Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/777

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A901753 - A901802
JUL-DEC. 1977

1901753. johD Laurens envoy to Paris: Bayard of the Anerican Bevolution. By Juliet Cox Colenan. Sr. C Juliet Cox Coleian, Jr. 159 p. Juliet Cox Coleaan, Jr.; 11»uq77: i901753.

»90175lt. As I ceaember ay faaily fcoa soap to nuts: a oostaiqic recipe book. By Clara B. Clausen. 156 p. O Clara B. Clausen; 3Aaq77: A90175«.

A901755. Perial Christianity: qrace for the workaday aorld. By John H. Ouddinqton, foreword by Eric Hutchinson. 185 p. John «. Duddinqton: 12Auq77: 490 1755.

A901756. Divorced aen*s plan. By John T. Barr. 38 p. O John T. Barr; 29Jul77: A901756.

A901757. Lost Boryslau: meaories of a Galician youth. By Heilech Schiff. 163 p. aeilech Schiff: 23Auq77: A901757.

A901758. vhere and Hhy the Aaerican flaq flies twenty-four hours a day. By Bedford O. Kaddy. Jr. 39 p. Bedford 0. Kaddy, Jr.: 25JU177; A901758.

A901759. Snoitcelfer: thought. By D D. J. ct; personal approach tc Lei J. Benkert. 70 i 27JU177; A901759.

»901760. The Syndicate that failed. By Abrahaa Goldberq. 252 p. Abrahaa Goldberg; 2Sep77: A901760.

A901761. Allenwood, Pennsylvania: escape to/froa a possibility of a niqhtaare. By Billard Hallilieu I. Payne 3rd. 50 p. V. 0. I. Payne 3rd: '4Auq77: A901761.

A901762. Conqruence surds and Feraat's Last theorea. By Naz M. Hunk. 33 p. O (lax H. Hunk: 2Auq77; A901762.

A901763. A Swedish iaaigraot in Canada, 1911-1971. By Knute E. Karlson. 232 p. Knute E. Karlson; 3Auq77; A901763.

A90176a. If you've lost your friend, then you and 1 are alike. Poeas & illus. by Diane E. Benzo. 59 p. Diane E. Benzo: 30Auq77; A90176I4.

A901765. Indian "why" stories. As retold by Bussell K. Grater. 70 p. Eussell K. Grater; l9Auq77: A9017b5.

A901766. dichael vists his qrandparents. By Sara C. Boolford. illustrated by Eideon Holloy. 42 p. e Sara C. Uoolford; 1Sep77; A901766.

A901767. Honor thy teen. By Joe Cantinieri. 102 P. O Joe Cantinieri; ieAuq77: A901767.

A901768. Divorce is not an unforqivable sin. By Dick Clifton. 79 p. Dick Clifton; 29JU177; A901768.

A901769. Boots of woaan: a collection of poeas in Enqlish and Spanish. Author G translator: lida lienzel. 77 p. Lida genzel; 29JQ177: A901769.

A901770. Heaorial Day-our boys, and other poeas. By Leif A. Heqq. 141 p. Leif A. Beqg; njul77; A901770.

A901771. Lonka Belle's vacation. By Barbara A. Booker, illus. froa original drawinqs by Carol Seedy. 1 v. Barbara A. Booker; 1Sep77; A901771.

A901772. Festal Christianity: a theology of the aighty Acts; based on a two-year cycle of readings. By John H. Duddington, foreword by Thoaas F. Torrance. 238 p. C John U. Duddinqton; 12Auq77; A901772.

A901773. Johnny Linny's niqhtaare: a story of child abuse. By Boberta Bosen, illus- trated by Kath. 60 p. O Boberta Bosen; 2Aug77; A901773.

A90177a. Then Badger said this. By Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, illustrated by Saa Leader charqe, Virginia Leader Charge 6 Sonny Tuttle. 41 p. Soae of these poeas £ narratives have appeared in the South Dakota review, C others. 6 Elizabeth Cook-Lynn; 18Aug77; A901774.

A901775. Potential dropouts — why? By Ida E. Birdsall. 232 p. O Ida Birdsall; 29JU177; A901775.

A901776. Angel's cliff. By Christine L. Bay. 203 p. O Christine L. Bay: 16AU977; A901776.

