Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/802

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A902752. Bioloqlcal aspects of inorqanic cheDistcy. Edited hf the Bioinorganic Group, Department of Chenistry, the University of British Coluabia, A. R. Addison & other editors. 410 p. John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 7Jun77: A902752.

A902753. Introductory finite aathematics uith computinq. By Rilliam S. Oorn & Daniel D. Hccraclcen. 449 p. 6 John Kiley and Sons, Inc.; 28Jan76; &902753.

A902754. The Equity Funding papers; the anatomy of a fraud. By Lee J. Seidler, Frederick Andrews 6 Hare J. Epstein. 578 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from 0. S. Govt, sources. MH: additions. C John iiley and Sons, Inc.; 25Auq77; 4902754.

A902755. American National standard specification for photoqraphic grade 5-aethylbenzot- riazole, CH3C6H3NH1I: N. ABSI PH4. 205-1977, revision of PH4. 205-1964 (E1971) Secretariat; National Association of Photoqraphic Manufacturers, Inc. 3 p. NM; updatinq & revisions. 6 American National standards Institute; 2 2Sep77; A902755.

A902756. American National Standard specification for photoqraphic qrade S-nitrobenzi- Bidazole nitrate, N02C6H3NBCH: N-HN03. ANSI PH4. 206-1977, revision of PB4.206- 1964 (El 970) Secretariat: National Association of Photoqraphic nanuf acturers. Inc. 3 p. NH: updatinq & revisions. O American National standards Institute; 22Sep77; A902756.

A902757. American National Standard common name for the pest control chemical methylf 2- f ( 2- f ur a nylm ethylene) amino 1phenyl]a- mino Ithiozomethyllcarbamate "f nrophanate. " ANSI K62. 194-1977. Secretariat; O.S. Department of Agriculture. 2 p. 6 American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 22Sep77: A902757.

A902758. American National Standard represen- tations of local time of the day for information interchange. ANSI X3. 43-1977. Secretariat: Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association. 6 p. 3 American National Standards Institute* Inc.; 19Sep77; A902758.

A902759. American National standard for biblioqraphic references. ANSI Z39.29- 1977- Secretariat; Council of National Library Associations. 92 p. Q American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 22Sep77; A902759.

A902760. American National Standard common name for the pest control chemical S- r (4-chlorophenyl) methyl ]diethylcarba- Bothioate "thiobencarb." ANSI K62. 187- 1977. Secretariat: O.S. Department of Aqriculture. 2 p. Q American National Standards Institute; 111!ar77; A902760.

A902761. American National Standard specification for electrical metallic tubing, zinc coated. ANSI CBO. 3-1977, revision of C8ff.3-1966 (E1971) Secretariat: American Iron and Steel Institute. lip. NH: updatinq e revisions. 6 American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 1«Oct77; A902761.

A902762. American National Standard specification for rigid steel conduit, enameled. ANSI C80. 2-1977, revision of C80. 2-1966 (B1971) Secretariat: American Iron and Steel Institute. 11 p. NH: updating t revisions. American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 140ct77; A902762.

A902763. Nursing audit. By Dorothy Beckley Doughty & Norma Justus Hash, illus. by Bichard Croom. 225 p. Q F. A. Davis company; 1Sep77; A902763.

A902764. Hedical terminology; exercises in etymoioqy. By Charles u. Oanmore 6 Eita H. Fleischer. 327 p. F. A. Davis Company; 10Aug77; A902764.

A902765. Foundations of chemistry in the laboratory, fourth edition; instructor's manual. By Horris Hein, Leo E. Best e Bobert L. Hiner. 150 p. NH: editorial revision & additional text. 6 Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc.; 21Jun77; A902765.

A902766. Foundations of chemistry in the laboratory. By Horris Bein, Leo fi. Best & Eobert I. Hiner. 4th ed. 292 p. & Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc.; 21Jun77; A902766.

