Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/695

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A898437 - i89847«
JUL-DEC. 1977

A898436 (cod.) cells; pcoceedinqs of a Confecence on the ElGCtEochenistrv aod Physics of Se»i- coadlK-tor Liquid Interfaces under IlluainatioD held at Airlie, VA. Hay 3-5, 1977. Edited by Adai Heller. 333 p. The ElectrocheDical Society, Inc.; 16Sep77; A898l)36.

»89eit37. A Kalk through Graceland Cenetery. By Barbara Lanctot, photos, by fioseaary Kluke. 61 p. O Chicago School of Architecture Foundation; 1Juc77; A898U37.

A898438. Publications of the Hissouri Philo- logical Association. Vol. 2, 1977. Editor: Prank H. Patterson. 66 p. Hissouri Philological Association; 1Aug77; A6981138.

A8981I39. flesterp pioneers: the descendants of Peter Pine Alexander. By Edythe Alexander fader. 226 p. Edythe Alexander Fader; 12JU177; A898<i39.

A898Ulta. Fundaaental skills in physical education. By Phyllis C. Jacobson & Ann Valentine. 221 p. Brighan Young Oniyersity Press; 23Har77; A898itao.

A8984li1. Tour hydraulic systen. 31 p. Appl. au: Enerpac, division of Applied Power, Inc. Applied Power, Inc., parent coapany of Enerpac; 2itAuq77: AB98'lill.

A89eit42. Build a systea. 31 p. Appl. au; Enerpac, division of Applied Power, Inc. C Applied Power, Inc., parent coapany of Enerpac; 26Auq77: A898«l»2.

A8984<t3. The Three dimensions of "life". By Andrew D. Phillips, Sr. 9 p. Andrew D. Phillips, Sr.; iejUB77; A8984it3.

A8984a4. The Music aachine: an adventure in tqapeland. Coapiler: Tony Salerno. 8 p. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. N4SB66. NH: illus. & additional text. Sparrow Becords, Inc.; 8Auq77; A898ltlt4.

A898ltUS. Bus rides and diatribes. By Badley and Heis, pseud, of Clifford Ted Hadley. 1 v. (A Journeyman's book, pt. 3) Hadley and Beis; 1Aug77; A896«<45.

A898a46. Orange pages: a directory of news aedia for Bergen County. By Harie Oberlin BacBride. 62 p. C Harie HacBride: 21Sep77: A898446.

A898U47. The Hriqhtsaaa collection: gold boxes. Text by Clare Le Corbeillec, pho toa. by Balcola Varon. 1 v. Add. ti: Gold boxes: the Briqhtsman collection. Appl. au: The Hetropolitan Huseum of Art, employer for hire. The Hetropolitan Huseua of Art; 22Auq77: A898447.

A898448. Current status of prostheses for bypass of tibial and coronary arteries. By Lester B. Sauvaqe, Lianeo G. Fernandez, Stephen B. Bobel, Hark H. Halker, Koute Berger, Stanley G. Yates 2nd, Edward A. fiittenhouse, Jaaes C. Saith, Christopher C. Davis, Dale G. Hall E Peter B. Hansfield. 7 p. Lester S. Sauvage; 18Auq77: A898«U8.

A898«l;9. The School nurse services proqraa. Pt. 1. Prepared by the Ad Hoc Coaaittee of the Southern Section — California School Nurses Organization. 2nd ed. rev. by Freda Arnold, Lillian Casady, Dorothy Uilkes, Sally Billiaas i Hargaret Hilliaoson. 40 p. Appl. au: California School Nurses Organization. O California School Nurses Organization; 27Sep77; A896449.

Ae98450. Beorganization in Florida: how is services integration working? An evaluation of the integrated 6 decen- tralized Department of Health and fiehabilitative Services. fieport by a panel of the National Academy of Public Adainistration. 130 p. National Acadeay of Public Administration; 13Sep77; A898450.

Ae984S1. Harlboro, Concord, HA, area, telephone directory, October 1977. O New England Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 26Sep77; Ae98451.

A898452. HasoD City, lA, and nearby communities telephone directory, September 1977. O Northwestern Bell Telephone Company: 14Sep77; A898452.

