Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/789

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JUL-DEC. 1977

i902231 (con.) puzzles, 1. Selected G edited by Hill fenq. 1 ». NH: collection. Quad- ranqle/The New York Tines Book Coapany, Inc.: 27JU177: »902231.

4902232. The New york tioes quide to solvioq crvptics, crosswords and anaqraas. By Barry O. Biqqs. with an introd. by Hill Uenq. 116 p. Barry 0. Hiqqs; 21Jul77; »902232.

1902233. One-hundred African proverbs and sayinqs with sOBe parallels from sone countries world-over. By Oliver CroBwell Nze Chukwu. 23 p. O Oliver Croawell Nze Chukwu; 8Auq77: 4902233.

i90223It. African folk and fairy tales of the Iqbo of Nlqeria on the tortoise, the trick- ster. By Oliver croawell Nze Chukwu. 23 p. Oliver Croawell Nze chukwu: 3iaay77: A90223it.

A902235. Guess! who has oore power and ability- -your wife, fiancee, girlfriend, aua, dad, sister, brother, or you? Find it out throuqh nuaber, aysticisa and uuaeroloqy, aatheoatics of fun. qaaes, and recreation. By Oliver Croawell Nze Chukwu. Sheets (28 p.) Oliver Cromwell Nze Chukwu: 3IBay77: A902235.

A902236. Hork hard, aia for the top, expect the best — the basketball notebook of coach Jia Fletcher. By Jaaes L. Fletcher. 311 p. Jia Fletcher; 17Auq77: A902236.

A902237. Quill prolect recordinq ledqer. By Accountinq Oevelopaent Associates. 1 v. Accountinq Development Associates, solely owned by Stanley S. Hilliaas: 15Auq77: A902237.

A902238. Fossils and localities of the Claiborne qroup (Eocene) of Texas; a syaposiua conducted at srazosport fluseua of Natural Science. Edited by Jaaes E. Kniqht, Irene D. Offeaan 6 Buth a. Landry, photos, by Jaaes E. Kniqht. 57 p. NH: coapilation. updatinq e new aaterial. Paleontoloqy Section of the Houston Gea and Hineral Society; 23Auq7?; A902238.

A902239. Presentinq the Starr systea of touch typiaq. By Barry B. Starr. 1 v. Harry B. Starr: 10Auq77; A9022J9.

A9022'l0. The Story of an exhibit: Doctor B. E. B. DuBois (1868-1963), Paul Bobeson (1898-1976) By Erwin A. Salk. 28 p. Add. ti: The Story of an exhibit and a biblioqraphy. Erwin A. Salk: 120ct77; A9022aO.

A9022ai. El Papel del sector publico y de las eapresas publicas en la inteqracion economica de la America Latina. By Fernando Hateo. 28 p. Institute of Latin American Studies/Oniversity of Texas (in notice: Institute of Latin American Studies, the Oniversity of Texas at Austin) ; 1llar77 (in notice: 1976); A9022lt1.

A9022U2. The Canterbury pilqrias colorinq book. 1 V. Appl. au: Charlotte Couric Payne. C.C.P. and Coapany, solely owned by Charlotte Couric Payne; 18Auq77; A9022II2.

A9022113. Second service in the dental office, aritten 6 edited by Kellie Grey (Edith Nellie Grey) 1 v. Kellie Grey; 18JU177; A9022«3.

A9022UU. The descriptive cataloqinq of library aaterials. By Shirley L. Hopkinson. Sth ed. 116 p. O Shirley L. Hopkinson; 10Jun77; A9022<tlt.

A9022H5. Arkansas diaaonds. By Thoaas P. Terry. 40 p. Thoaas P. Terry d.b. a. Specialty Publishing Coapany; 26Auq77: A9022I1S.

A9022II6. Bulletin board ideas for Sunday school and church. 32 p. Appl. au: Virqene Coursen. O Abinqdon; tSep77; A9022H6.

A9022U7. Associate objective developaent: aanaqer's aaster objective control record. 2 p. Appl. au: Haltec B. Ball, Jr. O The Hall Institute of Beal Estate, Inc. ; 3Auq77; A9022<t7.

