Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/769

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4901429 (con.( 1, 1977 ed.l O The Aiecicao Society of HechaDic^l Enqlneecs: 12Sep77: 19011)29.

1901430. iSHE steal tables in SI (metcic) units for iDstructiooal use. Prepared by fi. B. HcCliDtock, P. i. Bichardsoo t a. C. SpeDcer £or the ASHE Besearch Coaaittee on Properties of Steaa. 19 p. ippl. au: The Aaerican Society of Hechaaical Enqineers. The Aaerican Society of Bechanicai Enqineers: 23Sep77; A901430.

A901431. Corrosion control for ANSI B31.1 pouer pipiuq systeas; B31 quide. 7 p. O The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers; 6Sep77: 4901431.

4901432. 4aerican National Standard blanks and seai-f inished blanks for solid carbide taps. ANSI B94. 1-1977, revision of B94. 1-1969 (B1975) Secretariat: The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. 14 p. NH: revisions 6 additional telt. O The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers; 6Sep77: A901432.

A901433. ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3, division 1, subsection NF, 1977 edition. Suaaer 1977 addenda. 8 p. The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers: 314uq77: 4901433.

4901434. Heatinq boilers. Suaaer 1977 addenda. 5 p. (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 4, 1977 ed.) The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Engineers: 31Aug77: A901434.

A901435. ASHE boiler and pressure vessex code, section 3, division 1, subsection NG, 1977 edition. Suaaer 1977 addenda. 8 p. O The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers: 314uq77: 4901435.

4901436. Nondestructive ezaaination. Suaaer 1977 addenda. Folder (2 p.) (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 5, 1977 ed.) The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers; 25Auq77; A901436.

A901437. Becoaaended rules for care of power boilers. Suaaer 1977 addenda. 2 p. (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 7, 1977 ed.) C The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers; 25Auq77: A901437.

A901438. Ueldinq and brazinq qualifications. Suaaer 1977 addenda. 17 p. (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 9, 1977 ed.) The Aaericau Society of Hechanical Enqineers: 31Aug77: A901438.

A901439. ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3, division 1, subsection NB, 1977 edition. Suaaer 1977 addenda. IS p. The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers; 8Sep77: 490 1439.

A901440. Suaaer 1977 addenda to Power pipinq. ANSI B31. 1-1977 ed. Secretariat: The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Engineers. 19 p. (Aaerican National Standard code for pressure pipiuq) The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Enqineers; 23Auq77; A901440.

A901441. Passenqer vibration in transportation vehicles: presented at the Design Engineer inq Technical Conference, Chicago, Sept. 26-28, 1977. Edited by Alex Beraan C Alan J. Hannibal. 130 p. Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Engineers. The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 2S4ug77: A901441.

A901442. Aaerican National Standard steel valves, flanged and buttwelding end. ANSI B16. 34-1977, revision of ANSI B16. 34-1973. 81 p. NH: revisions S additional tezt. The Aaerican Society of Hechanical Engineers: lSep77; A901442.

A901443. -Aaerican National Standard steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings. ANSI B16. 5-1977, revision of 4NS1 B16. 5-1973. 128 p. NH: revisions £ additional text. O The 4aerican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 1Sep77; 4901443.

4901444. Finite eleaent applications in vibration probleas; presented at the Design Engineering Technical Conference, Chicago, Sept. 26-28, 1977. Edited by H. H. Kaaal C J. 4. Rolf, Jr. 120 p. 4ppl. au: The 4aerican Society of Hechanical Engineers. The 4Berican Society of Hechanical Engineers: 22Aug77: 4901444.

A901445. Harcia Hill, fall collection, 1977; uoaen's shoes catalog. 47 p. Lawsoo Hill Leather and Shoe Coapany, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4901445.

4901446. Snake blossoas. Fabulations by Belden, pseud, of Belden Crane Johnson. 61 p. Hany fabulations prev. pub. in The Berkeley poets* cooperative e others. NH; additional aaterial & coapilation. O Berkeley Poets* workshop and Press; 8Nov76; A9ai446.

A901447. Does your cash get away froa you? does your aoney aanage you? Folder. Appl. au: June Fuller Seaver. JFS Publications; 17Auq77; A901447.

