Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/863

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A905312 - A905351
JUL-DEC. 1977

4905311 (coo.) Wheat, Jr. 2nd ed. 391 p. O The c. ?. Hosby Conpanv; 190ct77: 4905311.

4905312. Hey teenaqec, don't lose your head, but. Polder. 4ppl. au: Blchael Eric Todd. HH: additional text & compilation. flichael Eric Todd: 10ct77: 4905312.

4905313. Conaunity associations in the inner city: a tool for revitalization. By iayne s. Hyatt 6 Bobert c. Eaqer. 63 p. O Byatt and Bhoads: 26Sep77: 4905313.

490531U. Lingerie wardrobe (series 4) Holiday wardrobe (series 5) Country wardrobe (series 61 3 v. 4dd. ti: Sew-easy patterns. 4ppl. au: Hartha 4. Lichter. Hartha 4. Lichter: 28Sep77: 49053111.

4905315. Bould you stuff 1000 envelopes for $500. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Hichael J. Denny, Jr. NH: additional text. 6 Mailform 4ssociates: 210ct77; 4905315.

4905316. Instructor's nanual to accoapany Badioloqic science: workbook and laboratory aanual. By Stewart Carlyle Bushonq. 23 p. C The C. V. Hosby COBpany; 1»Oct77; 4905316.

4905317. Japanese cookinq: kokoro. By natao Uwate. 73 p. e Batao Owate; 15Sep77: 4905317.

4905318. Touch-tone acu-flows. Vol. 1- 1*2 p. 4ppl. au: Nancy Lee HcDonald. O Nancy Lee HcDonald; 2»Oct77; 4905318.

4905319. Job cost proqrao operators traininq nanual. 1 v. O Southern Oreqon Coaputer Services, Inc.; 2<tOct77; 4905319.

4905320. Class interaction seninar syllabus. By Jack L. Dunhaa developed by fieliqious Education Foundation in cooperation with the Sabbath School Departnent, Pacific Onion Conference of SD4. 32 p. (Senior teaching system, seminar 3) 6 Beliqlous Education Foundation: 170ct77: 4905320.

4905321. Biblical exposition seminar syllabus. By Jack L. Dunham, developed by Beliqious Education Foundation in cooperation with the Sabbath School Department, Pacific Onion Conference of SD4. 33 p. (Senior teachinq system, seminar 2) O Beliqious Education Foundation; 24uq77: 4905321.

4905322. The Uestern paintinqs of John Clymer. Introd. by Paul Ueaver. I v. NH: introd. e compilation. Paul Heaver; 15Sep77: 4905322.

4905323. Fall star special sale. No. 7710. 15 p. Q nerchandisers' 4ssociation, Inc. ; 26Sep77: 4905323.

4905321. Botary motion flexible shafts. Folder. 4ppl. au: 4itken-Kynett. Pennwalt Corporation: 254uq76: 49053211.

4905325. You wouldn't operate your fleet without an accountant — why run your vehicles without accurate aileaqe checks? Folder. 4ppl. au: 4itken-Kynett. Pennwalt Corporation: 22Har76: A905325.

4905326. Dear Fellow-Citizen. By Hilliam Henry HcDonald. 1 p. Hilliam Henry HcDonald; 1BOct77: 4905326.

4905327. Dear Representative. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Hilliam Henry HcDonald. Hilliaa Henry HcDonald; 180ct77; 4905327.

4905328. Dear Senator. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Hilliam Henry HcDonald. Hilliam Henry HcDonald; 180ct77; 4905328.

4905329. From silk to flowers. By Dottie Butecki. m p. e Pat Depke. Inc.; 210ct77; 4905329.

4905330. TBH engine overhaul kit catalog. Cataloq no. EOK-277. 113 p. O TBH, Inc.; 170ct77; 4905330.

490 5331. They're off: the exciting game of horse racing featuring thoroughbred horse racing and harness horse racing and quarter horse racing. Designed by Patrick n. Preao. 1 V. e Patrick H. Premo; 170ct77; 4905331.

4905332. Federal income tax calculator. Federal estate and gift tax calculator. Prepared by Neal Kurn. 4ppl. states copyright is not claiaed on any material taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. NH: revision £ updating. Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany; 1Apr77; 4905332.

