Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/858

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A905098 - A905145
JUL-DEC. 1977

i905098. i Pre»ieii of the neu you. By Carol Carturiqht Curtis. 320 p. Carol CartHriqht Curtis; 11Jul77; &905098.

4905099. Kentucky bouquet. By Barquerite E. Coffey. 176 p. e darquerite E. Coffey; 6Jun77; &905099.

A905100. The Goldeo strand. By Myrtle B. Noblit. 128 p. e Myrtle H. Noblit; 13Jul77; A905100.

A905101. Situation normal: aanana oeior. By Virqinia «. McLellan. 95 p. e Virqinia 9. McLellan (in notice: Ginny McLellanl ; 11JU177; S905101.

&905102. The "Marauders", iritten 6 illustrated by E. L. Martin. 63 p. (Sandy's iiorld) E. L. Martin: 18Jul77; 1905102.

1905103. That is the nay it was; an autobioq- caphical novel. By Pierce N. Bodqkins. 238 p. 6 Fierce N. Hodqkins; 6Jun77; A905103.

A9051014. The Great philosophers: men of ideas. By Herbert P. Hahn. 162 p. S Herbert F. Hahn; 11Jul77; 19051011.

1905105. The Imaqe of peace. By Hilliam E. Batch. 110 p. Uilliam £. Batch; 18JU177; 1905105.

1905106. The Adventures of Little Lemon. By Sister Miriam Alacoque Hunt, S.C. 29 p. e Sister Miriam Alacoque Hunt, S.C; 5Jul77; A905106.

A905107. The Bunaiiay terns at Blackfish Lake. By Janie H. Roodard. 31 p. 6 Janie M. Soodard; 5Jul77; A905107.

A905108. The Rao, the ramo and synerqy. By Marvin L. Kistler. 118 p. e Marvin L. Klstler; 13Jul77; 1905108.

A90S109. Fluttertail and Feathertail. By Dwiqht £. Sollberqer, illustrated by Douq Pifer. i«0 p. O OHiqht E. Sollberqer: 6Jun77; 1905109.

1905110. Beformation. By Paula Martino & Terri Thomas. 186 p. Paula Martino S Terri Thomas; 10Jun77; 1905110.

1905111. Return of the alley cats. By Grace L. Bracken. 79 p. 6 Grace L. Bracken; 6Jun77: 1905111.

A905112. Empire. By Thomas E. Sprain. 238 p^ Thomas E. Sprain; 13JU177; A905112.

A905113. A Better place. By Enqa Maria Nelson. 206 p. Enqa Maria Nelson; 6Jun77; 1905113.

A90511II. America's frontier culture; 3 essays. By Bay Allen Blllinqton, foreuord by H. Turrentine Jackson. 97 p. (Essays on the American Rest, no. 3) 6 Bay Allen Billinqton: 17oct77: 1905114.

A905115. Claudia's oriqinals. Vol. 2. 16 p. Appl. au: C. Claudia Frese. Claudia's Publishinq Company; 14Sep77; 1905115.

1905116. Da-Vest Scirocco thru '77 models: hood and fender cover. Folder. Appl. au: John D. Davis. John D. Davis d.b.a. Davis Enterprises; 210ct77; 1905116.

1905117. Da-Vest Babbit hood and fender cover. Polder. Ippl. au: John D. Davis. John D. Davis d.b.a. Davis Enterprises (in notice: John D. Davis) ; 16Jun77; 1905117.

1905118. 101 Mann Banch recipes. compiled, edited, written 6 illustrated by Cathleen Nichols Bingham. 84 p. Cathleen Binqham £ Ms Management; 120ct77; 1905118.

1905119. Three topics in geometry for the students of art, architecture, or the liberal arts. By Jenny A. Baqlivo 6 Jack E. Graver. Sheets. NH: revisions S additions. 9 Jenny 1. Baglivo fi Jack E. Graver; 6Sep77; A905119.

A905120. Some observations supporting the theories of Doctor Immanuel Velikovsky and continental drift. By F. Thomas lowrey. 10 p. e P. Thomas LoKrey; 220ct77; A905120.

A905121. Programmed Instructional syllabus in anatomy and physiology. By Bobert T. Banes. 69 p. O J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College; 26sep77; A905121.

