Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/948

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JUL-DEC. 1977

6908631. Prvde E. Hinton: servaot of Jesus Christ. Br Causton a. Boblnson £ Nettie Grace Hinton Lanqston. 161 p. 6 Inez Nunn Hinton: 15Sep77; (1908631.

S908632. Basic detoxification and aanaqeaent traininq proqcan. Level 1. 1 v. Hid»estern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Praqran. Inc.; 280ct77; S908632.

&908633. A Variety of miraculous poems. By Nellie Battle. 80 p. e Nellie Battle; 20Sep77: &908633.

A908631). The Christmas anqel. By Buth Gervase, artist: Linda Auaan. 46 p. Ruth Gervase (Mrs. John); 310ct77; A908634.

A9Q8635. Oil for the niqht. By Ivy Mitchell. 29 p. 9 Ivy Mitchell; 18Sep77: A908635.

A908636. Duncan, the donkey's colt. Hritten G illustrated by Barbara S. iitter. HH p. O Barbara S. Hitter; 180ct77; A908636.

A908637. The Temple in man: the secrets of ancient Eqypt. By R. A. SchHaller De Lubicz, translated by Robert Lavlor & Deborah Lawlor, illustrated by Lucie Lamy. 132 p. Appl. au: Autumn Press, Inc. Prev. pub. as Le Temple dans I'homme. 6 on translation; Autumn Press. Inc.; 150ct77; A908637.

A908638. Impressions. By John Bichard Stewart, edited by Karen Taylor. 48 p. C John Bichard Stewart; 1Nov77: A908638.

A90e639. University District, from Safeco Plaza throuqh Oniversity Campus. Presented by the Seattle Public Library. Folder. (Art in Seattle's public places: five urban walkinq tours, the 4th itinerary) Appl. au: Truman Gervais Reed & Joan H. Nilsson. Gervais Beed 6 Jo Nilsson: 220ct77; A908639.

A908640. Fire awareness: educational material for Fire Prevention Week. Material created by John Michael Pickett 6 Lawrance Anthony Bediq. 14 p. 6 Lee Chem 2nd: 30ct77; A908640.

A908641. Data book bulletin. No. 273, Oct. 25, 1977. 4 p. e Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc.; 250ct77; A908641.

A908642. Grant writinq. By Steven DeAlmeida, prepared for Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqram, College of Health Belated Professions, Uichita state University. 115 p. Appl. au: Midwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqram, Inc. Midwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqram, Inc. ; 7Har77; A908642.

A908643. Personnel manaqement. By Steven DeAlmeida, prepared for Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqram, Colleqe of Health Related Professions, Uichita State University. 100 p. Appl. au: Midwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqram, Inc.. Midwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Program, Inc.; 25Jan77: A908643.

A908644. Basic detoxification and management training proqram. Level 2. 1 v. @ Midwestern Area Alcohol Education and Traininq Proqram, Inc.: 280ct77; A908644.

4908645. The Maxwell, Noll, Inc. small broker's business system. By U. Eugene Noll & J, Terry Maxwell. 126 p. 9 Maxwell, Noll, Inc.; 110ct77: A908645.

A908646. Emergency care handbook: how to deal with people in emergencies. By Arthur B. Ciancutti. 100 p. Add. ti; Emergency medical care. @ Technomic Publishing Company, Inc.; 260ct77; 4908646.

A908647. Are these people real. By Audrey Lilly Meadows. 196 p. Q Audrey Lilly Meadows; 24Jun77: A908647.

A908648. Annual review of phytopathology. Vol. 15, 1977. Editor: Kenneth F. Baker, associate editors: George A. Zentmyer 6 Ellis B. Cowling. 499 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on portions written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. @ Annual Reviews, Inc.: 16Sep77: A908648.

4908649. Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. Vol. 15, 1977. Editor: Geoffrey Burbidge, associate editors: David Layzer C John S. Phillips. 602 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on portions written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. Annual Reviews, Inc.; 23Sep77; A908649.

