Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/692

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&898312 - 4898353
JUL-DEC. 1977

4898311 (con.) 4ppl. au: Greenleaf classics. Inc., employer for hire. C Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 8Jal77: 4898311.

4898312. The Hife traders. By Jane Fox. 15i» p. 4ppl. au; Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire, e Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 29JU177: 4898312.

4898313. Her office orqy. By Bobert Vickers. 156 p. 4ppl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , effiployer for hire. 6 Greenleaf Classics. Inc.; 25Jul77: 46983 13.

48983111. Boys in bondage. By Bex Harper. 15<4 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.: 8Jul77: 4898311.

4898315. The Girls of Hale and Stag. Vol. 1, no. 2, 1977. Editor: John Tido £ other editors, art director: Iruin Linker. 81 p. Appl. au: naqazine Hanagement company. Inc. Magazine Management Company, Inc. ; 30Jun77; 4898315.

4898316. Sexy ladies. Playboy a.k.E Playboy Enterprise Inc.; 2«Jun77; A898316.

A898317. Television and the preschool child; a psychological theory of instruction and curriculum development. By Harvey Lesser. 261 p. (Educational psychology) e Academic Press, Inc.; 24uq77: 4898317.

4898318. Pericyclic reactions. Vol. 2. Edited by Alan P. Marchand £ Boland E. Lehr. 327 p. (Organic chemistry, vol. 35) Academic Press, Inc.; 264ug77; 4898318.

4898319. Problem solving; a structural/process approach Hith instructional isplications. By Joseph H. Scandura. 591 p. Acaderic Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4898319.

4898320. Advances in applied mechanics. Vol. 17. Edited by Chia-shun Yih. 389 p. e Academic Press, Inc.; 5Sep77; A898320.

A898321. chromatin and chromosomal protein research. No. 1. Edited by Gary Stein, Janet Stein £ Levis J. Kleinsmith. I49<t p. (Methods in cell biology, vol. 16) e Academic Press, Inc.; 26Jul77: A898321.

4898322. American Mathematical Society tran- slations. Ser. 2, vol. 109: 20 lectures delivered at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Vancouver, 197 4. By D. V. 4nosov £ others. 129 p. Appl. au: American Mathematical Society, employer for hire. NM: translations. Q 'American MajLhematical Society; 9Sep77: A898322.

A898323. The All-Americans. By James Robert Parish £ Con E. Stanke, vith Michael B. Pitts, editor: T. Allan Taylor. 4i)8 p. Appl. states all neii except prev. pub. photos. ti James Robert Parish £ Don E. Stanke; 14ug77: 4898323.

4898321. Shaw and the play of ideas. By Bobert T. Ihitman. 293 p. Appl. au: George Bernard Shan. 6 on prev. unpub. letters of George Bernard Shan; The Trustees of the British Museum, The Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland £ Boyal Academy of Dramatic Art; 2Mar77; A898321.

4898325. Acts and other events. By Judith Jarvis Thomson. 27t p. 6 Cornell Dniversity; 20Sep77; A898325.

A898326. Air pollution control and design handbook. Pt. 2. Edited by Paul S. Cheremisinoff fi fiichard 4. Young, p. 609-1017. e Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 21JU177; 4898326.

4898327. Infrared, correlation, and Fourier transform spectroscopy. Edited by James S. Mattson, Harry B. Mark, Jr. £ Hubert c. MacDonald, Jr. 233 p. 6 Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 2Aug77; 4898327.

4898328. Solvent extraction chemistry; fun- damentals £ applications. By Tatsuya Seklne £ Yuko Hasegaua. 919 p. Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 234ug77; 4898328.

A898329. Exclusionary injustice: the problea of illegally obtained evidence. By Steven B. Schlesinger. 116 p. Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 234ug77; 4898329.

4898330. Heavy oil gasification. Edited by 4rnold H. Pelofsky. 163 p. 6 Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 15Jul77; A898330.

4898331. The Besilient church: the necessity and limits of adaptation. By Avery Dulles. 229 p. e on revisions to chap. 6 £ all new writings by 4very Dulles; 4very Dulles; 2Sep77; 4898331.

