Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/793

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1902393 - i902ll31
JUL-DEC. 1977

4902 392 (con.) Calduell. dcawinqs by Leonardo M. PerqusOD. 63 p. Abinqdon; 26Sep77; 4902392.

4902393. How to have a happy aarciaqe: a step-by-step quide to an enriched relationship. By David Bobert Hace & Veca Hace. 1714 p. O Abinqdon: 2esep77: A902J93.

49023911. God and hufflan anguish. By Sylvester Paul Scbillinq. 304 p. Abingdon: 26Sep77: 4902394.

A902395. SoloBon*s svord: clarifying values in the church. By Bobert Heynecs & Claice A. looster. 144 p. C Abinqdon: 26Sep77: 490239S.

A902396. Punqent prayers. By Philip E. Pierce. 124 p. Portions prev. pub. in Too busy not to pray £ others. NH: coapilation. Philip E. Pierce: 26Sep77; 4902396.

4902397. Bediscoverinq the qift of healing. By Lavrence u. 41thouse. 144 p. Appl. states all ne« except a number of prev. pub. selections which constitute less than 151 of the Hork. Abinqdon: 26Sep77: 4902397.

4902398. Puturequest: new views of econoaic qrovth. By Bobert Theobald e others. 89 p. (DecisionoaJcers bookshelf, vol. 3) 4|jpl. au: Edison Electric Institutii. Appl. states all new except for chapter by Noraan Hacrae (p. 49-60) Edison Electric Institute: 19Sep77: A902398.

A902399. Denver discount shopper. 1977-78 ed. 44 p. 4ppl. au: Gwen B. Schatz & Hyrna Garfield. O GH Publications: 26Sep77: 4902399.

4902400. Hhen you build a caapfire. Proa the aotioQ picture Caopfire control. Folder. 4ppl . au: Jaaes B. Lawless (Jia Lawless) Jaaes H. Lawless (in notice: Jia Lawless); 22Jul77; A902400.

4902401. Future economic qrowth: can we afford to leave it to the experts? By L. T. Iqlehart* Jr. 91 p. (Decisionaakers bookshelf, vol. 2) 4ppendix prev. pub. in Ecoooaic growth in the future. Edison Electric Institute: 19Sep77: 4902401.

4902402. Cesarean childbirth, a handbook for parents. By Christine Colenan Milson 6 Vendy Boe Bovey, aedical editor; Georqe H. tlolan. 31 p. Christine Coleaan Hilson 6 Bendy Boe flovey: 70ct77: 4902402.

4902403. Banhandle force. By Lloyd Eldon Biller. Jr. 1 V. (In the web series, episode no. 1) Lloyd Eldon Miller, Jr.; 10ct77; A902403.

4902404. Hodel 601 paper tape reader. 17 p. Nn; revisions & additions. 4ddaaster Corporation: 60ct77 ; 49024 04.

4902405. Annual report, 1975-76. 62 p. Aaerican Anthropoloqlcal Association; 19Apr77: 4902405.

4902406. Beadinq readiness aeasureaent. By Elizabeth Peterson & Andrea Hendrix. 7 p.

A902407. Tour career in archaeology. By George E. Stuart. 30 p. Appl. au: Society for Aaerican 4rchaeology. Society for 4aerican Archaeology; iaoct76: A902407.

A90240e. Yoga asanas. 28 p. Appl. au: Sharon Pike. O Sharon Pike; 1Sep77; A902408.

4902409. The CPI Haster Keogb profit sharing plan and trust agreeaent (as amended in its entirety and restated as of October 1, 1975) as trusteed and sponsored by International Trust Corporation. 40 p. HH: revision C new text. O CPI Group, Inc.; 23Sep77: 4902409.

4902410. Reference guide, October 1977. 161 p. Telecrcdit, Inc.; 40ct77; 4902410.

A902411. Aaerican Anthropological Association: abstracts of the 75th annual aeeting; Bashington, DC/Nov. 17-21, 1976. 204 p. O Aaerican Anthropological Association: 10NOV76: 4902411.

4902412. 4nnual report, 1975. 235 p. American Anthropological 'Association; 16Oct76; A902412.

