Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/890

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A906378 - A906«16
JUL-DEC. 1977

A906377 (con.) comics, no. H33) € Harner Brothers, Inc. ; 2Sep77: 4906377.

4906378. Official blue book of Onited States coins, 1978 handbook of Onited States coins with premium list. By R> S. leoman, edited by Kenneth Bressett. 35th ed. 128 p. 4ppl. au: Hestern Publishing Company, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 30ct77; 4906378.

4906379. Onited States pattern, experimental and trial pieces. By J. Hewitt Judd with the collaboration of Halter a. Breen 6 »be Kosoff. 6th ed. 276 p. 4ppl. au: Hestern Publishing Company, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; 4906379.

4906380. Halt Disney presents Tigger and Hinnie-the-Pooh. Pictures by the Halt Disney Studio. 1 v. Based on Hinnie- the-Pooh, The House at Pooh corner, Hhen we were very young & Now we are six written by 4. 4. Milne, illustrated by E. B. Shepard. 4ppl. au: Halt Disney Productions. Nl!: additions. 3 Halt Disney Productions; 314ug77; 4906380.

4906381. Tales of Sesame Gulch. Britten by Buthanna Long, illustrated by Tom Cooke«  featuring Jim Henson's Huppets. 47 p. 4ppl. au: children's Television Horkshop«  employer for hire. NM: art & text other than the Huppet characters artwork. 6 children's Television Horkshop; 12Sep77: 4906381.

4906382. Tales of Sesame Gulch. Written by Buthanna Long, illustrated by Tom Cooke, featuring Jim Henson's Huppets. (*7 p. 4ppl. au; Huppets, Inc., employer for hire. Ha: new Huppet characters artwork. © Huppets, Inc.; 12Sep77: 4906382.

4906383. The Day the count stopped counting. Hritten by David Korr, illustrated by Hichael Smollin, featuring Jim Henson's Huppets. 46 p. 4ppl. au; Children's Television Horkshop, employer for hire. NH: art £ text other than Huppet characters artwork. 9 Children's Television Horkshop: 16Sep77: 4906383.

490638a. The Day the count stopped counting. Hritten by David Korr, illustrated by Hichael Smollin, featuring Jim Benson's Huppets. 46 p. 4ppl. au; Huppets* Inc., employer for hire. NH; new Huppets characters artwork. 9 Huppets, Inc. ; 16Sep77: 49063814.

4906385. Super friends; the revenge of the super foes. 72 p. e DC Comics, Inc.; 16Sep77; 4906385.

4906386. Disney's Numbers are fun. By James Herner Hatson. 72 p. 4ppl. au; Halt Disney Productions, employer for hire, e Halt Disney Productions; 13Sep77; 49063B6.

4906387. The Rescuers. U7 p. Featuring characters from the Disney film suggested by the books by Hargery Sharp — The Bescuers & Hiss Bianca. HH: new art. O Halt Disney Productions; 9Sep77; 4906387.

4906388. Step-by-step basketry. By Rachel Seidel Gilman & Nancy Bess. 64 p. 4ppl. au: Hestern Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 20Sep77: 4906388.

4906389. The Fairy tale book. 4dapted by Jane Staab, illustrated by H. T. Hars. 72 p. Appl. au; Hestern Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. NH; art fi story adaptations. Q Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 22Jui77; 4906389.

4906590. Contractor business management system payroll and labor costs; reference manual. 1 V. Prev. reg. 4812087. NH; revisions G updating. © Burroughs Corporation; 11JU177: 4906390.

4906391. B776/B800 system software release mark 2.0.1. Printout £ magnetic tape- Prev. reg. 4886815. NH: substantial revisions. © Burroughs Corporation; 19Hay77; 4906391.

4906392. Conversion aids release COF709. Printout £ magnetic tape. Prev. reg. 4794851 £ others. NH: additions. Q Burroughs Corporation; 12Sep77; 4906392.

4906393. S1500 inclearings system. Printout G magnetic tape. Prev. reg. 4840547. NH: additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 304ug77: 4906393.

4906394. B700 contractors business management system. Printout £ magnetic tape. Prev. reg. 4754906. NH: additions £ revisions. © Burroughs Corporation; 27Jul77; 4906394.