A901448. Hanaqe your aoney indifferently and hang on to it anyway. Illus. by Daniel Dofaerr. 35 p. Appl. au: June Fuller Seaver. JFS Publications: 17Auq77: A901448.

A901449. I was that creature, I was that aouse. By Anne Hildreth. 7 p. O Anne Hildreth; 26Sep77; A901449.

A901450. Intellectual feraent for political reforas in Taiwan. 1971-1973. By Hab Huang. 131 p. (Hichiqan papers in Chinese studies, no. 28) Q Center for Chinese Studies (in notice: Center for Chinese Studies, the flniversity of Hichigan) : 31Dec76: A901450.

A90I451. The Foreign establishaent in China in the early twentieth century. By Albert Feuerwerker. 120 p. (Hichigan papers in Chinese studies, no. 29) Q 41bert Feuerwerker; 31Dec76; 4901451.

4901452. The Uorld and its streets, places. By Larry Eigner. 180 p. 44 poeas prev. pub. in Ann Arbor review & others. NH: additional poeas. Larry Eigner; 22Aug77; A901452.

4901453. Without ausic. By Hichael Palaer. 128 p. 13 poeas prev. pub. in Adventures in poetry & others. NH: additional poeas. Hichael Palaer; 224ug77; 4901453.

4901454. Colorado place naaes: cooaunities- /counties/peaks/passes ; with historical lore and facts plus a pronunciation guide By George 8. Eichler, foreword by u. E. Harshall. 109 p. O George B. Eichler: 13Sep77: 4901454.

4901455. Positioning tape 2, the step motor as a control device. 11 p. The Superior Electric Company; 26Aug77 4901455

4901456. When to sue your comodity broker. By Steven H. Wilson. 98 p. Steven H. Wilson; 15Sep77; 4901456.

4901457. The Psychic yellow pages. Edited by Carol Cocciardi t, other editors. 177 p. O Carol Cocciardi e Hary Cocciardi; 22Sep77; 4901457.

4901458. Choose-your-gif t. 10 v. in envelope. 4ppl. au: Gail K. Bennett. S Bennett Brothers, Inc.; 7Sep77: 4901458.

A901459. The Onion County alaanack. By Sid Frank. 32 p. Appl. au: Cultural and Heritage Prograas Advisory Board. Cultural and Heritage Prograas Advisory Board of Onion County: 17Nov76; A9014S9.

A9ai460. Last opportunity this fall for your group to aake aore aoney and friends and take your choice of any one of 4 free bonus gifts worth up to 5.95 each; coaplete aailing piece. Kit. O Toa-Nat, Inc.; 16Sep77; A901460.

A9ai461. East-Texas interlude. By Duane Hughes, edited by Frances Bristow. 1 v. Several poeas prev. pub. in Aaerican bard or a newspaper coluan. NH: additions. O Duane Hughes; 2Sep77; 4901461.

4901462. Tatting aade siaple. By Helen Anita Noweck chesno, illustrated by Karen Cox. 27 p. Helen Chesno; 4Sep77: 4901462.

4901463. The Ladder. By fiicardo Perez Ibarra. 4 p. & cards. 6 Blcardo Perez Ibarra; 14Apc77; A901463.

A901464. HcCall's Book of flowers. By the editors. of HcCall's Needlework and crafts, senior editor: Betsy Eaery 6 others. 96 p. (Handcrafts series, vol. 3) Appl. au: The HcCall Pattern Coapany. NH: editorial revision, additional text t; pictorial aatter. The HcCall Pattern coapany; 23Aug77; 4901464.

A901465. HcCall's Christaas crafts in felt. Book 5. By the editors of HcCall's Needlework and crafts, senior editor: Betsy Eaery. 64 p. Appl. au: The HcCall Pattern Coapany. NH: editorial revision, additional text E pictorial aatter. The HcCall Pattern Coapany; 23Aug77; A901465.

A901466. HcCall's Iron-on transfers. Vol. 6. Editor: Hagdalene Zilg, designer: Elsie HcCorkell. 1 v. NH: editorial revision, additional text 6 pictorial aatter. The HcCall Pattern Coapany; 21Jul77; A9ai466.

A901467. Values exploration. By Dale D. Siaaoos. 154 p. Dale D. Siaaons; 10May77;



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