Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/732

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A899926 - A899969
JUL-DEC. 1977

»899926. Slade's Airbrush enercises. Exercise PC. Sheets in envelope. Appl. au: A. L. Slade. Slade and COJapany: 13Jul77: A899926.

A899927. Slade's Aipbrush exercises. Exercise LK. Sheets in envelope. Appl. au: A. L. Slade. Slade and Company; 13Jul77; A899927.

A899928. Slade's Airbrush exercises. Exercise TR. Sheets in envelope. Appl. au: A. L. Slade. Slade and Company; 13Jul77; A899928.

A899929. Exodus, old Testament 131; Seminary Extension study qulde. Study quide writer: Bobert L. Cate. 68 p. Seminary Extension Department of the Southern Baptist Seminaries: 2Auq77; A899929.

A899930. Evangelism, EV 123; Seminary Extension study qiiide. Study quide uriter: G. Billiam Schveer. 69 p. O Seminary Extension Department of the Southern Baptist Seminaries; 7Sep77; A899930.

A899931. Sum strategy. By Alan Barson Kit. Scott Besources, Inc.; 1Feb77; A899931.

A899932. Metric madness. By Mary Clare Cavanaqh, edited by James Dech, illustrator: Bruce Dean. 82 p. Scott Resources, Inc.; 1Feb77; A899932.

A899933. Short vowel soup, product number 1222, and other titles. By Mary Lou Totten. 6 kits. Scott Sesources, Inc.; 1Peb77; A899933.

A89993H. Consonant soup pantry. By Hary Lou Totten. Kit. Add. ti: Consonant soup games and activities for beginning sounds. Scott Besources, Inc.; 1Nov76; A89993I).

A899935. Petticoats and Pantaloons lamp shade; instructions. No. 1705-11. Folder. Add. ti: Petticoats Pantaloons lamp shade (directions) 6 Hilton Bradley Company; 11tFeb77; A899935.

A899936. Fun with Sticks; instructions. No. 523-X1. Kit. Hilton Bradley Company; 14Feb77: A899936.

A899937. Waffle Reave loom; instructions. No. 1707-X1. Kit. Hilton Bradley Company; nFeb77; A899937.

A899938. Panda. Kit. NH: editorial selection, new text G pictorial matter. 6 Lorraine H. Brodek 6 Betty Holnback d.b.a. Fingerprints; 23Aug76; A899938.

AB99939. Mister Claus. Kit. NM: editorial selection^ new text & pictorial matter. Lorraine H. Brodek & Betty Uolnback d.b.a. Fingerprints; 23Auq7e: A099939.

A899940. Mrs. Claus. Kit. NM: editorial selection, new text S pictorial matter. Lorraine 8. Brodek G Betty Holnback d.b.a. Fingerprints; 23Aug76: A899940.

editorial selection. new text G pictorial matter. O Lorraine a. Brodek G Betty Holnback d.b.a. Fingerprints; 23Aug76; A89991H.

A89991)2. Shopping cart fun card game; rules. Card. Accompanied by pictorial illus., reg. K1263a6 6 label, req. KK250063. Appl. au: Marqaret Flynn Todd. 6 Margaret Flynn Todd d.b.a. Todd Enterprises; 15Aug77; A8999K2.

i899913. Background basics. By Shirlcie McKlem. 5 p. Shirlee McKlem; 1May77; A8999i»3.

A8999H11. Apartmentroa, computerized apartment and home finder. Polder. Appl. au: Perry 0. Edson. NM: additional text G revisions. 3 Perry D. Edson d.b.a. Apartmentron; 7Feb77; A8999111.

A899945. Apartmentron, computerized apartment and home finder: building profile. Folder. Appl. au: Perry D. Edson. Perry D. Edson d.b.a. Apartmentron; 22Dec76; A8999it5.

A89991(6. Procion blue HX-G concentrated. SA 2021. Folder. 6 ICI United States, Inc.; 23Aug77; A899946.

A89991t7. IHEEN 65 and INEEN 80 frozen dessert emulsifiers. 2 p. C ICI United States, Inc.; 3Aug77; A89991I7.

