Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/893

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4906199 (con.) pab. E copyciqhted in 1967 in the author's "ABeciChristendoa." O Arthur Rilson Garrett; 270ct77; »906»99.

4906500. Performance standard for engine cranking batteries for use with engine generator sets. 5 p. O Electrical Generating SvsteDS Harketing ftssociationi 260ct77; 4906500.

4906501. CoBBon sense horseshoeing; a corres- pondence course on the business of shoeing horses. Vol. 2. iritten C illustrated by Jaaes H. 4ddison. 1 v. Jaaes U. 4ddison; 170ct77: 4906501.

4906502. Learning conposition skills; liquid duplicating aasters, no. LA-2. Grades 1-7. By Peggy Yarbro, 1 y. 4ppl. au; ESP, Inc. ESP. Inc.; 250ct77: 4906502.

4906 503. 4rithietic exercises: liquid duplicating aasters, no. 4-6. Grade 6. By Pred Justus. 21 p. 4ppl. au: ESP. Inc. ESP. Inc.: 190ct77: 4906503.

4906501. Nuaber exercises: spirit duplicating aasters. no. 4-2. Grade 2. By Fred Justus. 21 p. Appl. au: ESP. Inc. e ESP. Inc.: 250ct77: 4906500.

4906 505. 41gebra; liquid duplicating aasters. no. 4-11. By Pred Justus. 21 p. 4ppl. au: ESP. Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 250ct77; 490650S.

490 6 506. 4oerican Indians; liquid duplicating aasters, no. SS-6. Grades 1-6. By Bearl Brooks. 21 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 190ct77; 4906506.

4906507. The Colonies: liquid duplicatinq aasters, no. SS-6. Grades 1-6. By Skipper Gary. 21 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.: 250ct77: 4906507.

4906508. La Santa Biblia en letra qrande; contiene el 4ntiquo y el Nuevo Testaaento. Version de Valera. 1909, con las palabras de Jesus en letra ro1a y Concordancia. Concordancia teaatica de la Biblia traducida del ingles por Carlos Bransby. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Begal Publishers, Inc. NH: coBPilation of texts, pictorial Batter, frontispieces & Concordancia teaatica de la Biblia. Begal Pub- lishers, Inc.; 190ct77; 4906508.

4906509. Suaaer eaployaent. Prepared by 41ean Saunders Clark. 19 p. Student Eaployaent Office, Career Planning and Piaceaent Center, Stanford University (in notice: Student Eaployaent Office) : 210ct77: 4906509.

4906510. 4 Step out of darkness. By Jaaes Laaar Hopkins. 155 p. C Jaaes Laaar Hopkins; 260ct77; 4906510.

4906511. The Fish and the coin. Rritten e illustrated by Barbara S. iittec. 28 p. Barbara S. Hitter; 180ct77: 4906511.

4906512. Personal fact suaaary of. 28 p. 4ppl. au: J. Gerard Sitter. O J. Gerard Sitter d.b.a. L. Rurphy 4ssociates; 270ct77; 4906512.

4906513. The Football coach. Coapiled & edited by Konstantinos U. Kaabouris. 1 v. O Konstantinos H. Kaabouris: 280ct77; 4906513.

A906511. Prison art. 8 p. Appl. au: D. L. Turner. Don LaViere Turner; 2Joct77; 4906511.

4906515. Philological and docuaentary studies. Vol. 2. Publication no. 12. By S. K. Love, Silvia Bendon, iillraa J. Griffith, Marshall E. Ourbiu & Boss Paraenter. 286 p. English £ Spanish. O siddle 4aerican Research Institute, the 4dmiDistrators of the Tulane Educational Fund; 20cict77: 4906515.

4906516. Heal estate. Folder. 4ppl. au: John Jenny & iilliaa HcKibben. John Jenny 6 Billiaa HcKibben (in notice: HcXib- ben/Jenny) : 210ct77; A906516.

A906517. Your Hill. Folder. Appl. au: John Jenny & Hilliaa HcKibben. John Jenny & Iilliaa HcKibben (io notice: HcKib- ben/Jenny) ; 210ct77; 4906517.

4906518. Uelcoae. Folder. Appl. au: John Jenny C Villiaa HcKibben. John Jenny £ Villiaa HcKibben (in notice: flcKib- ben/Jenny) : 210ct77: A906518.

