Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/746

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A9001J87 - A900529
JUL-DEC. 1977

£900486 (con.) bolt. 1 p. Add. ti: Self latchinq flush bolt. 6 Leigh Products, Inc.; 31Aug77; A90048e.

A900lt87. Christmas 1977, gifts for confort in living. 22 p. Better Sleep, Inc.; 30Sep77: A900487.

ASOOitSS. Car-free in Boston: a user's guide to public transportation in Greater Boston area and Hen England. Editor/proiect director: Gordon Levin E other editors, graphics: Rartha J. Mason £ Judy Atchison. 95 p. Appl. au: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. 6 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; 30Oct77; A900<I88.

A900li89. A Vignette on huaan body grouth from infant to adult. By Howard V. Meredith. 16 p. aoward V. Meredith; 30Sep77; A900II89.

A900a90. A Little poetry. By Patricia C. Helslev. 8 p. S Patricia C. Belsley; 18Aug77; A9001190.

A90011S1. A festival of the English Hay. By Ooleta Chaprn, illus. by Suzan Grindcod. 51 p. O Doleta Chapru; 28Hay77; A900il91.

49001(92. Secrets of Boosevelt's last election campaign. Pt. 1. By Leonard Jarzab. 65 p. & Leonard Jarzab; 11Sep77; A90ai«92.

A900l«93. The Social science forum; an inter- disciplinary iournal. Vol. 1, no. 1, fall 1977. Edited by Miriam G. Tosburgh, Bernard J. Gallagher 3rd S David F. Bush, foreword by Marvin Wolfgang. 85 p. © Villanova University; 14Sep77; A900i(93.

A900«94. Mastering early motherhood. By Marian Menke Hill. 15 p. e H. and a. Asso- ciates: 15Jul77: A900494.

A900495. The Commodity option guide: transferable options in the Dnited States. 1 v. Appl. au: Gary E. Miller. Bevision of Making money with commodity options-transferable options. NH: revisions & updating. © Gary B. Miller: 15Sep77: A900it95.

A900lt96. Learning about your diabetes. Authors: Joanne Zysk Bell e Marie Lukina laria, art: Marie L'lkina laria. 60 p. e Harrisburg Hospital; 12Sep77: A900i»96.

A900l(97. Laboratory experiments in general chemistry- By Jeffrey D. Benson. 3rd ed. 127 p. e J. D. Benson; 16Sep77: S9001t97.

A9001198. Hew Life Foods, Inc. , quality organic foods: certification guestionnaire. 1 v. Add. ti; New Life Poods, Inc.: certi- fication questionnaire. Q New Life Foods, Inc.; 30Sep77; A900498.

A900II99. Holfe computer operator aptitude test (experimental form PI) By Jack M. Rolfe. 16 p. S Jack M. iolfe; 23Sep77;

A9001199. 3torn — Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Folder. H. C. Hainwright and Company; 30Sep77; A900500.

A900501. Bate of return — Merck and Company, Inc. Folder. H. c. Hainwright and Company; 30Sep77: A900501.

A900S02. Bate of return analysis, September 30, 1977. 11 p. e H. C. Wainwright and Company; 30Sep77 ; 4900502.

A900503. The Lion Mark, English sterling silver, fall 1977. Text 6 photos, by the lion Mark. 143 p. Appl. au: Charles H. Packer e Virginia I. Packer. O Charles 8. Packer 6 Virginia V. Packer: 19Sep77: A900503.

A900504. A Gathering of waters, a guide to Minnesota's rivers. Written, edited & designed by Greg Breining & Linda Haston. 106 p. Q Minnesota Department of Natural Besources; 20Sep77; A900504.

A900505. Monthly policy review, September 1977. 18 p. (Portfolio strategy perspectives) Appl. au: Portfolio Strategy Group. @ Tucker, Anthony and £. L. Day, Inc.; 1Sep77: A900505.

A900506. Monthly policy review, August 1977. 23 p. (Portfolio strategy perspectives) Appl. au: Portfolio strategy Group. Tucker, Anthony and B. L. Day, Inc.; 1Aug77; A900506.

A900507. Monthly policy review, July 1977. 22 p. (Portfolio strategy perspectives) Appl. au: Portfolio Strategy Group. O Tucker, Anthony and B. L. Day, Inc.; lJul77; A900507.

