Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/817

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A903394 -
JUL-DEC. 1977

A90339U. To»ec echoes, 1974-1975. Vol. 55. Co-editors; Harqaret H. Coons 6 Dolores Diveoti. 252 p. Hazqaret H. Coons e Dolores DiVenti; 8Sep75; A90J39U.

1903395. The Dallas Junior teaque cookbook. 424 p. O The Junior Leaque of Dallas: 19Sep76: A903395.

A903396. Enioyinq the arts/museuis. By iilliaa Aloysius Burns. 145 p. iilliaa A. Burns; 18Hay77: A903396.

A903397. Your future as a chiropractor. By G. Hoiiard Poteet 6 Hichael A. Petti. 113 p. G. Howard Poteet £ Hichael A. Petti; 15Jun77; A903397.

A903398. Ail for a lob in the business office. By Gilbert J. Konkel 6 Phyllis J. Peck. 159 p. Phyllis J. Peck £ Gilbert J. Konkel; 20Auq77; A903398.

A903399. The student chenist explores atoms and lolecules. By Sol Hedoff £ John C. Powers, illustrated by Kancy Lou Gahan. 116 p. e Sol aedoff £ John Powers; 10Apr77: A903399.

A903400. AiM for a iob io the record business. By Bick aitz. 126 p. Bick Hltz; 10Auq77; A903400.

A903401. The Social studies student investiqates Aaerican law. By Edward auir, illustrated by Nancy Lou Gahan. 1 16 p. Edward Buir; 15Hay77; A903401.

A903402. Enloyinq the arts/opera. By Peter Kline. 178 p. C Peter Kline; 1llay77: A903402.

A903403. The Aaerican biqh school band. By Georqe H. Taylor. 142 p. Georqe Taylor: 1Apr77: A903403.

4903404. Enioyinq the arts/theatre- By flary HcGann. illustrated by Adele Hyers. 146 p. Mary BcGann; 10Jun77: A903404.

A903405. Your future as a lawyer. By Charles Z. Cohen. 148 p. O Charles Z. Cohen; 1Jun77: A903405.

A903406. Enloyinq the arts/poetry. By Sandra Salinas Newton. 148 p. Sandra Salinas Newton; 10Sep77; A903406.

A903407. The Social studies student inyestiqates modern wars. By Arnold S. Bosenberq. 151 p. O Arnold S. Bosenberq: 10Jul77: A903407.

4903408. Food for fitness and sports. Hritten £ illustrated by Ellen yoelckers. 148 p. Ellen yoelckers; 1Sep77: A903408.

A903409. Saint Louis: portrait of a riyer city. Photos. £ text by Elinor Bartineau coyle. 3rd ed. 176 p. Prey. req. A 166237. Elinor Hartineau coyle; 29Sep77; A903409.

A903410. Tales of Vernont, ways and people. By Bertha Sanford Dodqe, illus. by Darrell A. Van Citters, Jr Dodqe: 40ct77;

A903411. The Hook book. By Alice Beatty £ Hary Clary Sarqent, with photos, by Lucinda Dowell £ drawings by Barbara Kellogg. 160 p. O Alice Beatty £ aary Satqcnt; 29Sep77: A903411.

A903412. Trailside shelters. By Skye Davis, pseud, of Buss aohney, illustrated by Buss dohney. 224 p. Suss aohney; 40ct77; A903412.

A903413. Eye on the dawn. By aarjorie Benjaain Hheeler. 60 p. O aarjorie Benjaain iheeier; 140ct77: A903413.

A903414. Patchwork wreath kits. By Heody L. Stevens. 5 p. Heady L. Stevens; 8Sep77; A903414.

A903415. ayrtle Beach cookin". 217 p. Onited Methodist Hoaen, fi.rst United Bethodist Church: 130ct77; A903415.

A903416. Official odometer (aileaqe) stateaent. 1 p. NH: revisions. O Keary Advertising company. Inc.; 120ct77; A903416.

A903417. This year in Jersusalea. A Heaorial to aoa and Dad (Israel and Anna Beichner) By Hose Hemerow. 2 p. O Bose Neaerow; 170ct76: A903417.

A90341B. Here is the literature you requested: zormco. 1 p. O zoraco Electronics corporation; 50ct77; A903418.