A898453. Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories supplemental catalog. Vol. no. 1031. 48 p. Nfl: additions C updating. Sirchie finger Print Labs (in notice: Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories); 21Sep77; A898453.

A898454. The Beal estate appraisers textbook. By Harry K. Frase. 138 p. C Harry K. Frase; 16Sep77; A898454.

Ae98455. aaryland; a social studies series suggested for grades 4-8; teacher aanual. Produced by the Haryiand state Departaent of Education's Division of Instructional Television in cooperation with the Division of Instruction. 143 p. Appl. au: Haryland state Departaent of Education, Division of Instructional Television, Curriculum Developaent/O- tilization Section. S Haryland state Department of Education, Division of Instructional Television, Curriculun Development/otilization Section (in notice; Haryland state Department of Education); 28Aug77; A898455.

A898456. Les Johnson reading development. 1 p. Appl. au: Lester C. Johnson (Les Johnson) NH; revisions e, additions. 6 Les Johnson; 27Sep77; A898456.

A898457. German for students and travellers. 59 p. Add. ti: Vacation in Europe? German for students and travellers. Appl. au: Annemarie Schneider Annerl. Annemarie Schneider Annerl; 28Sep77; A898457.

A898458. Hy magic book. 1 v. Appl. au: Joy Grimmer. O Key Finders, Inc.; 3Dec76: A898458.

A898459. Inguire user language tutorial. 1 v. O Infodata Systems, Inc.; 2Sep77; A898459-

A398460. Jack Ihitaker in "Go for broke", "Teamwork", "A Game of inches." Folder. O Sports Films and Talents, Inc.; 30Jun77; A898460.

A898461. Developmental Center graph. 1 p. O Developmental Center; 15Jul77; A89e461.

A89fl462. Birds in focus: a seasonal guide to birding on Staten Island. By Billiam A. Siebcbheller € Norma Siebenheller. photos, by Dave Siebenheller. 83 p. Uilliam A. Siebenheller C Norma Siebenheller; 15Feb77; A89BI462.

A898463. The Heat Board meat book. By Barbara Bloch (Barbara Benjaain) with the National Live Stock and Heat Board, introd. by Julia Child. 224 p. O National Live Stock and Heat Board C The Benjaain Coapany, Inc.; 7Sep77; A898463.

A898464. Insurance agents training guide. By Seeman Varancb, Barbara P. Cobb £ Nanette B. Jennings. 204 p. C Property and Casualty Educators, Inc.; 19Sep77; A8984e4.

A898465. Guidelines for Christian initiation of infants and children. 56 p. Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. material. O The Commission on the Liturgy, Diocese of Green Bay; 14Sep77: A898465.

A89e466. flodel file coding instruction 6. 1 v. NH: additions & revisions. Hanageaent Science, Inc.; 26Sep77 (in notice: 1976): A898466.

A898467. The Stone. A fable by Billiaa Francis Bitchey. 6 p. Nilliaa Francis Bitchey; 14Sep77; A898467.

A898468. Sound off: installation instructions. 2 p. Audio Controls, Inc.; 15Sep77; A898468.

A89B469. Have a aacraae Christmas; festive holiday decorations for the aost creative Christmas ever. By Sandy Dye e Chris Adams. 23 p. O Craft Publications, Inc.; 24Aug77: A698469.

A898470. The Departaent of School Safety and Environment opens the door to safe sciiools with key objectives. 19 p. O Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 28JU177; A898470.

A898471. Options in public education; Near Best Elementary School, Beverly Area Elementary School, Edqewater-East Rogers Park Elementary School. Prepared by Program Development/Alternative Schools, Donn L. Nadley, director. 1 v. Appl. au: Board of Education of the City of Chicago. O Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 10Auq77; A898471.

A898472. Harketing decision making. Haterials compiled by Barbara D. Bart. 44 p. O Barbara D. Bart; 15Sep77; A898472.

A898473. A Different sort of diary. Authors; Nancy Ann Northrop & Janice A. Hathy. 1 V. Connselcraft Productions, Inc.; 15Sep77; A898473.

A898474. A Different sort of diary. Host of the illus. C some of the lettering by Nancy Ann Northrop, aost of the lettering t some

of the i).lus. by Janice A. Hathy. 1 v.


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