Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/752

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A900726 - A900769
JUL-DEC. 1977

i900726. Sports puzzles. Br Joseph S. CherniCf Boberta L. Faicall, Lou Hagila & Halter N. Scott, Jr. 34 p. Appl. au: The Saturday ETeninq Post Coopanv, enployer for hire. @ The Saturday Eveninq Post Coipany: 16Sep77; i900726.

A900727. Hhat a Hay to sev! fall 1977. Presented by the Educational Ditrlsion of Siapliclty Pattern Conpany, Inc. Folder. Appl. au: Siaplicity Pattern Conpaziy, Inc. C siaplicity Pattern Company, Inc.; 6Sep77: A900727.

A900728. Sehf somethinq special. Editor: Janet OuBane, art director: Susan Kretschaer, 96 p. Add. ti: Simplicity sew something special. Appl. au; Simplicity Pattern company. Inc. 6 Simplicity Pattern company. Inc.; 6Sep77: A900728.

A900729. Seuinq is fun and easy uitfa a Simplicity pattern; teacher's quide. Folder (4 p.) @ Simplicity Pattern Company. Inc.; 6Sep77; A900729.

A900730. Sevinq is fun and easy with a Simplicity pattern; student booklet. 8 p. Siaplicity Pattern Company, Inc.; 6Sep77: A900730.

A900731. SBDS newspaper rates and data, newspaper circulation analysis. Vol. 59, no. 8, pt. 2. Auq. 1977. Editor: Bayaond a. Neihenqen« manaqinq editor: Otis Kirchhoefer, assistant managing editor: Sharon A. Kyryliw. 1 ». Add. ti: Newspaper circulation analysis, 1977-78. Appl. au; Standard Bate and Data Service, Inc. Q Standard Rate and Data Service, Inc.; 38Aoq77; A900731.

A900732. Ocon guenchants. 28 p. NM: updating 5 revisions. C Union Carbide Corporation; 22Sep77; A900732.

A900733. Dnion Carbide silane coupling agents in mineral-reinforced elastomers. 41 p. NH: updating & revisions. C Onion -Carbide corporation; itOct77; A9007J3.

A90073II. Postgraduate course in internal medicine. Vol. 3, program 7, Oot. 1977. Issued by The Johns Hopkins oniversity School of Hedicine, medical editor: G. Billiaa Benedict. 30 p., folder 8 48 slides- Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1J46057 in box. Appl. au: Hillis c. Haddrey. @ The Johns Hopkins Oniversity; 10ct77: 4900734.

A900735. The Transition of returned missionaries. By Cory Curtis. 23 p. Cory Curtis: 24Peb77; A900735.

A900736. A Guide for pre- medical students. Prepared by Martha P. Leape, for the Office of Career Services and Off-Caapus Learning, Harvard University. 160 p. NH: editorial revision, updating & two chapters rewritten, d President and Fellows of Harvard College; 7Sep77; A900736.

A900737. Saapai. 60 p. (Question and answer series, no. 3) e Church of Borld Hessianity; 10Aug77; A900737.

A900738. The Story of the only home Abraham Lincoln ever owned; Eighth and Jackson Streets, Springfield. Illinois, 1844-1861. 1 V. Appl. au; Thomas J. Dyba. HBz additions & new compilation of dates, names & happenings. Q Thomas J. Dyba; 12Sep77; A900738.

A900739. Spiritual uplift poems. By Esamel V. Payne. 22 p. Add. ti: "Bare threads." spiritual uplift poems. Q Esamel V. Payne; 10Aug77; A900739.

A900740. Butterflies and kisses. Selected writings of Carol Christine Bigham. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey L. Budisill. Jeffrey Lyn Eudisill; 2Sep77; A900740.

A900741. Preoa Sorld Community Education Center: Montessori school. Folder. Appl. au: Prema Horld Community Education Center. Q Prema Dharmasala and Fellowship; 511ar77; A900741.

A900742. Hiss Ginny's Preschool learning with fun lab: early childhood education. Folder. @ E. Virginia Hilson d.b.a. fliss Ginny's; 7Apr77: A900742.

A900743. Development and human dignity: new perspectives; address at Hheaton College, iheaton, Illinois: Conference on Development and Human Dignity (human needs and global resources program) , April 28-30, 1977. 14 p. Appl. au: Hoger Darling. Q Boger Darling; 26Aug77; A900743.

