Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/734

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4900010 - A900053
JUL-DEC. 1977

4900009 (con.) additions, e Heil Gallagher; 6Jun77; 4900009.

4900010. Diesel handbook. 1 v. Appl. au: David H. Shipton. O David H. Shipton; 154uq77; 4900010.

4900011. Catalog and diesel handbook. 1 v. Appl. au: David H. Shipton. NN: compilation & additions. David H. Shipton; 15Aaq77: A900011.

4900012. 4 Bosh Bashanah service for the young at heart. By Robert Alper 6 Alvin J. Beines. 1 V. @ Institute of creative Judaism; 15Aaq73: 4900012.

A900013. Energy users handbook; save energy — save money. By Hank Theode, pseud, of Benry Theodore Noell. 35 p. S Barkim Publishing House; 184uq77; 4900013.

4900014. The Yankee pioneers: a saga of courage. By Samuel B. pettenqill, abridgement: DelDar W. Goodwin. 78 p. Htl: abridgment, added pref. £ biographical page, changes & addition of illus. 6 nrs. Samuel B. Fettengill: 17Auq77; A900014.

4900015. Out of tie ashes. 8o. 3, spring 1977. Editor: Fern Ellen Greenberg. 64 p. O Tufts women's Center; 5llay77; 4900015.

Agoooie. The Grecourt review. Vol. 19, no. 1, spring 1977, Editor: Kathrine Lehmann. 51 p. O The Grecourt Beview; 134pr77; 4900016.

4900017. Deeper foot. By Richard H. Vixen, pseud, of Hary Carol Smith. 135 p. Sequel to Deep foot. © Avant-Garde Creations; 29JU177; 4900017.

4900018. A Plan for nationwide organization of personal preventive medical services. By Joseph H. Still. 11 p. O Joseph H. Still; 5Sep77; 4900018.

4900019. The outdoorsman's Topographic Guide; Bhode Island ed. 159 p. 6 Outdoorsman' s Hap Service authorized a.d. for Harket Research 4ssociates, Inc.; 5Auq76; 4900019.

4900020. Turbo hydra-matic 425. 2 p. 6 A4HC0 Transmissions, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900020.

A900021. Horld consumer's charisma collection. Editor; Carrie B. Stephens Harlin Strickland. 27 p. e Carrie B. Stric- kland; 244uq77; 4900021.

4900022. Chemical recovery. Sheets. & Learning Unlimited, Inc.; 16Feb77; 4900022.

A900023. Boiler fundamentals. Sheets. Nfl: additions S revisions. Q Learning Dnlimited, Inc.; 15JU177; 4900023.

4900024. Beautiful home plans. 14tfa ed. 1 v. 4ppl. au; Richard S. Campen. 6 House Plan Headquarters, Inc.; 44ug77: A900024.

49000-25. The Complete prose, poetry, lyric pieces, and other unpublished miscel- laneous idioms of F. D. flcBillan. Vol. 1. 1 V. Appl. au: Frederick Duncan BcKillan. (0 F. D. HcMilian (Frederick ScHillan) ; 31JU177; 4900025.

4900026. The Resident capitalist; or. How to borrow thousands. By James £. Newell, Sr. 34 p. e James E. Newell, Sr.; 6Sep77: 4900026.

4900027. Newport down under. 22 p. Appl. au: George LeHoy Turville. NM: editorial revision, selection & new compilation. © George LeBoy Turville; 1Sep77; A900027.

4900028. A Sample evaluation. By Jeffrey Katzer, Kenneth H. Cook S Hayne i. Crouch. 1 v. Jeffrey Katzer, Kenneth H. Cook 6 Hayne H. Crouch; 6Sep77; 4900028.

A900029. Panoramic focus bulletins for special occasions, 1978. Folder. Concordia Publishing Bouse; 254uq77; 4900029.

4900030. 4 Child to be born! Hy medically legal well planned murder. 9 p. Appl. au: Hargaret J. Ginal. Hargaret J. Ginal; 5Sep77: 4900030.

4900031. Consonants; duplicating masters. By John Pescosolido. 1 v. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. Nil: additional text G pictorial matter. Hilton Bradley Company; 21Dec76; A900031.

A900032. Vowels; duplicating masters. By John Pescosolido. 1 v. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. NH: additional text £ pictorial matter. Q Hilton Bradley Company; 21Dec76; 4900032.

