Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/92

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A874048 - A874088
JUL-DEC. 1977

A874048. In America there are places iihere tine stands still. Folder, e National Geographic Society: 18Ba»77: i87«0a8.

A874049. The Peruvian love lug story- 8 p. Stan Hilling S Barbara Sherlock d.b.a. Expansions Onlimited: 20Hay77: A87i(0<(9.

A874050. Cheops. 11 p. Appl. au: Cyril F. Andersen. © Cydot Products; 16Apr77; A871I050.

A874051. Ua-rite: a weight nanagenent prograo. 108 p. Add. ti: The Wa-rite program your weight control plan- 6 General Conference Department of Health: 19Jun7«: A87«051.

Ae7«052. Towards consciousness. By Gary Leigh Miller. 78 p. e Gary leigh Miller: 16Jun77: A874052.

A874053. The Nubian poet, I. Vol. 1. By James McBae. 23 p. NM: additions. O Janes McRae; 1i(Jun77: A874053.

A8740514. Arkansas tour guide, 1977. 112 p. a The Woods Brothers Agency, Inc.; 5Jan77: A871t051t.

A87i4055. America on our mind (in Harlem) By Rich Bartee, pseud, of Bichard L. Patterson, Jemel Carina & Richard L. Greene. 1 v. e Richard Bartee (Patterson) , Richard L. Greene 6 Jemel Carma; 12May77; A87«055.

A871I056. Onto the hills: poems of the Huntington Lake region. Illus. & verse by Margaret G. Molarsky. 57 p. NH; additional poems & drawings. <d Margaret G. Molarsky: 25May77: A87II056.

A874057. Lovettsville: the German settlement: an informal history of the Lovettsville, Virginia area in commemoration of the American Revolution Bicentennial. By Yetive Rockefeller Heatherly. 1211 p. Q Lovettsville Bicentennial Committee; 29NOV76: A871057.

A87it058. The Joy of Mexico. By Jo Yelton, illustrated by Susana Piazza £ the author. 3rd ed. 58 p. 9 Jo Yelton: 2Bay77: A874058.

A874059. Basic fern culture in containers or garden. By Wilbur H. Olson. Folder. © Los Angeles International Fern Society: 21Mav77: A874059.

A871t060. Tri haiduka i druge price i pesme. By Nichael Shaskevich. 102 p. The Committee to Free Yugoslav political Prisoners: 1Feb77: A87it060.

A8714 061. Home and national emergencies and helpful hints. City of Houston. Edited by Gary Bushert. 1 v. Appl. au: Bonnie Braun. 6 Bonnie Braun, sole owner of Bonnie Braun Publishing Company: 18jun77: A87U061.

A874062. A Basic guide to building geodesic domes. By James Wiggins & Richard Braden. 46 p. e Richard Braden: 23May77: A874062.

A874063. Copyright: how to register your copyright and introduction to new and historical copyright law. By Walter E. Hurst, illustrated by Donato Rico, foreword by Sharon Marshall, editor; introductions by Leo Kulka, Irwin Zucker & Jim Hughes. 284 p. NM: compilation, additional text & pictorial matter. O Walter E. Hurst; 2Jun77; A874063.

A874064. Advance booking charter guide, 1977. By Julia Robinson 6 Paul Robinson. 70 p. Add. ti: A. B.C. guide, 1977. New Age Travel Services: 1Apr77: A874064.

A874065. Showroom stock specifications. 1977 ed. 90 p. 6 Sports Car club of America, Inc. ; 18May77: A874065.

A874066. Call toll free, no cost long distance anywhere in U.S.A.: California version. 22 p. Q James £. Moore d.b.a. Jamore Publications: 5Jan77: A874066.

A874067. Tomorrow's moon is ours. By Laura Sutherland (Laura S. Covelli) 27 p.. Laura S. Covelli; 12Mar77; A874067.

A874068. The Mother of God's glorious feasts. By H. O'Laverty. 188 p. Appl. au: K. E. Gillette. Prev. pub. 1925. NM: additions. 6 Marian Publications; 1Jun77; A874068.

A874069. The BOCA basic mechanical code. 1975. 1976 suppl. 2nd ed. 67 p. 6 Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.; 19Nov76; A874069.

