Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/755

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JUL-DEC. 1977

11900857. ?annTfiDqers and Cabrito. By B. A. Lafferty. US p. C 8. i. Lafferty; 290ct76; A900857.

A9O0858. The aetal Service Center. 1 y. O Steel Service Center Institute; 9Hay77; »9008S8.

A900859. Acceptinq beceaveaent. By Calvin Bacbec. Polder. Barber Printinq; Uuq77; A900859.

A9a086a. Pocket slide. Appl. au: B. B. Pciediqkeit. B. B. Priediqkeit; 7JU177: A900B60.

A90a361. gas the Catholic Church the first church? Polder. Appl. au: Bobert Dale Dank lef sen/Bob Danklefsen. Bob Danklefsen: 31Auq77: A900361.

A900a62. A Uelcoae to O.S.A. foe iaaiqraots, visitors and students. By Dan P. Danilov. 39 p. Appl. states copyriqht not claiaed on aaterial secured froa official J. S. Govt, sources. NH: p. 1-25 6 bottoa part of p. 35 throuqh p. UO. Dan P. Danilov; 22llay77: A900862.

A900863. The Sex tree. 1 v. Appl. aa: Barley P. aeitzel. Rarley F. Veitzel; 30JaD77: A900863.

A90086'l. So you aant '.o qet elected I By Barry Zeplouitz. 139 p. Barry Zeplovitz; 1llay77: A90086».

A900865. Glass factory directory, 1977; list of factories in the Onited States and Canada. Coapiled by the Rational Glass Sadqet. 65th ed. 167 p. Appl. au: John A. Ralor e Sheila stahl. National Glass Budqet; 20JU177; A900865.

A900866. Clark Austin-Hestern Division power qradec coaparator. Add. ti: Clark power qrader coaparator. Appl. au: Clark Equipoeut Coapany, Austin-Hestern Division. O Clark Equipaent Coapany; 3Jac77; A900866.

A900867. Hew Classic 3 11000 qrand prize contest! 1 p. Appl. au: fliaai Classic Corpo- ration. aiaai Classic corporation d. b. a. Kirby Dade Rest (in notice: aiaai classic Corporation): 1Jun77; A900867.

A90086e. Biorhytha and biorhytha quide naabers; a brief instruction. By Philip D. Penney. 7 p. Philip D. Penney; 13Auq77; A900a6B.

A900869. siaple but basic ways to save aoney and start a budqet. 1 v. Appl. au: Donald fi. Jones. O Donald B. Jones; 15Jud77; A90a869.

A900870. Season's qreetinqs; Black History Greetinq C Occasional Cards. 12 cards. (Christaas series) Appl. au: Thoaas Frederick Hoore, Carol Ann Halton e ToaCar Productions. NH: the poea A Prayer for recoqnition fi reproductions of pcev. pub. photos. ToaCar Productions; 23Auq77; A90087a.

A900371. Sieqe; the ne qaae of skill for two. Kit. Add. ti: siege qaae. O Alcazar Gaaes, Inc.; 2'(Auq76; A900e71.

A900872. usee cooks, tool 202 p. Appl. au: Dixie Schurle, Dawn sheppard fi Joan Bayer. The Distaff Club of the Oniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte; 18Jul77; A900872.

A900873. Captain Tooth Decay qo away! By Cecilia Avalos, illustrated by Barbara Tounq. 1 V. O Cecilia Avalos; 1Dec76; A900873.

A90087I4. Adios, Capitan Picaauelas. Por Cecilia Avalos, ilustrado por Barbara lounq. 1 v. NB: translation. Cecilia Avalos; 15Dec76: A90087it.

A900875. Espe-Jito aira! piensa y cuentalol 1 v. Appl. au: Cecilia Avalos. NH: tran- slation. Cecilia Avalos; 17Jun76; A900875.

A900876. Hirror look! airror do! think and tell! 1 V. Appl. au: Cecilia Avalos. Cecilia Avalos; 17Jun76; A9a0a7n.

A900877. Go-qo-go with Go Go! By Cecilia Avalos, illustrated by Barbara Tounq. 12 p. O Cecilia Avalos; 17Jun76: A900B77.

A900878. Vaaos con Goqol Par Cecilia Avalos, ilustrado por Barbara Tounq, version en espaool por Bob Bobles. 12 p. NH: translation. O Cecilia Avalos; 17JaQ76: A900878.

