Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/956

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JUL-DEC. 1977

i908 9t9 (con.) Dialoqaes« loc. C Barper and Boh«  Publishers, Inc.; 170ct77: A9089I49.

4908950. CFS iDtecvieu manual. 1 v. e CFS a.a.d.o. Confidential Planning Services; 3Sep76: &908950.

A908951. CFS aduinistration jianual. 1 v. CPS a.a.d.o. Confidential Planning Services; 3Sep7e: A908951.

4908952. Supplies. 1 V. 4ad. ti: CPS supply nanual. CPS a.a.d.o. Confidential Planning Services; 3Sep76; A908952.

4908953. The Hunters of Kacinhall. By Carl- Henning Hijknark, translated fron the Swedish by Georg Bisset. 32 p. Appl. au: Avon Books, employer for hire of Georg Bisset. 6 on translation; Avon Books; 204ug76: 4908953.

4908954. The Search for Haggle Hare. By Elizabeth Byrd. 192 p. Frev. pub. abroad, 1976. e Elizabeth Byrd; 2011ar77; A908954.

A908955. Shanna. By Kathleen £. Hoodiliiss. 661 p. Kathleen E. (oodiniss; 20Apr77: A908955.

A908956. Hystic Bose. By Patricia Gallagher. 312 p. S Patricia Gallagher: 20Sep77; A90B956.

A908957. The Mysteries of the Andes. By Bobert Cbarroux, translated by Loiiell Bair. 239 p. 6 on translation: Avon Books: 20Sep77: A908957.

A908958. Eoyal mistress. By Patricia Campbell Horton. 1437 p. e Patricia Campbell Horton: 20Sep77; A908958.

A908959. Sunny-side up. By Alma Barkman. 127 p. doody Bible Institute of Chicago; 15Sep77; A908959.

4908960. Beligion: Hho needs it? By Bichard A. Seymour. 125 p. C Moody Bible Institute of Chicago: 15Sep77: A908960.

4908961. Island of deceit. By Elizabeth Habersham. 178 p. Elizabeth Habersham; 150ct77; 4908961.

4908962. Cleveland pipeline. By Don Pendleton. 176 p. (The Executioner, no. 30) Don Pendleton: 150ct77: 4908962.

A908963. The Kronos plot. By Joseph Bosenberger. 200 p. (Death merchant, no. 24) Joseph Bosenberger; 15Sep77: A908963.

A908964. Hadelaina. By Michaela Morgan, pseud, of Gloria Vitanza Basile. 1019 p. O Gloria vitanza Basile; 150ct77: A908964.

4908965. The Terror truckers. By Stuart Jason. 180 p. (The Butcher, no. 26) Script Representatives, Inc.; 150ct77; A908965.

4908966. Storm over Nindhaven. By Marie De Jourlet, pseud, of Lyle Kenyon Engel. 528

4908967. 4pocalypses. By 6. 4. Lafferty. 374 p. B. 4. lafferty: 150ct77; 4908967.

4908968. The Populist ideology. By Dean Stephen BockHood. Microfilm, d Dean Stephen EockHOOd; 140ct77; 4908968.

A908969. Bationale and model for a pupil personnel team approach to secondary school discipline. By Sheila Ann O'Brien. Microfilm. @ Sheila Ann O'Brien: 140ct77; 4908969.

4908970. 4 Study of selected factors for predicting success in beginning Gregg shorthand. By Helen Elizabeth Foster. Microfilm. 6 Helen Elizabeth Foster; 140ct77: A908970.

A908971. Death-angst: a synthesis in develop- mental perspective. By Richard L. Carhart. Microfilm. Bichard L. Carhart: 140ct77; 4908971.

A908972. Leisure, labor, and consumption: a critical sociology of reification. By John Darrell Alt. Microfilm. O John Darrell Alt; 140ct77; 4908972.

4908973. The Impact of collective bargaining as perceived by California administrators pertaining to decision making, conflict resolution, and poHer. By Joel Kir- schenstein. Microfilm. Joel Kir- schenstein; 140ct77; 4908973.