A90DS08. Monthly policy review. May 1977. 18 p. (Portfolio strategy perspectives) Appl. au: Portfolio Strategy Group. Tucker, Anthony and R. L. Day, Inc.; 2May77: A900508.

A900509. Monthly policy review, June 1977. 24 p. (Portfolio strategy perspectives) Appl. au: Portfolio Strategy Group. Tucker, Anthony and B. L. Day, Inc. ; 1 Ju&77; A900509.

A900510. Natick area, HA, telephone directory, October 1977. New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 40ct77; A900510.

A900511. Kenwood, CA, September 1977. General Telephone Company of California; 9Sep77: A900511.

A900512, Bellflower, CA, area telephone directory, October 1977. C General Telephone Company of California; 13Sep77: A900512.

A900513. Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Boulder city, and neighboring southern Nevada communities, July 1977. O Central Telephone Company, Nevada Division; 30Jun77: A900513.

A900514. Mid-cities area, Downey, Artesia, Bellflower, CA, and others telephone directory, October 1977. Add. ti: Artesia, Bellflower, Cerritos, CA, and others. October 1977. General Telephone Company of California; 13Sep77; A900514.

A900 515. Long Beach, CA, area telephone directory* September 1977. General Telephone Company of California; 29Aug77; A900S15.

A900516. Paired hands test; adult form. By Karl B. Zucker & Peter B. Burzynski. 49 p. Common Market Press; 25Jul77; A900516.

A900517. Humanidad; essays in honor of George I.. Sanchez. Monograph no. 6. Edited by Americo Paredes. 144 p. Appl. an: Juan Gomez-Quinones & Paul S. Taylor. 6 Regents of the Onirersity of California C Chicano Studies Center; 3Jun77; A900517.

A900Sia. Family guide to Honolulu and the island of Oahu. By Terri Cook. 78 p. Terri Cook; 30Sep77; A900518.

A90a519. Stttdia philonica. Vol. 3, 1974-1975. Editors: Barton L. Hack 6 Earle Bilgert. 132 p. e The Philo Institute, Inc. ; 16May77; A900519.

A9a0 520. Development of qommunity living skills assessment scale. By Christine Alicia Sheridan. 37 p. Add. ti: Development of a community living skills assessment scale. O Christine A. Sheridan; 16Aug77: A900520.

A900521. Neurosurgery^ 16 p. Accompanied b; Ethicon needle/sutures for neurosurgery. Ethicon, Inc.; 1Sep77; A9a0521.

A9a0522. Ethicon needle/sutures for neurosurgery. 1 V. Accompanied by Neurosurgery, e Ethicon. Inc.; 1Sep77; A900522.

A900523. A Quasi'-experimental evaluation of an emergency medical technician refresher training course. By C. E. Smith, Jerome Selby, Victor AppeX £ Oscar Mink. 131 p. e Health Policy Analysis and Accoun- tability Network, Inc.; 24Jun77; A900523.

A900524. Bassett's Jaguars, restorations and supplies. 35 p. Appl. au: lilliaa E. Bassett, Marion E. Bassett & John Grifalconi. Bassett 's Bestoration and Supplies — iilliam E. 6 Marion E. Bassett d.b. a. Bassett's; 8Apr77; A90OS24.

A900525. TV yearbook. No. 32. Editor: Trude Michel Jaffe, art editor: Beth Zuckerkorn, photo editor: Roger Glazer. 90 p. O Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 9Aug77; A900S25.

A900S26. Family facts; step-fay-step for beginners in genealogy, 6 p. (Kin lay key, no. 3| Kin lay Keys, Inc. : 29Jul77; A900526.

A900527. Order out of chaos; step-by-step for beginners in genealogy. 6 p. (Kin iay key, no. 5) 6 Kin Nay Keys, Inc.; 29JU177; A900527.

A9Q0528. Theory to the Abdomiable (i.e.: Abominable) Snowman, Tibet and Atlantis. By Gregory A. LaFortune. 5 p. NM: additions. Gregory A. LaFortune; 25Jul77; A900528.


Montgomery iard Christmas, 1977. 434 p.


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