Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/86

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A873809 (con.) O Arthur Touno and Company; :>>.1«n77: A873809.

A873810. Type 5 Lighting layout templates. 1 v. 5 sheets. O Kim Lighting, Inc.; 1.iul77: »s7;fau).

A873811.. Dorok l(oo Tt hair design. 1 v. Add. ti: Dorek Roo halt Joatgn. o iviok K. k. Roo! 15Jun77j AB7JSI1.

A873812. How to get a Federal civil service job and advance your Federal career. Bv David Eric Waelde. 137 p. C David Kric Uaolilr; 3»ii«76i X07JU1J.

A873813. Greater Biddeford, Saco, Sanford. nE. Jttlv 1977. NoM Kniilanil T«>loi>hono .tnil Tailegraph Coipany: 11Jul77: X87.1813.

A873814. Clayton. Four Oaks. Princeton, NC, and othttca. tht> plione book, 1477. O Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company; 21Jun77: »873aiit.

A873815. DAPS: tho to.vliing/l.Niinintf ii.iaf; .i sinulation gano. DovoIovhhI iiy H.irry Kdaund Saith, «l«h tho<tani-.i of Fr«d«rick Ooodaan. 1J p. O Hariy K. Saith: Udum: »,17<,11S.

k873816. lU* can drink wondor sorvioc aanual, pacta catalog. ,114 p. O Roii«> In tor- national. Inc.; J7Nay77: A87JB1^.

11873817. RI-2 phonograph sor»ic« aan11.1l. 1S0 p. kdd. ti: RI-3 phonographu aanuol do

  • «C*ict>: BI-3 Nusikautoaat Btidioniin-

asanloitung: SI-2 aorvioo aanual. Sngliah, French 6 Gecaan. O Rouo IntttCDational, Inc.: 30Jgn77: »S7J!)17.

k373eie. GS8: gacacal sacvica repi«sont ativo n.iy be the aoat iapoctant lob in U.K. Foldor. klcobolics knonyaoaa Novld Sorviv-os, Inc.; 30Jun77: k87J818..

»a73S19. Hestern United states ».». diroc-tory. 1977. 125 p. Alcoholics Anonyaous Horld Sar»ices, Inc.; 17Jun77; A87J819.

Aa73S:!0. Foul- Springtield painters: an exhibition organised by the Springfield Art Ngsean, Springtiold, Missouri, aade possible in pact through financial assistance provided by tho Missouri Arts Council, Juno ;t through Aug. 7. H77. 1 v. Add. ti: Bon Day, Meredith Pay, Stan Sante, Hugh Vorty; Four Springfield painters: a space of one's own. Appl . au: Uilliaa C. Landvehr S Grog S. Thielen. Springtield Art Nuseua; .'»0un77: A87J820.

A8738i1. Chevron dealer profit analyzer, aonthly book. 1 V. NH: revisions. Kdxin K. Uilliaas and Coap.iny; 11Sep7S: A87,l!<.;i.

»8738Ja. Cobblestones and daisies. By Sunny, pseud, of Son1a Phyllis Moidoll Donahue. 1 V. O Sonia Phyllis (toidell Donahue (in notice: Son1a Noldell) ; 1iniay77; k87382;2.

A873aJ3, "Place" your bots please, handicapper pco-supplea»<nt . Vcldor. Suppl. to Brnie's Pcvket handicappoir, Appl. au: Earnest H. Fellows (Srniel O Earnest II. Fellows: UlJunT'; A(>7.'8:3.

A873B2lt. Tha Balatlonahlp b«tii%an coaaon stock prloa tranda and aactotlal net financial invaatnant trands. By Howard Fong. 85 p. O Howard Fong: 30.1un77: AW73a2i4.

A87Jd.>S. Test ol fho BOiith. Vol. J, no. J, .lune ig77. Kditot: Victor U. Hodwell. Folder (U p.) O American Association 01 Hloanalysts; <ijun77; AH7JH.'S.

AH? lii.'d. The Potomac prograa: a curriculum tor tho :-.«'wer*>ly handicapped: dent, hearing iapairod, nonverbal. Uy Sarah Hydo & Deborah F,nglo. 1.17 p. O Doiaac, Inc.; 10.iun77: A87JH26.

AH7JBJ7. Dynamic positioning syst*>iii; technical manual operation and aalntonance instructions. Vol. 1. I ». Appl. au: Dolco Electronics Division. O Delco Kloctronics Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation); 1Apr77; A873827.

A873829 Dynamic positioning system; technical manual, operation and maintenance instructions. Vol. 3, no. DPS77, Feb. 9, 1977. 1 v. Appl, au: Delco Electronics Division. O Delco Electronics Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation); 1Apr77; A873829.

AB7.1B.'>). Dynamic positioning system; technical manual, operation and maintenance Instructions. Vol. 2. no. DPS77, Feb. 9, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: D«-lco Electronics Division. O Dolco Electronics Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation) ; 1Apr77; AB73e29..