4905333. Future daaage calculator. Prepared by Bichard H. Harkus. 4ppl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. NH: updating. Q Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company; 14pr77: 4905333.

49053311. Organizing, operating and terminating subchapter S corporations: taxation and accounting. By D. Larry Crumbley & P. Hichael Davis. 84 p. Add. ti: 1977 supplement to Organizing, operating and termxnating subchapter s corporations: taxation and accounting. 4ppl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. 6 Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany (in notice: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany, a division of Coaaunication Skill Builders, Inc.); 1Jun77; 4905334.

4905335. Emerging language 2. By John Hatten, Tracy Goaan 6 Carole Lent. 58 p. 6 Coaaunication Skill Builders; 1Nov76; 4905335.

A905336. TESL: basic helps for teaching English as a second language. By Betty J. Frey. 232 p. O Coaaunication Skill Builders, Inc.; 28Dec76; 4905336.

4905337. 4 Guide to juvenile court. By Louis B. Hies. 81 p. O Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany (in notice: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany, a division of Communication Skill Builders, Inc.); 14uq77: 4905337.

4905338. 4 Practical guide to Preparing a tax return for a closely-held corporation. By Edward E. Hilam & James H. Sellers. 1 v. 4ppl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken from O.S. Govt, sources. 6 Lawyers ajad Judges Publishing Coapany (in notice: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Coapany, a division of Communication Skill Builders, Inc.) ; 1Jun77; 4905338.

A905339. 4 Practical guide to The Class life (4DB) system. By Clyde P. Stickney C Jeffrey B. Hallace. 1 v. 4ppl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company (in notice: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company, a division of Communication Skill Builders, Inc.); 1Jun77; A905339.

4905340. 4 Practical guide to 4ccountants' legal liability. By Hare J. Epstein & Earl Jay Heiss. 159 p. O Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company (in notice: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company, a division of Communication Skill Builders, Inc.); 1Hay77; 4905340.

4905341. Speech and language development program activity manual for speech clinicians or teachers. By yaleda 0. Blockolsky, Joan H. Frazer, Barbara 4. Kurn 6 F. Elizabeth Hetz. 84 p. Prograa activity manual to accompany Peel and put pictures. NH: editorial revision 6 restructuring. Communication Skill Builders, Inc.; 84pr77; A905341.

A905342. Assist one for /£/, /v/, /k/, /g/, /s/, /z/. By octavia H. Hilton. 1 v. Communication Skill Builders, Inc.; 1Hay77: A905342.

4905343. 4ssist two for /I/, /r/, /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /w/. By Octavia H. Hilton. 1 v. Communication Skill Builders, Inc.; 1May77; 4905343.

4905344. C4: Cowboy Artists of America, 1977; twelfth annual exhibition at the Phoenix 4rt HuseuB, Oct. 21-Nov. 20, 1977. 1 v. O Cowboy 4rtists of 4merica; 19Oct77; 4905344.

A905345. Electro-Space Fabricators, Inc. 1 v. O Electro-Space Fabricators, Inc.; 18Aug77; A905345.

4905346. Glossarized charts of Noam Choasky's graamar; prelia. ed. Hritten fi coaplled by Barbara B. England. 116 p. Barbara B. England: 120ct77; 4905346.

4905347. Health adainistration: laws, regu- lations, guidelines. Opdate bulletin no. 2, Sept. 1977. Editor: Hark L. Kander. Sheets. 4ppl. au: National Health Publishing Corporation. National Health Publishing Corporation; 200ct77: 4905347.

4905348. Dynamic docuaentation: an essential for coaaunity association success. By Uayne S. Hyatt. 21 p. O Hyatt and Bhoads; 15Sep77; 4905348.

4905349. TVEDIT pocket guide. Card. Appl. au: Gerald H. Brezina. Gerald H. Brezina; 15Sep77; 4905349.

4905350. TVEDIT users nanual. By Gerald H. Brezina. 26 p. Gerald N. Brezina; 15Sep77; 4905350.

4905351. Naaes in South Carolina. Vol. 24<

winter 1977. Editor: Claude Henry


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