A908650. Annual review of microbiology. Vol. 31, 1977. Editor: Mortimer P. Starr, associate editors: John L. Ingraham & 4. Baiows. 695 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on portions written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. Q Annual Reviews, Inc. ; 70ct77: A908650.

A908651. Approved practices in feeds and feeding. By Bestley R. Patton, Daniel 1. Cassard 6 Elwood M. Juergenson. 445 p. NM: additional text C pictorial matter. O The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 200ct77; 4908651.

4908652. Financial planning in agriculture: a key to credit and money management: teacher's manual. By Kenneth C. Schneeberger & Donald D. osburn. 337 p. The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 50ct77: 4908652.

A908653. Your wedding workbook; a manual to help the bride & groom prepare for the wedding. By Natalia H. Belting & James R. Bine. 4th ed. 107 p. A companion book to Grounds for marriage. Q Natalia M. Belting 6 James B. Hine; 25oct77: A908653.

A908654. Grounds for marriage; a study 6 work manual to be used by marriage counselors, ministers, teachers & couples preparing for marriage. By James B. Hine. 6th ed. 85 p. e James E. Hine; 190ct77: 4908654.

4908655. Gochnour idiom screening test; an English idiom comprehension test for the deaf. By Elizabeth A. Gochnour. 11 p. & folder (4 p.) The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 200ct77: A908655.

4908656. The Strike anywhere matcH service; questionnaire. Sheets (41 p.) Appl. au: Herbert Horace Biffkin. Prev. reg. A860452. NH: additional questions £ drawings t editorial revision. Herbert Horace Biffkin (in notice: Herb Biffkin) ; 260ct77; A908656.

4908657. Confectionery products: an economic and marketing investigation; a Morton report, 4ug. 1977. 4nalyst: L. Bagley. 152 p. Appl. au: Morton Research Corporation. © Morton Research Corporation; 14ug77; A908657.

A908658. The Nursing home industry: an economic, marketing, financial investigation; a Morton report, Aug. 1977. Prepared by J. L. Seltzer. 127 p. Appl. au: Morton Research Corporation, e Morton Besearch Corporation; 1Aug77; 4908658.

4908659. The Soft drink industry: an economic, financial and marketing investigation; a Morton report, Aug. 1977. Analyst; J. Goldberg. 204 p. Appl. au: Morton Besearch Corporation. Morton Besearch Corporation: 1Aug77; 4908659.

4908660. Hords; a collection of poems. By Carl Amin Dqdah. 20 p. Carl Amin Oqdah; 290ct77; A908660.

4908661. Inspirations. Britten G illustrated by Louis James stanzione, Jr. 19 p. Louis James stanzione, Jr.: 74ug77: 4908661.

4908662. Sayings of changes. By Knute Solem. 14 p. 6 Kcute Soles: 1Nov77; 4908662.

4908663. The Fallen sparrow. Britten 6 illustrated by Barbara S. Bitter. 35 p. Barbara S. Bitter; 180ct77; 4908663.

4908664. The Borld I see. By Bex Barnard Cunliffe. 47 p. Rex Barnard Cunliffe; 190ct77; 4908664.

4908665. Scion; a collection of poems. Vol. 1, no. 1. By Carol A. Pacini. 1 v. O Pacini Enterprises; 310ct77: A908665.

4908666. Calculator sports. Created by Leonard LaPenna. 18 p. C Leonard LaPenna £ John Porrecca d.b.a. 4rt Tec; 140ct77; 4908666.

4908667. Poetical roses; poems £ essay. By Theresa B. Seifert, cover £ sketches by 4nthony L. Seifert. 30 p. 8 Theresa R. Seifert; 250ct77: 4908667.

4908668. 4nalytic attributes in the energy density spectrum of blackbody radiation and Balmer-Bydberg spectra of hydrogen. By Jonathan Oswald Brooks. 29 p. O Jonathan Oswald Brooks; 80ct77; 4908668.

A908669. Talking trash; proceedings of the meeting of the National Coalition on Solid Baste, held Mar. 4-6, 1977, Bashington, DC. Edited by Kay Pilcher. 112 p. Appl. states U.S. copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S.

Govt, employee as a part of his official


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