4900033. Key psych lab series test form A. 2 p. Appl. au: Alvin Krass. Key Education, Inc.; 1Feb77; 4900033.

4900034. Key pre-school screening test; Spanish ed. 4 p. Spanish C English. Appl. au: 41vin Krass. NH: portions translated into Spanish, e Key Education, Inc.; 8Feb77; 4900034.

A900035. The Care and maintenance of your nevergreen plant. 24 p. Appl. au: Jerry Ann Jinnett 6 Carolee Reynolds. Brown Thumb Enterprises; 30Auq77; A900035.

A900036. Transcendental consciousness' "graph of life." By Ajene Camara. 5 p. O 4jene Camara; 25Auq77; A900036.

A900037. Hiqhliqhts and lowliqhts of 1977. By Evelyn T. Davis, editor. 19 p. Evelyn y. Davis; 25Aug77; 4900037.

4900038. Breads, cereals and grains. Executive editor: Jamie E. Crane 6 other editors, artist: Susan Prazier, photographer: Hilliam Fridrich. 144 p. (HcCrane consumer guides) Add. ti: Breads, cereals, grains. Appl. au: Richard D. NcKinney. HcCrane Publications; 1Jul77; A900038.

A900039. Illustrated ranch homes. Issue 69. 46 p. Appl. au: Richard S. Campen. NH: additional text & pictorial matter. e Illustrated Publications, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900039.

A9a0040. Hy book bag. Editor: Lenore Kelly. Sheets. (The Book bag. no. 201) Appl. au: The Book Bag. NH: compilation & additional text. The Book Bag; 8Aug77; A900040.

A900041. California Flats handicapping method. Folder. Appl. au; California Flats, a pseud, for John H. Hutchinson. d California Flats, a pseud, for John H. Hutchinson; 1Aug77; A900041.

A900042. Collectors price guide to 45 r.p.m'. picture sleeves. By Lloyd E. Davis, Bonald D. Davis S Harvin D. Davis, photography by Terry Skibby. 64 p. NH: additional text & compilation. Lloyd, Ron & Harvin Davis d.b.a. Hinema Publications (in notice; Lloyd, Ron & Harvin Davis) ; 20Aug77: A9a0042.

A900043. The Last prophet. Vol. 1, chap. 2. By Franz Krammer. 5 p. Franz Kramoer; 14ug77; 4900043.

4900044. Tidewater terminals of the Erie Lackawanna Railway. By sllliam Herbert Sheppard. 19 p. O Hilliam H. Sheppard; 15Feb76; A900044.

4900045. Jai alai souvenir program. Photos., text, art S design by 41oise Interna- tional. 24 p. Appl. au: Dania Jai Alai of Connecticut d.b.a. Hilford Jai Alai, & Dania Jai Alai Palace, Inc. d.b.a. Dania Jai Alai. on photos. £ text; Dania/Hilford Jai Alai, a known variation of Dania Jai Alai Palace, Inc. £ Dania Jai 41ai of Connecticut, Inc. doing business respectively as Dania Jai Alai & Hilford Jai Alai; 23Jul77; A900045.

A900046. Scheierman clan from Sutton. By Erwin Olner. 1 v. O Erwin Olmer; 12Hay77: A90a046.

A900047. Improving classroom instruction: a self- and shared-analysis approach. By Richard H. Kindsvatter £ Nillian i. Rilen. 22 p. 6 Bichard H. Kindsvatter £ ililliam B. iilen; 1Jan77; A900047.

A900048. A Lucky bird. Card. Appl. au: Lewis E. Babbidge. Lewis E. Babbldge; 1Sep77: A90a048.

A900049. NTEAC pharmacist aid. No. NTS 1, Aug. 15, 1977. Hicrofiche. Bx Data Corporation; 15Aug77; A900049.

A900050. Rx Data Corporation green book« Harch 16, 1976. Hicrofiche. Rx Data Corporation; 16Har76; A900050.

A900051. Rx Data Corporation green book, September 7, 1977. Hicrofiche. e Rx Data Corporation; 7Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A900051.

A9O0O52. The Irreducible minimum on headache. Folder. Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. S Sandoz, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900052.

A900053. Geriatric patients with organic mental syndrome, psychoses, depressive neurosis.

14 p. Appl. au: Editorial staff of Sandoz


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