AB74070. Sunset on the prairie: the life of DeWitt Clinton Huntington. By David Hopwood Mickey. 279 p. NH: compilation. David H. Mickey: 12May77; A874070.

A874071. Sunday Auto Mart materials. By Robert Timothy Fultz e Norman £. Woodruff. Kit. d Sunday Auto Mart, Inc.; 20Mar77; A874071.

A874072. Cultural-ecological perspectives on Southeast Asia: a symposium. Edited & with an introd. by William W. Wood. 1192 p. (Papers in international studies: Southeast Asia series, no. 41) Papers presented at the Midwestern Conference on Asian Affairs, Oct. 23-25, 1976 at Ohio University. Center for International Studies. Ohio University: 23May77; A874072.

A874073. Pollution and politics in the Phi- lippines. By Ross Marlay- 121 p. (Papers in international studies. Southeast Asia series, no. 43) 6 Center for International Studies. Ohio Uni- versity; 23May77; A874073.

A874074. Southeast Asia, an emerging center of world influence? Economic £ resource considerations. Edited by Wayne N- Raymond 6 Brian Kent Mulliner. 136 p. (Papers in international studies. Southeast Asia series, no. 42) 6 Center for International studies, Ohio Uni- versity: 23May77; A874074.

A874075. Flowcharting and progranning business problems: workbook for Business 294: business computer systems. By Clifford J. Craft. 2nd ed. 1 v. portions are reprinted from Basic-plus language manual, prev. reg. 1975. e Clifford J. Craft

A874076. Religious Jewish clients and their perceptions of the importance of religion in the social work helping process. By Deborah Pessa Oles. 115 p. O Deborah Pessa Oles; 23May77; A874076.

AB74077. Camus: the image of value. 125 p. Appl. au: Charles E. Dyke. Charles E. Dyke; 1«Feb77; 1874077.

A874078. Current perspectives in managing the menopausal patient. A discussion with Felix N. Butledge. 23 p. (The Female climacteric, vol. 5. no. 2) Appl. an: Ayerst Laboratories, division of American Home Products. O Ayerst Laboratories, division of American Home Products Corporation; 29Apr77: A874078.

A874079. The Metric sheet. 2 p. Appl. au: Alexander H. Sadowski. C Alexander M. Sadowski; SDec7e: A874079.

A874080. Radiographic anatomy examination. 1 v. Appl. au: Joseph E. Whitley. O Joseph £. Whitley; 1Jun76; A874080.

A874081. A Guide to: alcoholism identification and referral. 16 p. Add. ti: The Referral guide: a teaching tool for the field of alcoholism. O Mew York City Affiliate, Inc.. National Council on Alcoholism; 9Bay77; A874081.

A874082. Let's have an orchestra. By Stephen Portman. in collaboration with Paul Nordoff. 35 p. Stephen Portman; 17Jan77: A874082.

A874083. Materials for accountant examinations. By Joseph A. Wiseman. 23 p. Add. ti; Material for accountant examinations. e Joseph A. Wiseman; 18Hay77; A874083.

AB74084. Something to believe in. By Thomas Mac, pseud, of Fred James Woodard. 1 v. e Fred James Woodard (in notice: Thomas Mac) ; 18Hay77: A874084.

A874085. The Delphic debate. Story by Henry Angelo-Castrillon. script by Charles E. Adelsen & Henry Angelo-Castrillon. 6 p. O Henry Angelo-Castrillon & Charles £. Adelsen; 2Bar77; A874085.

A874086. Turkey, east of the vine dark sea. By Charles E. Adelsen S Henry Angelo- Castrillon. Sheets. Henry Angelo- Castrillon 6 Charles E. Adelsen; 2Bar77; A874086.

A874087. A Sales handbook for financial institutions; testing methods for getting e holding profitable business. 72 p. Appl. au: George Volckhausen. 6 Banaging for Profits; 25Apr77: A874087.

A874088. Level 3 of the Child-centered reading program; teacher's guide. By Ruth Jackson. 64 p. Add. ti: Teacher's guide to level 3 of the Child-centered reading program. Walter S. Jackson, executor of the last will & testament of Ruth Jackson (in notice: Ruth Jackson); 17Jan77;



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