4898332. Last Sunday. By Bobert Newton Peck, illustxated by Ben Stahl. 142 p. 9 Bobert Newton Peck; 264ug77; 4898332.

4898333. Small blessings. By Celestine Sibley, illustrated by Mona Mark. 184 p. NM: additional text. e Celestine Sibley; 264uq77; 4898333.

4898334. Exercise in cardiovascular health and disease. Edited by Ezra A. Amsterdam, Jack H. silmore 6 Anthony N. DeMaria. 384 p. 10 chapters prev. appeared in The American journal of cardiology. May 20, 1974, special issue. NM: 16 chapters. C Yorke Medical Books, a division of Dun-Donnelly Publishing Corporation; 27Sep77; A898334.

4898335. Holy the firm. By Annie Dillard. 76 p. Appl. states all new except portion prev. pub. in Harper's magazine. 6 Annie Dillard; 21Sep77; 4898335.

4898336. Bhen the wind blew. By Margaret Sise Brown, pictures by Geoffrey Hayes. 30 p. e on illus. ; Geoffrey Hayes; 14Sep77; 4898336.

4898337. Global fracture: the new international economic order. By Michael Hudson. 296 p. O Michael Hudson; 21Sep77; 4898337.

4898338. 4n Inheritance; the memoirs ot Dhanvanthi Bama Bau. 305 p. 6 Ohanvanthi Kama Bau; 14Sep77; 4898338. Edward J. Beith & Michael H. Boss. 3rd ed. 287 p. e Edward J. Beith £ Michael H. Boss; 26JU177; 4898339.

A898340. The Bural foundation for urbanism: economic and stylistic interaction between rural and urban communities in eighth- century Peru. By Hilliam Harris Isbell. 188 p. (Illinois studies in anthropology, no. 10) The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; 21Sep77; A898340.

A898341. The Mapping of Ohio. By Thomas H. Smith. 252 p. NM: text. Kent State Dniversity Press; 27May77; A898341.

4898342. Customs duties. 1000 p. (United States code service, lawyers edition, title 19) 4ppl. states copyright not claimed. on any material from official 0. S. Govt, sources. NM: compilation. G The Lawyers Co- operative Publishing Company £ Bancroft- Mhitney Company; 9Jun77; 4898342.

4898343. Hitchhike. By Isabelle C. Holland. 157 p. O Isabelle C. Holland; 9Aug77; A898343.

4898344. Hhat kind of guy do you think I am? By Sidney Offit. 160 p. Sidney Offit; 104ug77; 4898344.

4896345. The Dangerous game. By Milton Dank. 157 p. Milton Dank; 104ug77; 4898345.

4898346. Burket's Oral medicine: diagnosis and treatment. By Lester Hilliam Burket, edited by Malcolm 4. Lynch. 7th ed. 776 p. 6 J. 6. Lippincott Company; 164ug77; 4898346.

4898347. 4dvanced concepts in clinical nursing. Edited by Kay Corsan Kintzel. 2Ed ed. 784 p. Q J. B. Lippincott Company; 194ug77; 4898347.

4898348. Nursing research, 2. Edited by Phyllis J. Verhonick. 266 p. Little, Brown and Company, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4898348.

4898349. Bolivar. By Donald Emmet Horcester. 243 p. e Donald E. iorcester; 224pr77; 4898349.

A89S350. Pain: a source book for nurses and other health professionals. Edited by Ada K. Jacox, foreword by Jeanne Q. Benoliel. 535 p. Appl. states all new except tables E figures, e Ada K. Jacox; 25May77; A898350.

A898351. The Cloud of danger: current realities of American foreign policy. By George F. Kennan. 234 p. O George F. Kennan: 24Hay77; A898351.

A898352. Jesus: a biography. By Ed B. Lorenz. 178 p. e Ed B. Lorenz; 22Sep77; 4898352.

4898353. Critique of stammler. By Max Heber, translated, with an introductory essay by Guy Oakes. 184 p. NM: pref . , intro- ductory essay £ translation. The Free Press, a division of Macmillan Publishing

Company, Inc.; SSep77; 4898353.


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