Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/885

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JUL-DEC. 1977

t906169 (coo.) comBunities telephone directory* Septeaber 1977. O coiaonvealth Telephone Coapany; 2Sep77: »906169.

A906170. Belle Head, NJ, and nearby coaaunities telephone directocy, September 1977. O Hillsboroaqh and Hontqoaery Telephone Coapany; 29«uq77: 4906170.

4906171. Jefferson City, inciudinq Brazito, Centertown, HO, and others, the phone book. June 1977. C Capital City Telephone Coapany: 27Hay77; 4906171.

4906172. Blue Ridqe Suaait, Greencastle, Hercersburq, Waynesboro, P4, the phone book, June 1977. 4dd. ti: laynesboro. P4, June, 1977. United Telephone Coapany of Pennsylvania: 26nay77: 4906172.

4906173. Flora, Bossville, Caaden. IN, and others, the phone book, Septeaber 1977. O anited Telephone Coapany of Indiana, Inc.: 314uq77: 4906173.

4906 1714. Biqelov. Brevster, Dundee, HN, and others, 4uqust 1977. 4dd. ti; nort- hinqton, HD, 4uqust 1977. O »orth«estern Bell Telephone Coapany; 174uq77; 4906171.

4906175. Claysburq, Loysburq, aartinsburq, P4, and others, the phone book, 4uqust 1977. 4dd. ti: Horrisons Cove, P4, 4uqust 1977. United Telephone Coapany of Penns- ylvania: 94uq77: 4906175.

4906176. Bellefontaine. OH, and vicinity, the phone book, 4uqust 1977. O United Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 154uq77: 4906176.

4906177. Har, iocludinq exchanqes of Bliiefield and Helch, HV, telephone directory, 4uqust 1977. O Bar Telephone Company; 94uq77; 4906177.

4906178. Crescent City, Florahoae, Hastinqs, Interlachen, PL, telephone directory, 4uqust 1977. Bid Continent Telephone Corporation: 114uq77; 4906178.

4906179. Woodstock, IL, and nearby coaoanities telephone directory, September 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany; iasep77: 4906179.

4906180. Woodstock, Uartland, IL, classified telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. (Kith Woodstock. IL, and nearby coa- aunities telephone directory, Septeaber 1977) O The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation: li4Sep77: 4906180.

4906181. Chicaqo Heiqhts, Park Forest, IL, area telephone directory, June 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 2Jun77: 4906181.

4906182. Gidqtiay, P4, and vicinity telephone directory, October 1977. O Hid Continent Telephone Corporation: 13Sep77: 4906182.

4906183. Crystal Lake, Burton's Bridqe, Country Woods, IL, classified telephone directory, September 1977. (With Crystal Lake, IL, and nearby coaaunities telephone directory, Septeaber 1977) The Reuben

4906181. Crystal Lake, IL. and nearby coaaunities telephone directory. September 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany: 13Sep77; 4906181.

4906185. HcUenry. Grisaold Lake, Holiday Hills, IL. and others classified telephone directory, Septenber 1977. (With HcHenry. IL, and nearby communities telephone directory. September 1977) e The Beuben a. Donnelley Corporation; 13Sep77; 4906185.

4906186. Lake County, FL, the phone book, 4uqust 1977. O Florida Telephone Corporation; 94uq77; 4906186.

4906187. Northern Kentucky: Boone, Campbell, Kenton counties, June 1977. The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation: 26day77; 4906187.

4906188. Hammond, IN, and nearby communities, September 1977. 6 Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.; 7Sep77; 4906188.

4906189. Crown Point, Forest Hills. Independence Hill, IS, and others classified telephone directory, September 1977. (With Crown Point, Herriiiville, IN, and nearby communities, September 1977) Q The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 12Sep77; 4906189.

4906190. Hinsdale, Burr Bidqe, Clarendon Hills, XL, and others classified telephone directory, Auqust 1977. (With Burt Ridge. Clarendon Hills. Oarien, IL, and others telephone directory, 4uqust 1977) The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 14uq77; 4906190.

4906191. Saint Louis yellow pages, August 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 24uq77; 4906191.

4906192. Harvard, IL, and learby coaaunities telephone directory , September 1977. e Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 16Sep77; 4906192.

4906193. Odin, Shobonier, IL, classified telephone directory, September 1977. (With Odin, Shobonier, includinq listings for 4ddieville, IL, and others telephone directory, September 1977) The Beuben u. Donnelley Corporation: 16Sep77; 4906193.

4906191. Odin, Shobonier, includinq listinqs for 4ddieville, IL, and others telephone directory, September 1977. O Odin Telephone Exchange. Inc.; 16Sep77; 4906191.

4906195. 41bemarle, Badin. New London, Oakboro, NC, telephone directory. Septeaber 1977. O Concord Telephone Coapany; 234uq77; 4906195.

4906196. Fairmount, Fowlerton. iocludinq listings for Barion, IN, and others. September 1977. O Citizens Telephone Company, Inc.; 184uq77; 4906196.

4906197. Banqor, P4, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977. O Commonwealth Telephone Company: 10Jun77; 4906197.

4906198. aidiand, includes separate alphabetical lists for: 4uburn, Freeland. MI, and others telephone directory, 1977-78. O Hichigan Bell Telephone Company: 60ct77; 4906198.

4906199. Sheridan, also includes alphabetical lists of: Big Springs, Indianapolis and others telephone directory, October 1977. Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.; 60ct77: 4906199.

4906200. Homewood, Country club Hills, East Hazel Crest, IL, and others telephone directory, June 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany; 9Jun77; 4906200.

4906201. Port Huron. HI. area telephone directory, 1977-78. Hichigan Bell Telephone Company; 7Sep77: 4906201.

4906202. Lansing, Lynwood, IL, classified telephone directory, September 1977. (With Lansing, IL, telephone directory, September 1977) O The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 2asep77; 4906202.

4906 20 3. Naperville, IL, telephone directory, 4ugust 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone company; 114ug77; 4906203.

4906201. Huncy, P4, and vicinity telephone directory, July 1977. Hid Continent Telephone Corporation; 18Jul77; 4906201.

4906 20 5. Beech Creek, Hill Hall, P4, the phone book. 4uqust 1977. Doited Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 18Jul77; 490620 5.

4906206. Bedford County, P4, the phone book, October 197 7. United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 23Scp77; 4906206.

4906207. Crowo Point, Herriiiville, IN, and nearby communities, September 1977. O Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.; 12Sep77; 4906207.

4906208. Highland, Griffith, Huuster, IN, and others, Septeaber 1977. Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; 4906208.

4906209. Far west suburbs regional telephone directory for Addison, 4urora, Batavia, IL, and others, 4ugust 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 26Sep77: 4906209.

4906210. Dyer, Griffith, Highland, IN, and others classified telephone directory, September 1977. 4dd. ti: Highland, Griffith, Hunster, IN, and nearby communities classified telephone directory, September 1977. (With Highland. Griffith. Hunster, IN, and others, September 1977) O The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 65ep77; 4906210.

A906211. Arcadia, Bowling Green, Fort Heade, FL, and others, the phone book, October 1977. Add. ti: Peace Piver Valley, FL, October 1977. United Telephone Company of

Florida: 11Sep77; 4906211.


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