4908974. Analysis of myocardial and total body integral extraction ratios of rubidium-86. By Paul Francis McDonagh. Microfilm. O Paul Francis McDonagh; iaoct77: 4908974.

A908975. The Sabbath as a source of Uestern value and social behavior: an intellectual model for the inclusion of Biblical materials in the public school curriculum. By Irving Stanton Hellman. Microfilm. 6 Irving Stanton Hellman: 140ct77: A908975.

A908976. The Women's Health Movement: finding alternative to traditional medical professionalism. By Sheryl Kendra Buzek. Microfilm. & Sheryl Kendra Suzek; 140ct77; A908976.

4908977. Effects of a marriage counseling training program on Lutheran clergy couples. By Mancy Loving Tubesing. Microfilm. Q. nancy Loving Tubesing: 140ct77; 4908977.

4908978. Hilliam Orlando Darby; a military biography. By Michael Julius King. Microfilm. Michael Julius King; Ii40ct77; 4908978.

4908979. Biodegradability of polyesters. By Joseph Veisfeld. Microfilm. Q Joseph Ueisfeld; 140ct77; A908979.

A908980. Essence of prejudice. fly Barry Bichard Glassner. Microfilm. O Barry Bichard Glassner; 140ct77; A90B980.

4908981. A Static and dynamic linear expenditure model applied to Dnited States import demand. By Susan Elizabeth McGovan. Microfilm. Susan Elizabeth HcGouan; 140ct77; A908981.

A908982. On numerical solution of differential equations for a network of exchanging flow tubes. By Parviz Farahzad. Microfilm. O Parviz Farahzad; 140ct77; 4908982.

A908983. Administrative consumer satisfaction with service delivery alternatives from a university clinical teaching center. By Lesley Patricia Graham. Microfilm. e Lesley Patricia Graham; 1i40ct77; A908983.

4908984. 4 Comparative analysis of administrative leadership models and the role of a selected superintendent in tax levy passage. By Donald Kay Menefee. Microfilm, e Donald Bay Menefee; 140ct77; 4908984.

4908985. The Relative effect of the controlled reader and the speech compressor on reading rate and comprehension. By Patricia Ann Breed. Microfilm, e Patricia Ann Breed; iaoct77; 4908985.

A906986. United States-Thailand diplomatic relations during Horld tfar 2. By Vivat Sethachuay. Microfilm. Tivat Sethachuay; 140ct77; A908986.

A906987. Life history and ecological energetics of the gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) in Acton Lake, Ohio. By Bobert Joseph Pierce. Microfilm. Q Bobert Joseph Pierce: 140ct77; A908987.

A908988. A Study of school-community attitudes toward problems created by declining enrollment. By Maurice Michael Casey. Microfilm. 3 Maurice Michael Casey; 140ct77; A908988.

A908989. Effect of treatment with Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase on two transplanted murine pulmonary carcinomas. By Charles Dickson Alley, Jr. Microfilm. C Charles Dickson 411ey, Jr.; 140ct77; 4908989.

4908990. The Staffing of interscholastic athletic coaching positions: a problem for public high schools of Ohio. By Bonald Gayle Ferguson. Microfilm. Bonald Gayle Ferguson; 140ct77; 4908990.

A908991. A Study of the parliamentary recruitment patterns in Kenya during the years 1957-1967. By Otieno Okelo. Microfilm. e Otieno Okelo; 140ct77; A908991.

A908992. The Isolation and partial characte- rization of myelin-free axons from rat central nervous system. By Carson Justis Cornbrooks. Microfilm. O Carson Justis Cornbrooks; 1i(Oct77; A908992.

A908993. Fiedler's contingency model in classroom teaching situations. By Hilliam John Martin. Microfilm. Q Hilliam John Martin; 140ct77; 4908993.

4908994. An 4nalysis of attitudes of students in IGE schools in southwestern Ohio. By Geraldine Kay Trusty. Microfilm. O Geraldine Kay Trusty; iaoct77;

490899 4.


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