A902413. Aaerican Anthropological Association: prograa of the 75th annual aeeting: aashington, DC/Nov. 17-21, 1976. 78 p. O Aaerican Anthropological Association; 101IOV76; A902413.

A902414. Builder trade secrets. 9 p. Appl. au: Louis B. Karples. O Louis B. Karples; 3Jun77; A902414.

A902415. Class 2: foaas for continuous panel laaination. 3 p. (Jefferson urethane chemicals technical bulletin) O Jefferson Cheaical Coapany, Inc.: 100ct77: A902415.

A902416. New for therapy. 8 p. Appl. au; George Miller. NH; new products for rehabi- litation are illustrated. O G. E. Hlller, Inc.; 70ct77; A902416.

4902417. French cheeseaaker*s soock. Kit. (Folkwear ethnic patterns, 102) Add. ti: Folkwear patterns 102: French cheese- maker's smock. NM: additions G revisions. Folkwear (Barbara Garvey, Alexandra Jacopetti G Ann Nainwright, general partners, d.b.a. Folkwear); 50ct76; A902417.

A902418. National education loan plan. By Edward Odenbaugh. 14 p. O Edward Odenbaugh; 60ct77: A902418.

4902419. The New T4 for kids (and grown-ups too) By 41vyn Freed 6 Margaret Freed, art director 6 text illus.: Bick Uackuey. 3rd ed., rev. 101 p. Prev. pub. as T4 for kids (and grown-ups too) Jalaar Press, Inc.; 23Sep77: 4902419.

4902420. Burpee blue list, 1978; coaaercial growers wholesale prices. 56 p. O U. 4tlee Burpee Coapany: 16Sep77: 4902420.

4902421. 411oy, carbon and high strength low alloy steels: semifinished for forging; hot rolled bars, cold finished bars, hot rolled deformed & plain concrete reinforcing bars. steel products manual, Aug. 1977. 136 p. O Aaerican Iron and Steel Institute; 30Sep77; A902421.

A902422. Educational research, a syliatext. 250 p. Appl. au: Bobert B. ttorman. Bobert B. Horman; 60ct77: A902422.

A902423. I like to read. Stories by Thelma Johnson, pictures by Stephanie True. 15 p. Appl. au; Pensacola Christian School. O A Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Coapany, a division of Pensacola Christian college; 15Aug77; A902423.

A902424. Investigating God's world. By DeHitt Steele, illustrated by Stan Shiaain, Billiaa Saunders £ Earl Bay Sanders, pt. 2 by Ueraan Schneider C Nina Schneider. 455 p. Add. ti: Science 5. 4ppl. au: Pensacola Christian School. Part 2 prev. reg. 1973. NH: pt. 1 £ 3. 4 Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. 4 Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian College; 13Sep77; A902424.

A902425. Kindergarten curriculua (5 year olds) Prepared by Thelaa Johnson £ kindergarten faculty of Pensacola Christian School. Sheets (286 p.) NH: additions £ revisions. A Beka Book a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian College; 17Aug77; A9Q2425.

A902426. English 10 curriculum. 33 p. Appl. au: Pensacola Christian School. O A Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian College; 15Jul76 (in notice: 1977); A902426.

A902427. English outline, grade twelve. 7 p. Appl. au: Pensacola Christian School. A Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola christian college (in notice; 4 Beka Book, a division of Pensacola Christian College) ; 24ug77; 4902427.

4902428. Earth science: a daily curriculum for junior high. 70 p. 4dd. ti: Earth science: curriculum. Appl. au: Pensacola Christian School. O A Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian College; 26Sep77; A902428.

A902429. English nine: a daily curriculum for freshmen. 70 p. Add. ti: English 9: curriculum. Appl. au: Pensacola Christian School. A Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian College; 15JU176 (in notice: 1977); A902429.

A9a2430. Girls' physical education: a curriculum for junior and senior high. 37 p. Add. ti: Girls' physical education curricolum. Appl. au: Pensacola Christian School. O A Beka Book Publications a.a.d.o. A Beka Book Publishing Company, a division of Pensacola Christian College; 5Jul77; 4902430.

4902431. Boys' physical education: i curriculua

for junior and senior high. 29 p. Add.


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