Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/943

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A908433 (COD.) SPE 671111. By Ivan D. Uafle;, Issued by Society of Petroleu* EDqioeers of kias. 6 P. AneclcaD Institute of Hininq, Hetalluirqical and Petroleua Enqioeers, Inc.: 90-;t77; »90B433.

4908 11311. Professional liability insurance. SPE 6345. By Jaies P. Haddell, Jc. issued by Society of Petroieuji Enqineers of IIHE. Folder (3 p.) iaerican Institute of aininq. aetallurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4908434.

&908435. Adsorption of mixed surfactant systens. By P. J. Troqus, B. S. Schechter, G. 1. Pope & B. H. Uade» issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of iiaE. 7 p. American Institute of nininq, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A908435.

A90843e. Prediction of permeability trends for water iniection in a channel-type reservoir. Lake Haracaibo, Venezuela. SPE 6703. By F. B. Van Veen, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIBE. 2 p. Q American Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers. Inc. : 90ct77; A908436.

A908437. Geodip; an approach to detailed dip determination usinq correlation by pattern recoqnition. SPE 6823. By Ph. Vincent, J.-E. Gartner £ G. Attali, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of 4IHE. 18 p. American Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A908437.

A908438. Economic analyses for installation of offshore pipelines. SPE 6809. By B. J. Brotin & A. S. Hirsch, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 6 p. American Institute of Hininq. Hetal- iurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; A908438.

4908439. Calculation methods for linear and radial steam flou in oil reservoirs. SPE 6788. By J. Van Lookeren, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of AIHE. 8 p. American Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.: 90ct77; 4908439.

4908440. Predictinq phase behavior of condensate- crude oil systems usinq methane inte- raction coefficients. SPE 6721. By Donald L. Katz & Abbas Firoozabadi, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of AIHE. 4 p. C American Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77: 4908440.

4908441. Hechanics of the displacement process of drillinq muds by cement slurries usinq an accurate rheoloqical model. SPE 6801. By Bcbert H. Beirute C Bayaond H. Flumerfelt, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of 4IHE. 7 p. e 4aerican Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77: 4908441.

4908442. Pulse-testinq of vertically fractured Hells. SPE 6751. By Saauel Ekie, liico Badinoto 6 E. Baqhavan, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of AIHE. 7 p. American Institute of Hininq, Hetal- iurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc. : 90ct77; 4908442.

4908443. Phase relationships in chemical floodinq. SPE 6773. By B. C. Nelson G G. 4. Pope, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of AIHE. 8 p. American Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4908443.

4908444. Effect of temperature on tensile and compressive strenqth and Young^s modulus of oil shale. By Phillip J. closmann € Hilliam B. Bradley, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of 4IHE. 5 p. O 4merican Institute of Hininq, Hetal- iurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4908444.

4908445. Hassive hydraulic fracturing in the Eastern United States. SPE 6866. By 41f red Jennrnqs, Jr. , yallace Oarden, Bay Heuzel, Bobert Shrut £ John Foster, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of 4111E. 5 p. O 4aerican Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.: 90ct77: 4908445.

4908446. 4n Iterative sequence for compositional reservoir models incorporating the Bedlich-KHonq equation of state. SPE 6891. By Lynne T. Fussell £ D. D. Fussell, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of 4IHE. 9 p. 4merican Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4906446.

4908447. Beaver Valley middle devonian carbonate: performance review of a hiqh relief fractured qas reservoir with water influx. SPE 6B30. By D. 4. Davidson E D. H. Snowdon, issued by Society of Petroleum Enqineers of 4IHE. 5 p. Q 4merican Institute of Hining, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc. ; 90ct77; 4908447.

4908448. 4n Improved unsteady-state procedure for determininq the relative peroeability characteristics of heteroqenous porous media. SPE 6720. By P. H. Sigmund £ F. G. HcCaffery, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of 4IHE. p. O 4merican Institute of Hininq, Hetal- iurqical and Petroleua Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4908448.

4908449. The Effect of dispersion, cation exchanqe and polymer/surfactant adsorption on chemical flood environment. SPE 6769. By 1. V. Lake £ P. G. Uelfferich, issued by Society of Petroleua Enqineers of 4IHE. 8 p. O 4aerican Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 90ct77: 4908449.

4908450. Deltaic environaent reservoir types and their characteristics. SPE 6701. By B. H. Sneider, c. N. Tinker 6 L. D. Heckel, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of 4IHE. 5 p. O 4merican Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; 4906450.

A908451. Implications of surface fracture patterns and sand continuity in relation to stimulation of tiqht qas sands, eastern Ointa Basin, Otah. SPE 6740. By C. P. Knutson £ Don C. Bard, issued by Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. 7 p. O American Institute of Hining, Hetal- lurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 9Gct77; A908451.

A908452. The Segment team concept. SPE 6795. By J. H. Eubanks, B. P. Stakes, Jr. £ J. B. lurqicaj

90ct77; c, issued by Society of D Engineers of AIHE. 6 p. in Institute of Hininq, Hetal- and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. A908452.

A908453. Enhanced oil-recovery field reports. Vol. 3, no. 2. 381 p. Appl. au: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. Prev. pub. as Improved oil-recovery field reports. O Aoerican Institute of Hininq, Hetaliurqical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 100ct77; A908453.

A908454. National ZIP code directory, 1977. 1845 p. Add. ti: O.S. Postal Service 1977 ZIP code directory. O United states Postal Service; 30Oct77; A908454.

A908455. NCO leather guide, August 1977. 3 p. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 2Auq77; 4908455.

4908456. Second supplement to the Hay 1977 NCO credit and marketinq guide to wholesale and retail aarkets. 1 v. 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. © Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 29JU177; 4908456.

4908457. Third supplcaent to the June 1977 NCO survey. 20 p. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 4Aug77; A908457.

A908458. Second suppleaent to the 1977 electronic aarketing directory. 1 v. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. 6 Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 8Sep77; 4908458.

A908459. ACS: the credit guide on the mobile home and recreational vehicle dealers, 4ugust 1977. Sheets. 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. e Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 124ug77; 4908459.

A908460. NCO credit guide of high fidelity and sound specialists, August 1977. sheets. 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 184ug77; 4908460.

4908461. NCO credit and marketinq guide to the chemical coatings industry, September 1977. Sheets (96 p.) 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 15Sep77; 4908461.

4908462. The NCO survey, September 1977. Sheets. 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. C Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 9Sep77; A908462.

4908463. NCO credit and aarketing guide of the leather goods aanuf acturers, July 1977. Sheets. 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 22Jul77; 4908463.

4908464. NCO credit and aarketing guide to the wholesale and retail aarkets, 4ugust 1977. Sheets (237 p.) 4ppl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet. Inc.; 264ug77;



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