Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/876

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4905853 (con.) ed. Vol. 11. HaDdginq editor: David a. Rinn & other editors. 807 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing CODpanv & Bancroft-iffaitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from U.S. Govt, sources. The Lavyers Co-operative Publishing Company 6 Bancrof t-ahitney Company.; 19Aug77: A905853.

A9058511. American iurisprudence proof of facts, second series. Vol. 13. Managing editor: David A. Rinn. 743 p. Add. ti: Am jur proof of facts, 2d. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company 6 Bancrof t-Hhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official [I. S. Govt, sources- Q on additions & revisions; Jurisprudence Publishers. Inc.; 5Aug77; A905851.

A905855. American law reports, ALB 3d; cases £ annotations. Vol. 79. Managing editor: Charles C. Marvel 6 other editors. 1249 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company & Bancrof t-Hhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from U.S. Govt, sources. 6 on briefs of counsel, annotations, tables & all other editorial information material, except text of cases; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company & Bancroft-Hhitney Company.; 8Sep77; A905855.

A90S856. Florida jurisprudence, 2d. Vol. 1. Managing editor: Jayson Kraut. 963 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from O.s. Govt, sources. 6 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 2Sep77; A905856.

A905857. Strong's North Carolina index, 3d. Vol. 8. Managing editor: John E. Keefe, Jr. 732 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from O.S. Govt, sources. Q on additions & revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 17Aug77; A905857.

A905858. Onited States Code service, 1977; lawyers ed. Title 42: the public health and welfare index. Managing editor: Erwin S. Barbre S other editors. 464 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company 6 Bancroft-ihitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from O.S. Govt, sources. a The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company e Bancrof t-Bhitney Company.; iaAug77: A905858.

A905859. Ohio iurisprudence. Vol. 1. 3rd ed, 759 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. 6 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 2Sep77; A905859.

A905860. Beports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of the state of New lork. Vol. 40. State reporter: John I. Fitzpatrick. 1159 p. Add. ti: Official New York reports. Court of Appeals, second series. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. NM: compilation. 3 Mario M. Cuomo, secretary of state. State of New York; 1Sep77; A905860.

A905861. Constitutional law; cases and other problems. By Paul A. Freund, Arthur E. Sutherland, Mark DeHolfe Howe e Ernest J. Brown. 4th ed. 1422 p. @ Paul A. Freund, Mary K. Sutherland, Mary M. Howe, executrix of the Estate of Hark DeHolfe Howe, 6 Ernest J. Brown; 15Jul77; A905861.

A905862. Cases and materials on Torts. By Charles 0. Gregory, Harry Kalven, Jr. 6 Bichard A. Epstein. 3rd ed. 1211 p. © Charles O- Gregory, Maurice Bosenfield, as trustee of the Harry Kalven, Jr. Insurance Trust & Bichard A. Epstein; 20JU177; A905862.

A905863. Property and law. By Charles M. Haar 6 Lance H. Liebman. 1144 p. O Little, Brown and Company, Inc.; 14Sep77; A905863.

A905864. Civil procedure; cases and comments on the process of adjudication. By Paul D- Carrington & Barbara Allen Babcock. 2nd ed. 1275 p. Paul D. Carrington 6 Barbara Allen Babcock; 11Jul77; »905864.

A905865. Newcomb's Hildflower guide. By Lawrence Newcomb, illustrated by Gordon Morrison, foreword by Boland C. Clement. 490 p. 9 on text; Lawrence Newcoab; 16Mar77; A905865.

A905866. Newcomb*s Uildf lower guide. By Lawrence Newcomb, illustrated by Gordon Morrison, foreword by Boland C. Clement. 490 p. @ on illus. ; Little, Brown and Company (Inc.) ; 16Mar77; A905866.

A905867. Scoundrel time. By Lillian Bellman, introd. by Garry Bills. 155 p. 6 Lillian Hellman; 29Mar76; A905867.

A905868. Scoundrel time. By Lillian Hellmanv introd- by Garry Wills. 155 p. 6 on introd.; Garry Bills; 29Mar76; A905868.