A906519. Laws of the lab. Illustrator: Dave Harbauqh. 6 cards in folder. Appl. au: OHens-Illinois, Inc. O OHens-Illinois, Inc.; 18Peb77; A906519.

A906520. The Kimble scintillation vial. Folder. O»ens-Illinois, Inc.: 18Feb77; A906520.

A906521. The Kiable disposable culture tube. Folder. O»ens-Illinois. Inc.; 18Feb77; A906521.

A906522. The Kiable pipet. Folder. Oveos- Illinois, Inc.; 18Feb77; A906522.

A906523. The Kiable disposable Pasteur pipet. Folder. O Ouens-Illinois, Inc.; 18Peb77; 4906523.

A906521. Kiable plastic packaging. 8 p. O 0»ens-IHinois. Inc.; 16Aug77; A906521.

4906525. Schwela/Owens-Illinois standard glass-lined reactors: the alternative glass-lined reactor. 1 v. Owens- Illinois, Inc.; 1JU177; 4906525.

4906526. Solutions to a checkerboard problem. By Bueben B. Knutsen. 2 p. Bueben B. Knutsen; 20Oct77; 4906526.

4906527. Dick Cepek wholesale division — unique off-road and camping iteas. Catalog no. 10, good until 1/31/78. 83 p. 4ppl. au: Dick Cepek.- NH: additions. O Dick Cepek, Inc.; 270ct77; A906527.

4906526. iiith ay dream. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Frank H. Stanavage. O Frank B. stanavaqe; 254uq77: 4906528.

4906529. Sketching techniques for pen and ink. By Prank J. Lohan. 35 p. Frank J. Lohan; 28Jan77; 4906529.

4906530. Bole of computer in modern life. By Eugene Bailey, editor: Peggy Gardner. 1 V. 4ppl. au: The Board of Regents for the Oklahoma State University. The Board of Regents for the Oklahoma State University; 15Dec76; 4906530.

4906531. Oklahoma history. By Norbert B. Hahttken, editor: Gordon Heaver. 1 v. Appl. au: The Board of Regents for the Oklahoma State Dniversity. O The Board of fiegents for the Oklahoma State University; 15Dec76; 4906531.

A906532. Kidney function and disease in pregnancy. By Barshall D. Lindheimer 6 Adrian I. Katz. 211 p. Lea and Febiqer; 280ct77; A906532.

A906533. Child psychiatry: treatment and research; proceedings of the tenth annual symposium, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1976, Texas Research Institute of Hental Sciences, Houston, TX. Edited by Hae F. HcHillan £ Sergio Benao. 315 p. Brunner/Hazel, Inc.; 130ct77; A906533.

A906531. Behavioral self-management: strategies, techniques and outcomes. Edited by Bichard B. Stuart. 366 p. O Brunner- /Hazel, Inc.; 70ct77; A906531.

A906535. The Old French and Chaucerian fabliaux: a study of their comic climax. By Thoaas Darlington Cooke. 220 p. O The Curators of the University of Hissouri; 280ct77 (in notice: 1978) ; A906535.

4906536. A History of analytical chemistry. Editors: Herbert August Laitinen £ Galen Hood Ewing. 358 p. O The Division of Analytical Cfaeaistry of the Aaerican chemical Society; 30ct77; A906536.

A906537. Journey to sunrise: myths and legends of the Cherokee. By agvwiyuhi. pseud, of Hinston Hayes Lowrey. 161 p. Appl. au: Haxine Lowrey. Haxine Lowrey; 22Sep77; A906537.

A906538. The Holy Bible; authorized King James version, heritage ed.. with a special section, "Hen and women of color in the Bible." 1 V. Appl. au: Raymond H. Hoolsey, Louis B. Beyuolds £ Charles Barnes. NH: illus., outline £ additional text. O International Bible, Inc.; 23Sep77: A906538.

A906539. International marketing, fourth edition; manual. By Ruel Kahler £ Roland L. Kramer. 95 p. Add. ti: Hanual for International marketing, fourth edition. NH: additions £ revisions. O South- Uestern Publishing Company; 30Aug77; 4906539.

4906510. Instrucciones para ios ejercicios de la Practica de archivar, cuarta edicion. By Blanca L. Castro De Badillo. 56 p. Prev. pub. as Job instructions for office filing procedures, fourth edition. NH: translation E revisions. South-testern Publishing Company: 174ug77; A906510.


Hathematics skill builder, fourth


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