A900879. Puapkin boo! puapkin qoo! By Cecilia Avalos, illustrated by Barbara Toang. 1 V. Add. ti: Puapkin qoo! puapkin boo! Cecilia Avalos; 120ct76; A900879.

A900881. Bish certificate. 3 p. fi card. Appl. au: Frederick A. Kleiuaan. O Frederick Alan Kleinaan; 16Apr77; A900881.

A900882. Motorcycle technician; training aanual. 1 V. O Ken Cook Coapany; 15Bay76; A90D882.

A90a883. The Coapendiua of aultifaaily housing. Vol. 1-3, July 1977 suppl. Editor: Daniel U. Street. Sheets. Add. ti: Incoae and expense experience HOD subsidized rental housinq. Appl. au: National Association <>£ Hoae Builders. Appl. states copyriqht not claiaed on Governaent aaterials. National Association of Hoae Builders; 5Jul77: A900883.

A90088U. Sinai and Olyapus. By Leland P. Gaason. 1 V. Add. ti: Sinai — Olyapus. Leland Gaason; 20Jul77; A9a0884.

A900885. Wholeness in physiology. By Jolm H. Dorsey. 15 p. John a. Oorsey; 15Dec69; A900835.

A900886. Ueirdbook 12. By L. Sprague De caap fi others. 63 p. Appl. au: H. Paul Ganley. i. Paul Ganley: 22Aug77: A9a08a6.

A900887. Hollow faces, aerciiess aoons. Fiction by (illiaa Scott Hoae, art by Stephen E. Fabian. 95 p. Appl. au: N. Paul Ganley. s. Paul Ganley; 19Aug77; A900887.

A9O0888. Coaaunity councils and the transitions between education and work. By Paul E. Barton. 29 p. Appl. au: National aanpower Institute. National aanpower Institute; 1'4Sep77: A900888.

A900889. Nork-education councils: profiles of 21 collaborative efforts. 155 p. National aanpower Institute; 11Sep77; A900889.

A9a0890. Hho are the unchurched? An exploratory study. By J. Bussell Bale. 99 p. O Glenaary Hoae Bissioners; 31Aug77; A900890.

A900e91. Pun with coaputcrs and Basic. By Donald D. Spencer. 96 p. O Caaelot Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 15Sep77; A90a891.

A900892. The Ethics of corporate conduct. Edited by Clarence Halton. 216 p. Appl. au: The Aaerican Asseably. Figure on p. 99 prev. pub. in Harvard business review. Bar. /Apr. 19711. The Aaerican Asseably (in notice: The Aaerican Asseably, Coluabia Oniversity) ; 22Aug77; A900892.

A900893. Casebook in coaaercial banking. By Edward Hilson Beed, Peter S. Bose fi Donald L. ioodiand. 211 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 310ec76; A900893.

A900e9«. 1001 ways to stretch a dollar. By Vivo Bennett fi Cricket Clagett. 2it1 p. Vivo Bennett fi Alice Clagett; 9Sep77; A900891I.

A900895. Op-date label, October 1977. 1 p. Sky Prints Corporation; 23Sep77; A9a0895.

A9a0896. The Grossest book of world records. No. 1. By Bel Cebnlash, illustrated by Steve ailler. 125 p. Bel Cebnlasli: 10ct77; A900396.

A9a0897. Instructor's aanual for Biology; test questions. By Edward J. Koraondy, Thoaas F. Sheraan, Frank B. Salisbury, Nelson T. Spratt, Jr. 6 Garvin BcCain. 1«6 p. O Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 16Sep77; A900897.

A900898. Answer key for the Concise English handbook, fourth edition. By Bans P. Guth. to p. NB: extensive revision S updating. Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 20Sep77; A900898.

A90q899. Instructor's aanual for Hatheaatics for technical education. By Halter Luxenburg. 75 p. O Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900899.

A900900. Instructor's aanual to accoapany Deviant behavior: a social learning approach, second edition, by fionfuld L. Akers. Prepared by aargaret O'Neill fi Bonald L. Akers. 177 p. NB: coapiiation, revision fi additions. Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 1Sep77; A900900.

A900901. Beadings in governaental and nonprofit accounting. Editor: Bichard J. Varqo. 421 p. NB: pref., coapilaton, intro- ductions to sections fi additions. Hadsworth Publishing Coapany, Inc. ;

25Aug77; A900901.


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