Afl73830. Un Via1e poligroso. By Jack E. Kichardson, Jr. , translated by Cesar A. nunoz-Plaia. ta p. NM: new cover 6 revisions. O Henziger Bruce and tilencoe. Inc.; 17May77; A873830.

A873831. Las Ranas. By Clara G. Stratemeyer 6 Henry Leo Saith, Jr. cH p. NM: new cover t; revisions. O Benzigor Bruco and Glencoe, Inc.; ;3Hay77; A87J831.

A873832. Tono, By Clara G- Stratemeyer 6 Henry Leo Smith, Jr. eU p. NM: now cover S revisions. O Benzlgor Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 23May77; A8733J2.

A873833. Pope. By Claca G. Stcatsaeyer S Henry Loo Smith, Jr. 61 p. HH: new cover S revisions. Ganaigec Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 23(!«y77; A873833.

A9738311. Believe with God's faaily; parochial school ed., teacher's annotated ed. Teacher's manual by Gerard P. Hobor, John Voylos « Joanne Mcportland. 1 v. (Tho Word is lito, second edition: grade S. General editors: Gerard P. Heber, James J. Killgallon S Sister M. Michael O'Shaug- hnessy) NM: teacher's aanual. C Beniiger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 14Apr77; A373831I..

AS73B35. Hear with God's faaily; Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, School of Religion teacher's annotated ed. Teacher's aanual by Margaret Shlon Miller S John J. Kennedy. 1 v. (Tho Kord is life, second edition: grade c*. General editors: Gerard P. wobor, Jamos J. Killgallon K Sister M. Michael O'Shaughnossy, O.p.) NM: teacher's aanual. O Benzigor Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 1i4Apr77; A87383S.

A873B36. Unite at tho Lord's table; CCD, School of Religion teacher's annotated ed. Teacher's aanual by Helen De Laurentis, Marion Uau 6 Gloria Hyan. 1 v. (The Uord is life, second edition: grade U . General editors: Gerard P. Ueber, Jaaes J. Killgallon K Sister M. Michael O'Shaug- hnossy, O.P.) NM: teacher's aanual. O Benzigor Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 1ilApr77; A873836.

A873837. Believe with God's faaily; CCD. School of Religion teacher's annotated ed- Toacher's aanual by Gerard P. Nebcc, John Voylos K Joanne McPortland. 1 v. (The Word is life, second edition: grade 5. General editors: Gerard P. Ueber. Jaaes J. Killgallon S Sister M. Michael O'Shaug- hnossy) NM: teacher's aanual. O Benzigec Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 1i4Apr77; A873837.

AB7J838. Unite at the Lord's table; teacher's annotated ed. Grade It teacher's aanual by Irene H. Murphy, Sister Mary Regina Tiorney, O.p. K Gloria Ryan. 1 v. (The Mord is life, second edition. General editors: Gerard P. Ueber, Janes J. Killgallon & Sister M. Michael O'Shaug- hnossy. O.P.) NM: teacher's aanual. O Benzigor Bruco and Glencoe, Inc.; litApr77; A873838.

A873839. Live in God's world; teacher's annotated od. Grade 1 teacher's manual by Irene H. Murphy K Gloria Ryan. 1 v. (The Uord is life, second edition. General editors: Gerard P. Hebor, James J. Killgallon S Sister M. Michael O'Shaughnessy, O.P.) NN: teacher's aanual. Benzlger Bruca and Glencoe, Inc.; 1UApr77; A873839.

A8738K0. Act as God's children: teacher's annotated ed. Grade 3 teacher's aanual by Irono H. Murphy, Sister M. Vincent Cirelli, O.P. 6 Joanne McPortland. 1 v. (Tho uord is life, second edition. General editors: Gerard P. Ueber. Jaaes J. Killgallon 6 Sister M. Michael O'Shaug- hnossy, O.P.) NM: teacher's aanual. C Benzigor Bruce and Glencoe. Inc. ; 111Apr77; A87381I0.

A873811. Hoar with God's people; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 6 teacher's manual by Margaret Ehlon Miller, 1 v. (The word is lite, second edition. General editors: Gerard P. Uobor, James J. Killgallon 6 Sister M. Michael O'Shaughnessy, O. P.| MM: teacher's aanual. O Benzlger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 1ilApr77; A8738it1.

A87381I2. Grow in God's love; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 2 teacher's manual by Irene H. Murphy. 1 V. (The Uord is life, second edition. General editors: Gerard P. Wobor, James J. Killgallon S Sister M. Michael O'Shaughnessy, O.P.) NM: teacher's manual. O Benzlger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 1i4Apr77; i8738't2.

A8738it3. Act as God's children; teacher's annotated ed. Grade 3 teacher's aanual by Irene H. Murphy K Joanne McPortland. 1 v. (The Uord is life, second edition. General editors: Gerard P. Uober, Jaaes J. Killgallon S Sister M. Michael O'Shaug- hnessy, O.P.) NM: teacher's aanual. O Benzigor Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.;

1i(Apr77; A8738i»3,.


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