyle Communications, Inc.: 154ug77: A898255.

4898256. Her dominating doctor. By Peter Stephan. 180 p. 4ppl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. © Carlyle Com- munications, Inc.; 154ug77; 4898256.

4898 257. Teenage pleasure house. By J. Forte. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. © Carlyle Communications, Inc. ; 15Aug77: A898257.

A898258. 9 to 5 playmate, by Band! Beed. Everything for the boss, by Angle Hide. 1 V. Appl. au: carlyle Communications, Inc. 9 to 5 playmate formerly pub. as She came with the boss. Everything for the boss formerly pub. as Secrets of a sex starved secretary. NM: cover photo. © Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77; 4898258.

4898259. 411 the bad girls, by Derry Prowys. Poxy line-up, by Kathy Kotcher. 1 v- 4ppl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. All the bad girls formerly pub. as Ball, baby, ball. Foxy line-up formerly pub. as The Ream team. O Carlyle Communications, Inc. : 15Aug77; 4898259.

4898260. Bipe and randy, by Marsha Younger. Young and dandy, by Candy Peele. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Bipe and randy formerly pub. as Dirty Debbie!, Young and dandy formerly pub. as Naughty nights. NM: cover photo. 3 Carlyle Communications, Inc. : 154ug77; 4898260.

4898261. Eager to please. By 4manda Babe. 187 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Formerly pub. as Lay-a-day. NM: cover photo. 3 Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 154ug77; 4898261.

4898262. Sives on the prowl, by Margo Marryat. Husbands on the make, by Barton Buck. 1 V. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Hives on the prowl formerly pub. as On the make!. Husbands on the make formerly pub. as Aaah! NM: cover photo. 9 Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77: A898262.

A898263. First class stew. By Smokey Mimas. 180 p. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. © Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Aug77; A898263.

4898261. Sweet 'n supple Suzi, by Stewart Lailowe. Jazzin' Jeanni, by 4nita Sultry. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Sweet *n supple Suzi formerly pub. as Succulent Suzi, Jazzin' Jeanni formerly pub. as More than a handful. NM: cover photo. © Carlyle communications. Inc. ; 154ug77; 4898261.

4898265. Two-way wives. By Sharon Hiles. 180 p.

4ppl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc.


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