Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/80

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A873560 (con.) others, by Aba aansur al Tha 'alibi, ikhbar Nusaib, by Abj'l Faraj al Isfahani. Translated by Arthur Horinhoudt. 120 p. NB: translation. 6 Arthur Rornhoadt; 7Jan77: A873560..

A873561. Dhikra Ibrahim al Sabi from Ifatiaa al Dahr. By Abu Hansur al Tha'alibi, translated by Arthur Worahoudt. 121 p. Add. ti: Dhikra al Sabi. HH: translation. e Arthur Uorinhoudt; 7Jun77: A873561.

A873562., For Hon and Dad. 1 p. Appl. au: Debora Ann Birchard. @ Debora inn Biichard: 20Dec76: A873562.

A873563. Membership directory, 1977,. 101 p. 6 International personnel Hanageoent Association: 23Feb77; A873563,.

A87356«. Standards for church and synagogue libraries: guidelines for measuring effectiveness 6 progress. CSLA guide no. 6. 20 p. Church and Synagogue library Association; 18Jun77; A87356a.

A873565. Ardell; an illustrated magazine of yachts for sale. Editor: Robert Grimmick, associate editor: Dan Daniels, art director: Barbara Davis, 38 p. Appl. au: Ardell Investment Company, e Ardell Investment Company; 16May77: A873565.

A873566. Please people Kith money saver, secrets inside. 3 p. Add. ti: Secrets, please people vith money saver, inside. Appl. au: Jay Corbin. e Jay Corbin; illlar77; A873566.

A873567. A Statistical analysis of lost persons in wilderness areas. No. 2. By William G. Syrotuck. 26 p. NM: inpreased number of case histories. O Hilliam G. Syrotuck: 311ay77: A873567.

A873568. An Introduction to land search probabilities and calculations. By William G. Syrotuck. 55 p. 6 Hilliam G. Syrotuck; 10Sep75: A873568.

A873569. Some grid search techniques for locating lost individuals in wilderness areas. By Hilliam G. Syrotuck. 19 p. Hilliam G. Syrotuck; 6Jun7«; A873569.

A873570. "Rich report": make a living at the track. 1 V. Appl. au: Bichard Skalsky. e Bichard Skalsky: 18llay77; A873570.

A873571. Lane Bryant 1977 our greatest summer sale ever! 71 p. Lane Bryant, Inc.; 5Apr77: A873571.

A873572. Hayes sale, silver anniversary, summer 1977 47 p. 6 Hayes. Inc. a.a.d.o. Hayes Half-Size Fashions, Inc. ; 5Apr77; A873572.

A873573. Lane Bryant Tall Collection summer "77 sale 148 p. Tall Collection, division of Lane Bryant, Inc. (in notice: Tall Division of Lane Bryant, Inc.); 5ipr77; A873573.

A87357l(. Ttiin Tier dining, 1977. 99 p. Appl. an: Deane K. Fish, e Double-Dee Company: 7Jun77: AB73574.

A873575. Labor control files: pi ant-department- shift-expense-employee- machine description manual. 1 v. NH: new text. Management Science, Inc.; 2311ay77; A873575.

A873576. A Response to a thinly disguised attack on the Orantia book. By Clyde Bedell. 27 p. Abridged from a talk made under the auspices of the First Orantia Society of Oklahoma, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1976. 6 Clyde Bedell; 5Dec76; A873576.

1873577. Bike and the trucking business. By Renee C. Barbidge S Nellie J. Spinks. 10 p. C Renee C. Burbidge & Nellie J. Spinks; 20Hay77; A873577.

A873578. Beta series engineered expansion joint systems; designer's handbook. No. Tech 11-7701. Prepared under the direction of Guy S. Puccio. 35 p. Appl. au: Acme Highway Products corporation, employer for hire. NH: text S some pictorial material. 6 Acme Highway Products Corporation (in notice: Acme Highway Products, Inc.) ; 1Har77: A873578.

Ae73579. Information pamphlet for Haida Hide two story gambrel homes. Folder ( 3 p.) & Haida Hide, Inc.; 1Jan77; A873579.

4873580. The Haida Hide two-story gambrel homes. Folder (6 p.) Haida Hide, Inc.: 15Dec76; A873580.

A873581. Everyday guide to glamour course; module 50-52 supplemental studybooklet. Lesson 1-3. By J. J. Allen. 3 v. Appl. au: Peter Nicastro d.b.a. Photography Learning Systems. & Peter Nicastro d.b.a. Photography Learning Systems; 25Hay77; A873581.