A905869. Teaching elementary school social studies. By J. Bryan Moffet. 381 p. NM: approx. 80% new material. @ Little, Brown and company (Inc.); 18Feb77; A905869.

A905870. The Child wants to learn; elementary teaching methods. By Joyce King-Stoops, photos, by John McGonigle, illus. by Phil Carver and Friends, Inc. 402 p. 3 Little, Brown and Company (Inc.); 8Apr77; A905870.

A905871. State and local government law. By Sho Sato & Arvo Van Alstyne. 2nd ed. 1153 p. e Sho Sato & Arvo Van Alstyne; 13Jul77; A905871.

A905872. Jack and the beanstalk. Adapted G illustrated by Dana William Johnson. 46 p. NM: adaptation S illus. D. Rilliam Johnson: 23Sep76; A905872.

A905873. The Perfect peach. A story by Stephen Schwartz, with illus. by Leonard B. Lubin. 48 p. e on text; Stephen Schwartz; 22Apr77; A905873.

A905874. The Perfect peach. A story by Stephen Schwartz, with illus. by Leonard B. Lubin. 48 p. e on illus.; Leonard B. Lubin; 22Apr77; A905874.

A905875. The Porcelain man. By Bichard Kennedy, illustrated by Marcia Sewall. 30 p. © on text; Bichard Kennedy; 7May76; A905875.

A905876. The Porcelain man. By Bichard Kennedy, illustrated by Marcia Sewall. 30 p. on illus.; Marcia Sewall; 7May76; A905876.

A905877. The Portfolios of Ansel Adams. Introd. by John Szarkowski. 124 p. NM: compilation, some new photos., pref. & revision of introductory material. Ansel Adams; 19Sep77; A905877.

A905878. The Portfolios of Ansel Adams. Introd. by John Szarkowski. 124 p. Appl. au: Little, Brown and Company, employer for hire. © on Introd. ; Little, Brown and Company; 19Sep77; A905878.

4905879. Five temperaments: Elizabeth Bishop, Bobert Lowell, James Merrill, Adrienne Bich and John Ashbery. By David Kalstone. 212 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 5, part of chap. 1 & lines of poetry scattered throughout the text. © David Kalstone; 60ct77; A905879.

A905880. Government of the mind. By Joseph Tussman. 175 p. © Oxford University Press, Inc.; 60ct77; A905880.

A905881. Dodge City: the most Hestern town of all. By Odie B. Faulk. 227 p. @ Oxford University Press, Inc.; 60ct77; A9C5881.

A905882. The Economic and social growth of early Greece, 800-500 B.C. By Chester G. Starr. 267 p. © Oxford University Press, Inc. ; 60ct77; A905882.

A905883. Textbook of human genetics. By Max Levitan £ Ashley Montagu, rev. by Max Levitan. 2nd ed. 1012 p. © Oxford University Press, Inc.; 60ct77; A905883.

A905884. The Hay of discovery: an introduction to the thought of Michael Polanyi. By Bichard Gelwick. 181 p. © Oxford University Press, Inc.; 29Sep77; A905884.

A905885. The MMPI; a practical guide. By John Bobert Graham. 261 p. © Oxford University Press, Inc.; 60ct77; A905885.

A905886. The Evolutionary ecology of animals. By Stanislav Semenovich Shvarts, translated from Bussiao £ edited by Ayesha E. Gill, with new material by the author £ editor. 292 p. (Studies in Soviet science) Appl. au: Consultants Bureau, employer for hire of Ayesha E. Gill. Translation of Evolytsionnaya ekologiya zhivotnykh. 6 on English rev. & enl. translation; Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation: 29Jun77; A9a5886.

A905887. Computers in chemical education and research. Edited by Eduardo V. Ludcna, Nora B. Sabelli £ Arnold c. Bahl. 476 p. Proceedings of the Third International conference on Computers in Chemical Besearch, Education and Technology held in Caracas, July 21-31, 1976. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, employee

as part of his official duties. © Plenum


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