4903419. Mikrotest 2: the new standard in aaqnetic thickness gaqes. Folder. O Zorelco, Ltd.; 130ct77; A903419.

A903420. ueddinq music program. Polder. Appl. au: Nancy Cook. Nancy Cook; 170ct77; 4903420.

4903421. Task oriented physical science; operations, pendulums, measuring length, qraphinq* baiancinq, electricity, aaqnetism. aultiple volumes. Appl. au: Bonald Jay aarson. Ron Harson; 294uq77; A903421.

4903422. The Family record of Samuel 4uld: his ten children and their descendants. Compiled by Edna H. Teaqarden. 573 p. Prev. req. 1977. 4847515 6 others. NM: additions. ars. Earl H. Teaqarden (Edna B. Teaqarden): 110ct77; A903422.

A903423. Energy conscious builders parade of homes, October 16-30, 1977. Vol. 23. 216 p. Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City; 10Oct77: 4903423.

4903424. Vocational interest questionnaire. By Gerard T. Nowak. 1 v. yestera aichigan Oniversity: 29Sep77; 4903424.

4903425. New techniques in Fourier deconvolution of qas chromatographic data. By Saauel J. Howard. Sheets (60 p.) Saauel J. Howard; 25Aug77: A903425.

A903426. Laman-Loesche Supply Company. Inc. catalog C. 988 p. Laman-Loesche Supply Company, Inc.; 12Qct77 (in notice; 1975) : A903426.

A903427. The Inside source; an annotated bibliography of free publications from private £ government sources on business, economics £ management, compiled £ edited by Bruce a. Spence £ Joseph D. Adaas. Jr. , with Peter J. DeLuca. 495 p. Quad International Corporation; 26Sep77; 4903427.

A903428. Experiments with the 8080A aicrocom- - puter. Pt. 1. By Boy U. Goody. 119 p. Boy H. Goody; 70ct77; 4903428.

4903429. 4pplicatioa of cooling towers in cheaical processing. By 41an G. Furnish £ Joe Ben Dickey. Jr. 13 p. Appl. au: The Marley Cooling Tower Coapany. O The Marley cooling Tower Company; 1aar77; 4903429.

A903430. Conflicting pressures in postsecondary education: 16th annual forum, Los 4ngeles. California. Edited by Eobert H. Fenske. 270 p. The 4ssociation for Insti- tutional Eesearch: 124ug77; 4903430.

A903431. Pregnancy and childbirth syllabus including natural childbirth technique and early baby care. By Shirley V. Ellis. 40 p. Prev. pub. 1974 as part of One thousand-eight days. NB: different acknowledgement page, abridgaent £ additions. Shirley ?. Ellis; 5Oct77; A903431.

A903432. God loves ae: three Psalas for little children. Text by Julie falters, illus. by Kathryn Kelly. 1 v. O Ave Baria Press: 40ct77; A903432.

4903433. Borse daily rate tables for consuaer savings accounts, cents per S100. Book 1-3. By Bichard L. D. Borse. O on 12 pages of written text preceding the tables in books 1-3; Bichard L. D. Borse; 70ct77; 4903433.

4903434. 4 Century in the Biabres. By Irene Swartz Salazar. supervised by Carlos F. Salazar, Jr. 228 p. Irene Swartz Salazar; 10ct77; 4903434.

A903435. The Pioneer way of charcoal making. By Joseph C. Glass, edited by Patrice Bradish, illus. by the author. 31 p. O Joseph C. Glass; 110ct77; A903435.

4903436. Strength-training principles: how to get the most out of your workouts. By Ellington Darden. text photos, by Inge Cook. Ellington Darden £ Charles Bictcford. 80 p. 4nna Publishing, Inc.; 1Bay77: 4903436.

4903437. Olympic athletes ask questions about exercise and nutrition. By Ellington Darden, text photos, by Art Guitierrez fi Ellington Darden. 56 p. Anna Publishing. Inc.; laay77: A9034J7.

4903438. I*a Jenny's daddy. By Dave Schwantes. edited by Gerald sheeler. 47 p. O Southern Publishing 4ssociation: 100ct77; 4903438.


Once saved always saved? By Sakae Kubo.


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