4906395. B6700/B7700 Hark 2.9 DHINQ release. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. 4734018 6 4806379. NH; additions £ revisions. © Burroughs Corporation; 124ug77: 4906395.

4906396. S1500/1300 proof of deposit/encoding system. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. 4808324. NH; additions £ revisions. 3 Burroughs Corporation; 14Sep77; 4906396.

4906397. B6700/B7700 Hark 2.9 DHS 2 system release. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. 4798477 £ others. NH; additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 124ug77: 4906397.

4906398. B1800/B1700 system software release Hark 6.1. Hagnetic tape 6 printout. Prev. reg. 4838465 £ others. NH: additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 12Sep77; 4906398.

4906399. Go on singing; how to find joyful living from the Psalms. By Bichard G. champion. 125 p. 4dapted from Great Psalms, by Stanley H. Horton. NH: additions. O Gospel Publishing House; 17Hay76; 4906399.

4906400. Spiritual dynamics; the Holy Spirit in human experience. By G. Raymond Carlson. 125 p. 4dapted from The Holy Spirit, by Frank H. Boyd. NH: additions. Gospel Publishing House; 1BHay76; 4906400.

4906401. The Corinthian correspondence. By Sussell P. Spittler. 125 p. 4dapted from First and Second Corinthians, by Spittler- NH: additions. O Gospel Publishing House; 18Hay76: 4906401.

4906402. God, the Father. By Bussell P. Spittler. 126 p. 4dapted from God, the Father of the Christian faith series. NH: additions. © Gospel Publishing House; 18Hay76; 4906402.

4906403. A Faith to live by. By Kenneth D. Barney. 125 p. Adapted from Ephesians, by Barney. NH; additions. @ Gospel Publishing House; 18Hay76; 4906403.

490640 4. For every house a garden: a guide for reproducing period gardens. By Rudy J. Favretti £ Joy P. Favretti. 137 p. e Joy Favretti E Rudy Favretti; 240ct77; 490640 4.

49064Q5. Poems. By Dan B., pseud, of Daniel L. Buenger. 1 v. 6 Daniel L. Buenger; 250ct77; 4906405.

4906406. Haya architecture of the central Yucatan Peninsula, Hexico. By David F. Potter. 118 p. (Hlddle American Research Institute, publication no. 44) Hiddle American Research Institute, the Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund; 110ct77; A906406.

A906407. GeoBef thesaurus and guide to indexing. 391 p. NH; thesaurus £ revisions of guide to indexing. 3 American Geological Institute; 12Sep77; 4906407.

4906408. Teens: a bibliography. Prepared by the staff of Find/SVP, the Information Clearinghouse. 1 v. 4ppl- au: Infor- mation Clearing House, Inc. © Find/SVP Information Clearing House, Inc. ; 23Sep77; 4906408.

4906409. Aerospace personalities. By Carol Heiderman. 4 v. 6 Carol Heiderman; 170ct77; A906409.

A9064ia. The Quicky test. By Ethel Steinberg. 5 p. Q Ethel Steinberg; 30Sep77; A906410.

4906411. The Hagnetic fluxmeter applications handbook. By J. H. Janicke. 46 p. © BFL Industries, Inc.; 200ct77; A906411.

A906412. The Digest book of canoes, kayaks and rafts. By Charles F. Farmer. 192 p. Appl. au: DBI Books, Inc. © DBI Books, Inc.; 29Jun77; A906412.

A906413. Gun digest. Edited by John T. Amber. 32nd anniversary, 1978 deluxe ed. 447 p. Appl. au: DBI Books, Inc. DBI Books, Inc.; 18JU177; A906413.

A906414. Good morning. Lord: day-starter devotions. By Robert A. Featherstone. 1 V. Baker Book House Company; 130ct77; A906414.

4906415. Called to be saints: an exposition of 1st Corinthians. By Robert G. Gromacki. 209 p. C Baker Book House Company; 30ct77; 4906415.

4906416. Casseroles and salads, by Lou Seibert

Pappas, illustrated by Craig Torlucci.


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