Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/697

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A898516 - A898555
JUL-DEC. 1977

i89e516. The Boute to aail order cicbes. By David Hayne HUDtinqton. 3 P. O Da>id HuntidQton: 23Sep77; »B98516.

4898517. CODtract guide coverioq Hational aaster freight aqreeneot. Central states area over-the-road. Central states area local cactaqe suppleaental aqreeaents, Ohio rider. Suppl. do. 2. Hot. IS. 1976. Sheets. C Botor Carriers Eaployers Conference — Central States; 7Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; »898517.

»898518. Pinal report of five year curriculua proiect: developaent of a neu curriculua to strengthen the existing baccalaureate proqraa. 76 p. O Onivecsity of Connecticut, School of Karsioq: 2JSep77: i898S1B.

1898S19. Today and other aoaeats: poeas. By Stella Savage Zaavil. 55 p. Stella Savage Zaavil: 28aay77: 1898519.

A898520. Industrial recreation report, 1977. 60 p. O Abbott, Lanqer and Associates: 5Bay77: A898520.

A898S21. Inter-city wage acd salary differen- tials. 1977. 100 p. Abbott, Lanqer and Associates: 31Har77: A898521.

A898322. Dev drops frua above. 84 p. Appl. au: fiose A. Leflaster. Bose A. LeHaster: 1iaac76 (in notice: 1977) ; A898522.

A898523. Basic writijig sKills pro-file. Polder. Appl. au: Garland Bbite, Anne ibite. Henry Donaldson £ Jeanne Donaldson. Garland Rhite, Anne Hbite, Henry Donaldson S, Jeanne Donaldson; 26Sep77: A89852J.

A89852<t. Pundaaentals of food; laboratory aanual. By Judith G. Stanq, portions adapted froa aaterial prepared by a. Eioise Green, edited by Bacbel a. Hubbard t Bobert L. Joseph, issued by Departaent of Huaan nutrition and Pood Hanaqeaent, the School of Hoae Econoaics, the Ohio State Oniversity. Sheets (lOK p.) Appl. au: Departaent of Buaan Nutrition and Food aanaqeaent faculty. Ha: editorial revision 6 additions. O The School of Boae Econoaics of the Ohio State Oniversity: 1«Sep77: A89852U.

A898525. crochet purse appeal. Ho. 7229. By Linda Harrison. 23 p. Designer Artistic Crafts. Inc.: 2Sep77: A89852S.

A898526. A Heaving priaer. Ho. 7225. Coapiled by aichalene Kadar Baskett. 21 p. (Heaveasy series) Designer Artistic Crafts, Inc.; 9Aug77: A898526.

A898527. Advanced trauaa life support: a laboratory syllabus for eaerqency physicians. By Joel Kevin Sias. 82 p. Bavaii Bedical Association, Eaerqency aedical services Proqraa; 18Auq77; A898527.

A898S28. Coaprehensive directory of ainor leaque football. 1977. Coapiled, uritten t edited by Baric Georqe Azzara. Jr. 33 p. O Bark Azzara, Jr.: 26Aaq77; A898528.

A898529. Boney aanaqeaent. service fa total financing piajiniiiq environaeot) 6 p. Bankers national Life Insurance Coapany; 25Bay77: A898529.

A898530. History of Butberford County — Butbertordton, porest City (Burnt chianey). Spindale. By Kinard Tillaan Baynard. 1 v. Add. ti: History of Butherford County, including: £uther- fordton. Forest City. Spindale. K. T. Baynard; 23Jun76 ; A898530.

A898531. Heat your boae, save aoney «ith vara air, solar heat froa your sviaaing pool. 1 V. Appl. au: Allen c. Goodrich. O New Allen Goodrich Enterprises. Inc.; 1Jul77; A898531.

A898532. The Pundaaentals of interior decoration. By Hilliaa Beid, Jr. 183 p. J. Heston Halch, Publisher: 5Jan76; Ae9e532.

A898533. Paper folding geoaetry. By Donovan A. Johnson. 1U8 p. J. Heston lalch. Publisher; 3Jan76; A898533.