A873582. Hechos el uno para el otro. Por John H„ Drakeford, version castellana de Dafne C. Sabanes De Plou. 158 p. Appl. au: Editorial Hundo Hispano. Originally pub. in English under the title Hade for each other. NH: translation. 6 Editorial Hundo Hispano; 31Mar77; 4873582.

4873583. Hy favorite poems. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Lois H. Gehrig. O Donna Lee Behunin, Florence Adams Lee, Lois H. Gehrig & Annell Williamson; 23Apr77: A873583.

A873584. The BOCA basic energy conservation code, 1977. 33 p. e Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.; 21(lar77: 4873584.

A873585. BOCA international publications catalog, effective Hay 15, 1977. Written 6 edited by William J. Even, revised by Hilliam E. Fesperman. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Building Officials and Code 4d«inistrators International, Inc. e Building Officials and Code 4dministrators International, Inc.: 15Hay77: 4873585.

A873586. The Oral history of James Nunn: a unique North Carolinian; taped conversations between James Nunn S w. wilder Towle. By H. wilder Towle. 246 p. Add. ti: The Oral history of James Nunn, 1882-1975. The Chapel Hill Historical Society; 24Apr77: 4873586.

A873587. Firelands arts review. Editor: Joel Budinger. 80 p. Joel Rudinger; 29May77; 4873587.

4873588. Xama-kodes for Yamaha. By Teddy Ryan. 22 p. Prev. reg. A826380 NH: additions. O Teddy Ryan; 28Apr77; 1873588.

4873589. Pembroke magazine. No. 8. Editorial director: Norman Hacleod & other editors. 240 p. O Pembroke Hagazine; 2SHay77: 4873589.

4873590. The Pacific species of Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. (Pittosporaceae) By Judith E. Haas. p. 74-167. (411ertonia, vol. 1, no. 2) e Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden: 19Hay77; 4873590.

4873591. The Goodbook; or. How to make your sales less rotten with a little faith and a lot of Armorall. 14 p. 4ppl. states all new except treated & untreated photo, samples e How it works diagram. Very Important Products, Inc.; 22Feb77; A873591.

A873592. Paul Wright's Anti smokers spray. 1 p. Appl. au: N.A.5.H. , Inc. O N.A.S.H. , Inc.; 31Har77: 4873592.

A873593. Alaska and the lukon blue book tour guide, 1977. Editor: Howard Clifford, compiled by Public Relations Department of Western Airlines, Inc. 20th annual ed. 112 p. e Western Air Lines, Inc.; 25Feb77; A873593,

4873594. Historia de la familia Barrios. By Higuel Rodriguez Diaz De Quintana, con la collaborcion de Juan Luis Hernandez De Herrera, Antonio De Hedina Suarez, Juan Carlos Herinquez Arbelo 6 Carmelo De Jorge y De Sosa. Hicrofiche. Appl. au: 41fred Joseph Barrios 6 Harie Barrios Caballero. O Alfred Joseph Barrios & Harie Barrios Caballero: 9Hay77; 4873594.

4873595. The Meaning of the millennium: four views. Edited by Robert G. Glouse. 223 p. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of the D.S.A. (in notice: Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of the Onited States of America) ; 5Apr77; A873595.

A873596. The yellow Christmas. By Helen Luster (Helen Luster Sherry) , drawings by Robert Berner, pref. by the author. 2nd ed. 1 V. (1(EE), book 2) Helen Luster; 2Har77; A873596.

A873597. Blue collar: an internal examination of the workplace. By Charles Spencer. 242 p. e Charles Spencer; 7Apr77: 4873597.

A873598. Well killer. Kit. Appl. au: Roy A. Eobo. Roy Bobo Engineering: 28Apr72 (in notice: 1971); A873598.

A873599. Sangamon State University oral history collection. Pt. 3, no. 1-35. Microfilm. (New York times oral history) Appl. au: Hicrofilming Corporation of America. e Sangamon State Oniversity; 180ct76; A873599.

A873600. Legends of the horseshoe. 4ppl. au: R. C. Thornbury. S Thorn's Enterprises; 124ug76; 4873600.


The Impact of art deco: 1925-1940.


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