Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/912

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A9072116 - 4907288
JUL-DEC. 1977

»9072i(5 (con.) comment synopsis* Auq. 31, 1977- 3 p. @ F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc. ; 31&uq77: A907245.

A9072a6. Pet food trends; industry comoent synopsis. Sept. 1, 1977. 5 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 1Sep77; A90721t6.

A9072«7. Standard Brands, Inc.; company comment, iuq. 17, 1977. 16 p. 6 F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 17Auq77; A907247.

A9072t8. Atlantic Richfield Company; research notes, Auq. 8, 1977. 14 p. S F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 8Auq77; A9072118.

4907249. Computer operations of Siemens, A. 6.; research notes, July 19, 1977. 5 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 19Jul77; A907249.

A907250. Traininq checklist — Gulfstream 2. 1 v. KM: revisions & additions. Scumman American Aviation corporation: 24Jul77; A907250.

A907251. Hirinq diaqram manual for Gulfstream 2. Vol 1, interim revision 9-1, 17 Oct. 1977. It. 3 Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 170ct77; A907251.

A907252. Gulfstream international spare parts price list: Sept. 1977. Sheets (320 p.) @ Grumman American Aviation Corporation (in notice: Grumman American) ; 20Sep77; A907252.

A907253. Hirinq diaqram manual for Gulfstream 2. Vol. 2, revision 2, 6 June 1977. Sheets. e Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 6Jun77: A907253.

A907251I. Gulfstream domestic spare parts price list, Sept. 1977. Sheets (320 p.) @ Grumman American Aviation Corporation (in notice; Grumman American): 2DSep77; A907254.

A907255. Fast cure for plant air emerqencies, rent it. Folder. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Jul77; A907255.

A907256. Joy Quik-Loc connectors. Bulletin QLC 777. 8 p. Appl. states all new except drawings on p. 4-5. Joy Manufacturing Company: 26Sep77; A907256.

A907257. Product information report. No. 8340SM, auq. 1977. Folder. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 40ct77; A907257.

A907258. Joy hiway lighting connectors. Bulletin LIG-777. Polder. 6 Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Sep77; A90725e.

A907259. Joy TD-2 pipeline drill. Form SS1607. 2 p. Joy Manufacturing Company: l»0ct77: A907259.

A907260. Joy compressor; repair parts list. Form no. MC-5051 6/77. 5 p. Joy Manu- facturing Company: 15Jun77: A90726Q.

A907261. Parts lists and wiring diagrams for air-pac control systems: 704629-1, 704629-4, 704629-7. Form no. MC- 2216-9/77-A/1. Folder (4 p.) 6 Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Sep77; A907261.

A907262. Joy compressor; repair parts list- Form no. MC-5050 6/77. 5 p. O Joy Manu- facturing Company; 15Jun77: A907262.

A907263. Joy gas compressor cylinders; parts list. Section B-82, form MC 2035 A/1 E2 5/77. 5 p. Joy Manufacturing Company; 19Hay77: A907263.

A907264. Joy gas compressor; repair parts lists. Form no. MC-5069 8/77. 6 p. Joy Manufacturing Company; 263ep77; A907264.

A907265. KelCo power slips installation, operating and maintenance manual. No. PS7-77. 19 p. e Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Sep77; A907265.

4907266. Bepair parts catalog for standard air compressor. No. MC-2244A-9/77-4/1. 22 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Sep77; 4907266.

A907267. Joy Flexitite push-button stations. 8 p. NM; revisions. © Joy Manufacturing Company: 26Sep77; A907267.

A907268. Joy crawler mounted drill carriers for underground mining and construction: ACM drillmobiles. Folder. © Joy Manufac- turing company; 14ug77; 4907268.

4907269. Joy battery connectors. Bulletin TPL-777. 2 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company (in notice: Joy Manufacturing) ; 26Sep77; 4907269.

A907270. Joy press safety plug. 2 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Sep77; A907270.

A907271. Joy lamp socket. LPS-777. 2 p. Add. ti; Joy vibration-free lamp socket, tPS-777. Appl. states all new except drawing 6 picture on title page. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 26Sep77; 4907271.

4907272. Joy Twistair screw compressor; illustrated parts listing. Form no, MC-2448A. Sheets (33 p.) in folder. NH: revisions 6 additions. 9 Joy Manufac- turing Company; 7Jul77: A907272.

A907273- Joy portable air compressors; operator's manual. Form no. MC-2413C. 1 v. NM: revisions £ additions. O Joy Manufac- turing Company; 15Jun77; 4907273.

A907274. Joy reciprocating compressors; single-cylinder, single-stage, lubricated and oil-free models. lip. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 3Jun77; A907274.

4907275- Joy: a guide for use of Joy trademarks, by authorized resellers, distributors, dealers and other 3ales representatives. Pub. no. J701. 11 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 29Jun77; 4907275.

4907276. Competitive performance comparisons 40 thru 150 HP Twistair, flange-to-flange ratings. 1 p. NM: revisions & additions. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 34ug77: A907276.

A907277. Teacher's manual for The New handwriting series, books 1A-3. 80 p. NM: changes, additions £ revisions. © Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc.; 24Jun74; 4907277.

4907278. Teacher's manual for The New handwriting series, books 4-8. 48 p. NH: changes, additions & revisions. 6 Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc.; 7Sep76; 4907278.

4907279. Osing our language workbook. Level 5. Educational design: George Sullivan, editorial development; Eleanor 4ngeles, contents: Begina Simon, art direction: Irene Carpeiis, illus. Marti Shohet. 80 p. 4ppl. au: Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. e Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc.; 26Aug77; 4907279.

4907280. Osing our language workbook. Level 6. Educational design: George Sullivan, editorial development: Eleanor 4ngeles, contents: Nancy Ciolino 6 Bichard Gallin, art direction: Irene Carpeiis, illus.: Sandra Popovich 6 Marti Shohet. 80 p. 4ppl. au: Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. 3 Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. ; 26Aug77; A907280-

4907281. Teacher's manual for The New handwriting series, books A-D. 80 p. NM: changes, additions G revisions. © Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc.; 7Sep76; 4907281.

A907282. Osing our language workbook. Level 4. Educational design: George Sullivan, editorial development: Eleanor Angeles, contents: Judith Bosenbaum, art direction: Irene Carpeiis, illus.: Sandra Popovich. 64 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. © Noble and Noble, Publishers, Tnc. ; 26Sep77; A907282.

4907283. Osing our language workbook. Level 3. Educational design: George Sullivan, editorial development: Eleanor 4ngeles, contents: Sandra Kelley, art direction: Irene Carpeiis, illus.: Marti Shohet. 64 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. © Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc.; 26Aug77; A907283.

A907284. Dsing our language workbook. Level 2. Educational design: George Sullivan, editorial development: Eleanor Angeles, contents: Mary Naugb, art direction: Irene Carpeiis, illus.: Sandra Popovich S Marti Shohet. 64 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. © Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc.; 264ug77; A907284.

A907285. Personal vitality workbook; a personal inventory and planning guide- By Donald B. Miller. 122 p. Addison-Besley Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Jun77; A907285.

A907286. Yes! English for children. Book C, teacher's guide. By Lars Mellgren 6 Michael Walker, illus. by Akihito Shirakawa. 135 p. © 4ddison-Hesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 140ct77; A907286.

A9072a7. Tes! English for children. Book C. By Lars Mellgren e Michael talker, illus. by Akihito Shirakawa. 96 p. Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 17Jun77; A907287.


Yes! English for children. Book B,


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