A8999118. THEEN-HGS 100K emulsifier for frozen desserts. No. 238-11. 2 p. C ICI United States, Inc.; 29JU177; A8999it8.

A899949. Sherbet emulsifiers. No. 238-12. 2 p. O ICI United States, Inc. ; 1Aug77; A8999it9.

A899950. DAHCO TBS powdered activated carbon to improve the performance of wet scrubbing systems. No. 515-9. 1 p. ICI United States, Inc.; 1ilJul77; A899950.

A899951. Improved anaerobic digester performance with powdered activated carbon. No. 903-i(. 16 p. ICI United States, Inc.; 1Aug77; A899951.

A899952. Guidelines to the preparation of whipped toppings. No. 238-13. Folder (6 p.) ICI United States, Inc.; <tAug77; A899952.

A899953. Description of characteristics of sculptured model named "Touch of eternity" designed by Arne Jeassen. 1 p. Appl. au; Arne Jenssen. Arne Jenssen; 22Jun77; S899953.

A8999511. Financing the 1976 election: a report on special interest groups. Special report 2, Apr. 1977.. 50 p. NH: additions. 6 Plus Publications, Inc.; 9Hay77; A899954.

A899955. A Guide to organizations, aqencies, and Federal programs in mental health. Report 1, Aug. 1977. Editor: Bayne B. Uelch. 24 p. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. O Plus Publications, Inc. ; 19Aug77; A899955.

A899956. The Health planning and manpower acts; history and a summary of provisions. Report 1, Dec. 1976. A special report from Health Planning and Hanpower Beports, editor: Bobert V. tiatkins. 25 p. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. O Plus Publications, Inc.; 20Dec76; i899956.

A899957. Major Congressional proposals for national health insurance. Report 5, Aug. 1977. A special report from National Health Insurance Beports, editor: Robert H. Watkins, associate editor; Edward I. Lewis. 28 p. Appl. au: Plus Publi- cations, Inc. Id Plus Publications. Inc.; 2Aug77; A899957.

A899958. A Guide to organizations, agencies, and Federal programs for children. Report 5, May 1977. Editor: Joyce Lynn. 37 p. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 20Bay77; A899958.

A899959. A Summary of campaign practices laws of the 50 states. Beport 3, June 1977. Editor; Karen Fling. 51 p. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. C Plus Pub- lications, Inc.; 8JU177; A899959.

A899960. Introduction to the printing processes. 3rd ed. 17 p. (Paper knowledge series, 1) The Mead Corporation; 8ttar77; A899960.

A899961. Nho's who in nighttime TV. No. 5. Editor: Pegi Adam 6 other editors, art director: Bobert Schartoff. 90 p. O Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 2Aug77; A899961.

A899962. The Great Great Salt Lake. By Peter G. Czerny. 1^1 p. O Brigham toung University Press; 220ct76; A899962-

A899963. Profit and Loss; instructions. Folder (1 p.) Appl. au: James Scoppettone. 6 Hollow Stump Bungalow (Books and Games; 19JU177; A899963.

A899964. Credit card services orientation manual. 131 p. Appl. au: uilliam A. Atkins. Credit Union Card Services, Inc.; 8Aug77; A89996't.

A899965. Cantrell Equipment, Inc.: material handling, maintenance, safety, shop equipment. Catalog 1977-78. 99 p. Appl. au: Richard N. Cantrell. Cantrell Equipment, Inc., solely owned by Richard N. Cantrell; 30Aug77; A899965.

A899966. Biology for majors; laboratory guide. Biology 181. By J. R. Kennedy, L. H. Jones G H. M. O'Malley. 103 p. J. B. Kennedy, L. H. Jones G H. H. O'Malley; 24May77; A899966.

A899967. Child advocates' checklist for review and summary of the state Title 20 CASP plan. By Candace Mueller. HO p. e Child Helfare League of America, Inc.; 15Jul77; A8999b7.

A899968. Transportation facts and trends. Prepared by the research staff of the Transportation Association of America. 13th e;d. 36 p. C Transportation Association of America; 12Aug77; A89996e.

A899969. Outline of treatise on commodities

regulation. Submitted by Bonald H.


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