1905122. Office procedures. By Harry Balph Moon, editor: Lois Frazier, designer: John Fornieri, artist: S. Horii. 2nd ed. 270 p. & Milady Publishinq Corporation; 31uq77; 1905122.

1905123. Typing from rough drafts: student projects book (for advanced typenriting) iuthor: Harry Balph Boon. 144 p. 9 Milady Publishing Corporation; 15Sep77; 1905123.

1905124. Federal income tax review course; class notes. By Phil H. Smith 3rd. 1 v. NM: revisions. Phil H. Smith 3rd: 7Jun77; 1905124.

1905125. Chicaqoland's community quide. Editor: Gerald C. Canine. 14th annual ed. 234 p. Ippl. au: Lav Bulletin Publishinq Company. O Lav Bulletin Publishinq Company: 151uq77; 1905125.

1905126. New from Mav-Bon Dirck, Inc. Porta-med mobile lab. 4 p. O Bav-Bon Oirck, Inc.; 7JU177; 1905126.

A905127. Mav-Ron Dirck, Inc. spearheading the transport van and animal compartment industries! 14 p. Mav-Bon Dirck, Inc.; 15JU177; 1905127.

1905128. Mav-Bon animal transport vans. 28 p. O Mav-Ron Dirck, Inc.; 1Auq77: A905128.

A905129. Mobile secure units. 1 5 p. Mav-Bon Dirck, Inc.; 20ct77; A905129.

A905130. Responsive teacher proqram intern handbook. By Carol S. Burdett, Rayne L. Fox, Mary M. Pierce 6 Douglas E. Bobie. 1 V. Carol S. Burdett, Rayne L. Fox, Mary B. Pierce & Douglas E. Robie; 1Sep77; A905130.

A905131. Small boat law. By Herbert L. Barkow. 1 V. e Herbert L. Barkow; 210ct77; A905131.

A905132. Revelation and history: an introduction to some issues in the theology of revelation. By Ernest Peter Boyal. 156 p. Add. ti: Revelation and history: towards a theology of the saving word, e E. Peter Boyal; 210ct77; A905132.

1905133. Bacrame Christmas ornaments. Hritten & designed by Judy Baldwin (Judith Baldwin) 4 p. e 1 p. 6 Judy Baldwin; 17Sep77; A905133.

A905134. Deltex — a worldwide repair facility. Bulletin D-77. Folder. Delaval Turbine, Inc., Deltex Facility (in notice: Delaval Turbine, Inc.); 10ct77; 1905134.

1905135. Emergency Binormed card. Ippl. au: Vern L. Arnold. Vern L. Irnold; 15iug77; 1905135.

1905136. Interactive computer terminals: markets, developments. G-047. Prepared in cooperation with Markwood Research Company. 86 p. (Business opportunity report) Appl. au: Business Communications Company, Inc. Q Business Communications Company, Inc.; 18Sep77; A905136.

A905137. I love you. 1 p. Appl. au: Francis Marion BcDaniel 2nd. O F. B. BcDaniel; 210ct77; A905137.

1905138. Developments, December 1977. 31 p. Q Cole-Parmer Instrument Company; 140ct77: A905138,

1905139. The Criminal law color book. By F. LeGard Smith. 385 p. F. LeGard Smith; 140ct77; 1905139.

1905140. The Blacksmith and his art. By J. E. Hawley. 176 p. J. E. Hawley; SNov76; 1905140.

1905141. Edd Cartier: the known and the unknown. Edited by Dean Cartier, graphics by Helen De La Ree. 128 p. NM: compilation, editing 6 additions. Edward Cartier; 181uq77; 1905141.

1905142. Fundamentals of carpentry, practical construction. By Ralter E. Durbahn. 5th ed. rev. by Elmer R. Sundberg. 522 p. O Imerican Technical Society; 6Jun77: 1905142.

1905143. The Dsed book price quide; 1977 suppl. to the 5 year ed. Compiled by Mildred S. Bandeville. 479 p. e Mildred S. Mandeville; 29Aug77; 1905143.

1905144. College admissions data service, 1977-1978. Vol. 1-3. Educational Research Corporation; 1Sep77 ; 1905144.

1905145. Not servants, not machines: office

workers speak out! By Jean Tepperman.


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