A90221t8. Gypsy in ay poea. 7 p. Appl. au: Quentin Oscar cupp, Jr. O Quentin Cupp, Jr.; 18Apr77; A90221ld.

A902249. Get Back To Vour Boots--natural remedy recipes. 22 p. stake N'Bake. Inc.; 20Auq77; A902249.

A902250. The Lakewood bluebook, 1977. 55 p. Appl. au: Betty Jo Neils & Clara J. Stewart. C Future Publications, Inc. ; 21Jun77; A902250.

A902251. Social studies, kindergarten. 5 p. Appl. au: Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Archdiocese of Philadelphia (in notice: Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of the Superintendent of Schools) ; 2Sep77: A902251.

A902252. Summary of revised and alternate benefit plans and specifications for competitive bid invitations for Hudson Valley District council of Carpenters Welfare Fund, Kingston. New york. 22 p. NH: additional text. The Handel Group, Inc.; 8Sep77; A902252.

A902253. Fishing secrets of the skippers. By Ernie Hhlte, Sr. (George Ernest Rhite, Sr.) 102 p. NH: compilation, editorial revision & pictorial matter. Ernie Bhite, Sr. ; 4Jun77; A9022b3.

A90225<t. B. E. "Bob" floore's Give up the fat: the do it yourself diet fat to fit kit. 59 p. Appl. au: fi. E. "Bob" Hoore Associates. O B. E. "Bob" Hoore Associates; 2Hay77; A90225».

A902255. Informational writing casebook. 90 p. O Departaent of Business Education and Administrative Services, Hestern Hichigan Oniversity; 29Aug77; 4902255.

A902256. 44HD adaptive behavior scale, public school version; manual. By Nadine H. Lambert, Hyra Hindmiller. Linda Cole & Bichard Figuerc . 1974 revision. 1 v. e Nadine a. Lambert; 12Har75; A902256.

A902257. Varityper headliner SD-2155-HD; inspection aanual. 5 p. o Addressograph

A9022S8. Graphic arts; technical aanual SD-2121-D0. 62 p. O Addressograph Hultigraph Corporation; 30Jul76; A9022S8.

A902259. Baking aoney with the telephone; the coaplete handbook of telephone aarketing. By Hichael T. Brown. 143 p. Hichael I. Brown; 29Sep77; A902259.

4902260. Public welfare directory, 1977/78. Vol. 38. Editor: Hichele Hoore, editorial assistant: Nell Lancaster. 389 p. Appl. au: The 4aerican Public Belfare 4sso- ciation. The Aaerican Public Uelfare Association; 26Sep77: 4902260.

4902261. In case of. 1 v. 4ppl. au: John Stuart Franklin. O John Stuart Franklin: 10ct77: A902261.

A902262. The Relationship of anxiety between preschool children and parents prior to the child's hospitalization for elective surgery. By Jane Holly Asen-fiudbarg Vardaro. 132 p. O Jane Asen-Budbarg Vardaro; 12Apr77; A902262.

A902263. "In ay opinion" — tales fro' a lawyer's briefcase. By Charles H. Elloer. 95 p. O Charles H. Ellner; 28Sep77 ; A902263.

4902264. Cross index of coaaercial carpet, fall 77. 1 V. 4ppl. au: George Levine. O Contract Carpet fiesearch; 15Sep77; 4902264.

4902265. 4zle, Beno, T!, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of the Southwest; 20Jun77; 4902265.

4902266. Haynesboro, V4, telephone directory, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Company. The Clifton Porge-Haynesboro Telephone Company; 1Jan77: 4902266.

4902267. Swartz Creek, Linden, Bankin, including listings for Flint, HI, June 1977. compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. General Telephone Company of Hichigan; 14Jun77; A902267.

A902268. Paris, Brocton, Chrisman, IL, and others, June 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of Illinois; 15Jun77; A902268.

A902269. Alliance, OH, alphabetical listings, 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. O General Telephone Company of Ohio; lJun77; 4902269.

4902270. Oil City, Franklin, PA, and nearby communities, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Company of Penn- sylvania; 18Jun77; 4902270.

4902271. Honitor, 4urora, Canby, OB, and others, June 1977. Compiled by General Telephone Directory Company. Honitor co-operative

Telephone Company; 1Jun77; 4902271.


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