A902767. People need people; workbook. Level 9. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Reiss, Annie De Caprio 6 Loreli Olson Steuer. 94 p. NH: neu exercises, text & illus. Q Holt, Binehart and iinston; 3Jan77; A902767.

A902768. A Place for me; workbook. Level 7. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Heiss, Patricia E. Stone £ Loreli Olson Steuer. 94 p. NH: new exercises, text 6 illus. 3 Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 3Jan77; A902768.

A902769. The Hay of the world; workbook, teacher's ed. Level 10. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Heiss & Loreli Olson Steuer. 110 p. NH: new exercises, text & illus. Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 3Jan77; A902769.

A902770. People need people; teacher's ed. Level 9, vol. 1, units 1-2. By Eldonna L. Evertts 6 Bernard J. Reiss. 224 p. NH: additions. Q Holt, Binehart and Binston; 3Jan77; A902770.

A902771. Eiders on the Earth; teacher's ed. Level 15, vol. 2, units 4-6. By Bernard J. Heiss. p. 485-896- Portions prev. pub. as Eiders on the Earth and skills practice 6 Duplicating masters for Eiders on the Earth. NH: additions. Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 3Jan77; A902771.

A902772. Left-handed knitting. By Begina Burlburt, drawings by Prue Campbell-Smith. 63 p. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 14Sep77; A902772.

A902773. Essentials in English; laboratory method, tests & answer key. Book A. 30 p. Appl. au: HcCormick-Hathers Publishing Company. NH: editorial revisions. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 6Sep77; A902773.

A902774. Essentials in English: laboratory method, tests C answer key. Book B. 28 p.. Appl. au: HcCormick-Hathers Publishing Company. NH: editorial revisions. @ Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 6Sep77; A902774.

A902775. Essentials in English; laboratory method, tests £ answer key. Book C. 30 p. Appl. au: HcCormick-Hathers Publishing Company. NH: editorial revisions. Q Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 6Sep77; A902775.

A902776. Jewels; skill book. Teacher's ed. 110 p. (American book reading program) Appl. au: Harjorie S. Johnson. Boy A. Kress £ John D. HcNeil. 6 Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 25Aug77; A902776.

A902777. Images; skill book. Teacher's ed. By Ellen Keller. 110 p. (American book reading program) G Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 25Aug77: A902777.

A902778. Hatercolor techniques and methods; the twenty basic lessons adapted from The Rinning ways of watercolor for easy student and studio use. By Bex Brandt. 128 p. Q Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 8Sep77; A902778.

A902779. Hathematricks; mathematics. By Hary Landis Haloney. 64 p. (Pocketful of puzzles, unit 4) 3 Hary Landis Haloney: 15Sep77; A902779.

A902780. Bother Nature's folly: science- By Hary Landis Haloney. 64 p. (Pocketful of puzzles, unit J) O Hary Landis Haloney; 23Sep77; A902780.

A902781. Double dares; unusual and superchal- lenging puzzles. By Hary Landis Haloney- 64 p. (Pocketful of puzzles, unit 6) Hary Landis Haloney; 23Sep77: A902781-

4902782. Star-spangled puzzles; American history. By Hary Landis Haloney. 64 p. (Pocketful of puzzles, unit 1) Q Hary Landis Haloney; 23Sep77; 4902782.

A902783. Bookshelf brainbusters; children's literature. By Hary Landis Haloney. 63 p. (Pocketful of puzzles, unit 2) 6 Hary Landis Haloney; 23Sep77; A902783.

4902784. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 147. By the Howard R. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard R. Sams and company. Inc. ; 30ct77: A9027e4.

A902785. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 146. By the Howard R. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc. ; 30ct77; A902785.

A902786. Sams Photofact tape recorder series. Vol. 192. By the Howard R. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p- O Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30ct77; A902786.

A902787. Sams modular hi-fi components. Vol. 103. 128 p. NH: compilation £ additional text. Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30ct77: A902787.

A902788. Industrial electrical systems. By Dale

B. Patrick £ Stephen R. Fardo. 224 p-


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