A89B53it. Bath in everyday life; teacher ed. t student ed. By David E. Hevton. 2 v. J. Heston Halch. Publisher: 3Jan76: A898534.

A898535. Spiegel fall and winter 1977 catalog. 607 p. Spiegel, Inc.; 20Jun77; A89853S.

A898536. Enviionaent and Utopia: a synthesis. By Budolf U. Boos e Bobert Brovnstein. 28<t p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his otficial duties. Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 20Jun77; A898S3b.

6898537. Pear of success. By David Bard Treseaer. 245 p. G Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 12Aug77: A898537.

A89853a. Bodecn aspects of electrocheaistry. Ho. 12. Edited by J. O'B. Bockris £ B. E. Convay. 325 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. O Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 29JU177; A898538.

A898539. Eye aoveaents: ABVO syaposiua, 1976. Edited by Barbara A. Brooks £ Frank J. Bajandas. 223 p. Proceedings of a Syaposiua on Eye aoveaents held at the Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Oct. 29-30, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a u. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. O Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation: 25AQ977; A898539.

A898S140. Hypothalaaic peptide horaones and pituitary regulation. Edited by John C. Porter. 366 p. (Advances in experiaentai aedicine and biology, vol. 87) Proceedings of the Horkshop on Peptide- Beleasing Horaones, held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, BO, Hov. 1-2, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. O Plenua Press, a

A898541. Secret of the stone face. By Phyllis A. Whitney. 144 p. O Phyllis A. Hhitney; 29Jui77; Ae96541.

A898S42. Baria Bitchell: first lady of Aaerican astronoay. By Helen L. Borgan. 14 1 p. O Helen L. Borqan; l6Sep77: A898S42.

A89854]. as. --architect. By D. I. Penten. 128 p. O D. X. Penten; 16Sep77; A898543.

A898544. Bary — the feainine face of the church. By Boseaary fiadford Buether. 106 p. The Hestainster Press; 16Sep77; A898544.

A89854S. Spotted Plover and the ponokoaita. By Karyn Pollis Cheathaa, decorations by the author. 94 p. O Karyn Pollis Cheathaa: 16Sep77; A898S45.

A89BS46. A Horse in your backyard? By Virginia Phelps cleaens. 154 p. O Virginia Phelps Cleaens; 16Sep77: A89e546.

A898547. Horld food prospects and agricultural potential. By Barylin Chou. Oavid P. Haraon, Jr.. ueraan Kahn 6 Sylvan H. Hittwer. 316 p. O Hudson Institute; 30Jun77; A898547.

A898548. Studies in Soviet input-output analysis. Edited by Vladiair G. Treil, foreword bf Hassily Leontief. 446 p. O Praegec Publishers; 1Sep77; A698548.

A898 549. victias, criae and social control. By Eduard A. Ziegenhagen. 156 p. O Praeger Publishers: 1Sep77; A898549.

A898550. Venezuela: the deaocratic experience. Edited by John D. Bartz £ David J. Byers. 406 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 8. prev. pub. in Journal of Inter- Aaerican studies and world affairs, vol. 18, no. 1. O Praeger Publishers; 30Aug77; A898550.

A898S51. Hoaen's rights and the law: the iapact of the EBA on state laws. By Barbara A. Brown. Ann E. Preedaan, Harriet H. Katz £ Alice a. Price. 432 p. Praeger Publishers; 20Sep77; A89e551.

4896552. Treasure. By Bobert Daley. 341 p. on text, aaps £ all prev. unpub. photos.; Bobert Daley; 5Apr77; A898552.

A89e553. Frederick Asbton and his ballets. By David Vaughan. 522 p. O on text, coapilation, editorial revision £ any unpub. photos. David Vaughan; 9Bay77; A896553.

A898554. The Make-it-yourseif shoe book. By Christine Lewis Clark. 100 p. O Christine Lewis Clark; 21Jun77; A898554.

A898555. Electronic aeters: techniques and troubleshooting. By Biles Bitter-Sanders, Jr., pseud, of Bobert G. Biddleton. 299 p. O Beston Publishing Coapany, Inc.. a

Prentice-Hall coapany: 20Jul77; AB98555.


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