A901777. Pioneer heritage: the Saith faaily; a biographical-autobiographical story. By Darguerite Esther Saith £ Hildred Saith Stubblefield, illus. by the authors. 285 p. Harguerite Esther Saith e Hildred Saith Stubblefield: 17Aug77; A901777.

A901778. Egypt as history: 5000 B.C. -1974 A.O. By Nasri Zaroubi. 205 p. O Nasri Zaroubi; 30Aug77 ; A901778.

4901779. The Bany-sided cross: a personal retreat. By Hilliaa B. Seaaan. 104 p. Hilliaa B. Seaaan: 2ejul77: 4901779.

A901780. Saloae's heritage. By Kenneth F. Bates. 208 p. O Kenneth F. Bates; 22Jul77; A901780.

A901781. Learn to type to your full potential: tips to typists, the keys to typing iaproveaent. By Bay C. Hurray. 64 p. NH: pref. added £ revisions. Bay C. Hurray; 18Jul77; 4901781.

4901782. Jackie. By Hyrtle Zubkoff, illustrated by Olivia Hauptf leisch. 39 p. Hyrtle Zubkoff; 22JU177: 4901782.

4901783. Prince Jesus. By Laetitia Hudde. 31 p. Laetitia Hudde; 44uq77: 4901783.

A901784. A Priaer for hopeful readers. By Archibald Gordon. 98 p. 4rchibald Gordon; 13Jul77; 4901784.

4901785. Good traes with Janis Jaaes. By Fern Hontgoaery, illustrated by Olivia Hauptf leisch. 39 p. O Fern Hontgoaery; 19JU177; 4901785.

4901786. 4 Coapreheosive eaergency services systea for neglected and abused children. By Harvin B. Burt £ Balph B. Balyeat. 92 p. Harvin B. Burt C Balph B. Balyeat; 22JU177; 4901786.

4901787. The Uay of the light: an Aaerican success story. By Joe Dacy 2nd. 157 p. Joe Dacy 2nd: 94ug77: 4901787.

4901788. The Birth of a specialty; the diary of an Aaerican cardiologist, 1926-1972. By Louis Faugeres Bishop. 219 p. Louis Faugeres Bishop; 8Aug77; 4901788.

4901789. Hake it look like an accident. By John B. Bolan. 49 p. O John B. Nolan; 19JU177; 4901789.

4901790. flission Thailand. By Elizabeth Langley. 55 p. O Elizabeth Langley; 34ug77; 4901790.

4901791. The Nature of origins: aan and the Earth within the universe. By Hargarita T. Zaaora. 55 p. NH: English translation. O Hargarita T. Zaaora; 20Jul77; 4901791.

4901792. Faraway places. By Connie Haloney Uaun. 150 p. Connie Haloney Baun ; 20Jul77; A901792.

A901793. The Hagnificent golf foursoae: Julius Caesar and Calparnia versus Hark Anthony and Cleopatra. In Latin with English translation by Chauncey U. Beasley. 57 p. Chauncey B. Beasley; 22Aug77; A901793.

A901794. Gallery. By Bita A. Hitzel. 165 p. Bita A. Hitzel: 2Aug77: A901794.

A901795. Tabbylane. By John Gunnar Savers. 233 p. John G. Savers (pseud.: Gunnar Savers); 154ug77; A90179S.

A901796. Destination: Earth 2. By Bobert A. Hance. 77 p. Bobert 4. Hance; 154ug77; A901796.

4901797. Uncle Toa Billie. By Hilton Lee 4ustin. 72 p. Hilton Lee Austin; SAug77; A901797.

A901798. Brick and the abacus. By Harriet Pratt Lattin. 127 p. O Harriet Pratt Lattin; 12Aug77; 4901798. 4901799.

High heave p. Lillia 4901799. By Lillian Goldberg. 160 Goldberg; 29Aug77;

4901800. See you at the next town. By L. B. Hopkins. 108 p. L. B. Hopkins; 84ug77; 4901800.

4901801. Jesus, God's way of healing and power to proaote health; featuring the airacle ainistry of Doctor John G. Lake. By Kilford H. Beidt. 171 p. O Bilford H. Beidt; 11Aug77; A901801.

490180 2. Provocative and easy-to-read poeas. By George J. Bayder. 74 p. O George J.

Bayder; 29Jul77; 4901802.


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