A900744. Southern odyssey. Poems by Thomas Paul Spahos, illus. by Dale fiayburn. 135 p. & Thomas Paul Spahos; 4Jul77: A900744.

A900745. lou have capability. Hords & music by T. L. Canady. 2 p. Appl. au: Chamuel Becords, Inc. Q Chamuel Becords, Inc. ; 1llay74; A900745.

A900746. Nho of the multitude touched me? Hords & music by T. L. Canady. 1 p. Appl. au; Chamuel Becords, Inc. 6 Chamuel Becords, Inc.; 1(lay74; A900746.

A900747. Ny brother asked me who Saint Germain was. Words & music by T. L. Canady. 1 p. Appl. au: Chamuel Becords, Inc. Chamuel Becords, Inc.; 1aay74; A900747.

A900751. Pgems for lovers. By Hat Abrams. 34 p. Nat Abraas; 30Jul77; A900751.

A900752. Diet candle (for ceindy voyeurs only) 1 V. Appl. au: Bettie aitchell. Settle aitchell (in notice: Mitchell) ; 1Jul77; A900752.

A900753. Thoughts and emotions. By Barb Sanderson (Barbara Jane Sanderson) 53 p. e Barb Sanderson; 2Sep77; A9G0753.

A900754. The Masculine cross. By Sha Bocco. 65 p. Appl. au: Better Yet. Includes 1904 ed. entitled The Hasculine cross an4 ancient sex worship. NH: introductory statements, e Better Yet; 30Jun77j A900754.

A900755. Poems from the heart of the hawk. By Uilliam J. Hawkins, Jr. 103 p. Billiam J. Hawkins, Jr.; 27Jul77; &900755.

A900756. Flash—autobiography of a dog; Flash tangles with canine pedigrees. As dictated to Grace Evelyn Abbott, pseud, of Evelyn Haynes by Abigail Chaaploness Abbott, alias Flash, A.K.C. 14548, illus. by F.S. 67 p. C Evelyn Haynes; 25Aug77; A900756.

A900757. Tiae tracings. Echo 9. By Bernadine Friedrich. 25 p. Some poems originally appeared in Bardic echoes. NH: editorial revision 6 additions. Bernadine Friedrich; 15Aug77: A900757.

A900758. Malpractice. Pt. 1. 1 v. (Special research reports, no. 201) Q Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 20Sep77; A9a0758.

A900759. Vertebrae injury, p. 160-176. (Injury valuation reports, no. 207) Add. ti; Tables of verdict expectancy values for vertebrae injuries. Q Jury Verdict Besearch, Inc.; 20Sep77; A900759.

A900760. Of thoughts and feelings. By John Johnson, Jr. 45 p. Johnson and Johnson Productions; 12Hay77: A900760.

A900761. About solar energy. 15 p. Channing L. Bete Company, Inc.; 3Aug77; A900761.

A900762. ihat everyone should know about asthma. 15 p. G Channing L. Bete Company, Inc. ; 25Attg77; A900762.

A9Q0763. Tolkien's The Lord of the rings and The Hobbit; notes. By Gene B. Hardy. 75 p. Add. ti: Cliffs Motes on Tolkien's The Lord of the rings and The Hobbit. Appl. au: C. K. Hillegass, employer for hire. e C. K. Hillegass; 18Aug77; A900763.

A900764. Teaching biomedical and health care ethics to liberal arts undergraduates. By H. Bradley Sagen S others. 49 p. Associated Colleges of the Midwest; 1Sep77; A980764.

A900765. Establishing a vineyard. A sequence of poems by Tom O'Grady. 33 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Delaware literary review. MM: additions. O Tom O'Grady; 1Mar77; A900765.

A900766. The Mervepoints in practical massage; a guide for massage practitioners. By Ilse Lang, illustrated -by Karen E. Lang. 2nd ed. , rev. 38 p. Based on The Nerve- points, their significance and treatment, by Alfons Cornelius. Ilse Lang; 7Aug77: A900766.

A900767. New approaches for economic revita- lization of urban neighborhoods. By Harold K. Bell. 35 p. e The National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs; 16Sep77; A900767.

A900768. A Ball with racguetball. By Frederick D. Heffner. 133 p. Plato Publishing Company; 16Sep77; A9007e8.

A900769. The Battery. Charleston, South Carolina. By William Young Barren Bipiey. 54 p. Portions prev. pub. in editions of Charleston evening post. NM: additions & revisions. 6 Evening Post Publishing

Company: 40ct77: A900769.


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