Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/959

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A909070 (con.) John Siith Bosvell. Jr. : 1itOct77: »909070.

4909071. A Nuaerical and theoretical stud; of solitOQS OD luaped noDlinear dispersive tcansnissioD lines. By Douqlas Bobert Frev. aicrofiln. Douqlas Bobert Frey; 1«)ct77; 4909071.

4909072. The Belationsbip between selected faculty characteristics and student grade variability in undergraduate courses at a four-year public college. By Harold s. Leida. nicrofili. Harold S. Leida; 1ltOc*77: 4909072.

A909073. The Study of the argunents of interest groups which opposed Federal aid to education froB 1949-1965. By Henry Citron. aicrofiln. O Henry Citron: 1«)ct77: 4909073.

49090714. Cognitive style* personal orientation* and vocational decisionnaking. By Bonda J. Oraont. Hicrofiln. O Bonda J. Ornont; 11tOct77: 490907«.

4909075. The Effects of prostaglandins, E2 and F2A and the inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase, indonethacin on spermato- genesis and seruo testosterone levels in the Sprague-Oawley rat. By Hilliaa John Tiernev. nicrofili. yillian John Tierney: 1i40ct77; 4909075.

4909076. Cerebral lateralization, cognitive strategy and reading ability. By Bruce Herrill Caplan. nicrofila. Bruce Serrill Caplan: Iil0ct77: 4909076.

4909077. The Hodule structure of Ext (4,B) over the endoBorphisB rings of A and B. By Joseph Nicholas Fadyn. HicrofilB. Joseph Nicholas Fadyn; 1iloct77: 4909077.

4909078. Hotor developnent of Down's syndroae toddlers aeasuced by the Hahnenann pre-school scales for exceptional children. By Hary Catherine Coraza. HicrofilB. Hary Catherine coraza; 1«Oct77 (in notice: 1976); 4909078.

4909079. New York City proqraa adninistrators* perceptions of the helpfulness of outside Bandated evaluations on adninistrative decisionaaking in ESE4 prograas. By Helvin Goldberg. Hicrofila. O Helvin Goldberg; 1ik)ct77; 4909079.

A909080. Equipping adolescents for ainistry. By David Lee Fish. Hicrofila. O David Lee Fish: 140ct77; 4909080.

4909081. Perceived current and desired student involveaent in governance and the organizational cliaates of the CO. N.I. coBBUnity colleges. By 41vin Harvey Schlossec. Hicrofila. Alvin Harvey Schlosser: 140ct77; 490908 1.

1909082. An Investigation of the diainishing interest of aeabers of a local church. By Henry Brayton Gifford, Jr. Hicrofila. Henry Brayton Gifford, Jr.; 140ct77; A909082.

A9a9083. Der Deutscfa-Juedlsche Theaenkreis ia erk Karl Rolfskehls. By Benate Beatrice Koch. Hicrofila. O Benate Beatrice Koch; 140ct77; A909083.

A909a84. The Effect of different tutorial presentation aethods on the aastery of classification tasks. By Oavida Buth Schuaan. Hicrofila. Davi.da Suth Schuaan; 140ct77; A9a9084.

A909085. An Investigation of the conflict aanageaent styles of pastors serving in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the Onited Hethodist Church. By J. Val Hastings. Hicrofila. O J. Val Hastings; 140ct77; A909085.

A909086. Toward developing a marriage enrichaent program for seainary couples. By Andrew Hilaan Johanson, Jr. Hicrofila. Andrew Hilaan Johanson, Jr.; 140ct77; 4909086.

4909087. Developaent of an instrument to measure gualitative discriaination based on visual perception responses to art. By Eita Kathleen Boosevelt. Hicrofila. O Bita Kathleen Boosevelt; 140ct77; A909087.

4909088. 4 Biography of Niccolo Piccinni and a critical study of his La Didonc and Didon. By Hargaret HcGinness Liggett. Hicrofila. 4ppl. states all new except ausic on p. 186-381. O Hargaret HcGinness Liggett; 140ct77; A909088.

A909089. A Participant observation study of a iuvenile court: the dynamics of juvenile justice from the perspective of a judge. By Benjaain Franklin Quillian, Jr. Hicrofila. 9 Benjaain Franklin Quillian, Jr.; 140ct77; A909089.

A909090. Harginality and authority in aedicine: the profession of pathology. By Preston Lee Schiller. Hicrofila. Preston Lee Schiller; 140ct77; 4909090.

A909091. Studies on the hormonal regulation of rat uterine collagenase. By Thomas Joseph Koob. Hicrofilm. Thomas Joseph Koob; 140ct77; A909091.

A909092. Nowhere runner: a study in the creation of a novel for adolescents. By Bichard Frank Abrahamson. Hicrofila. Bichard Frank 4brahaason; 140ct77; A909092.

A90 9093. First language acquisition: textile design terminology io Cakchiqucl (Hayan) By Bita Hargaret ililhite. Hicrofila. C Bita Hargaret Ililhite; 140ct77; A909093.

4909094. The Isolation, characterization and use of chloraaphenicol resistant HeLa cells. By Bichard Lawrence Siegel. HicrofilB. O Bichard Lawrence Siegel; 140ct77; 4909094.

4909095. Class-based electoral competition, control of government and welfare policy change in selected American states. By Edward Theodore Jennings, Jr. Hicrofila. O Edward Theodore Jennings, Jr.; iaoct77; A909095.

4909096. The Developaent of the theory of signs in the Aaerican philosophical tradition. By Jonathan David Horeno. HicrofilB. O Jonathan David Horeno: 140ct77; A909096.

4909097. Police field training: the analysis of a socialization process. By fiose Hartha Tunker. Hicrofila. fiose Hartha lunker; 140ct77; A909097.

A909098. Hercury and aercurial resistance in Escherichia coli. By Janet Louise Schottel. HicrofilB. O Janet Louise Schottel; 140ct77; 4909098.

4909099. Narrative structures in the fiction of Boris Vian. By Judy 4nn Savoie. HicrofilB. O Judy 4nn Savoie; 140ct77; 4909099.

4909100. The Novels of Josephine Herbst. By Ninifred Farrant Bevilacgua. Hicrofilm. Q Uinifred Farrant Bevilacgua; 140ct77; 4909100.

A909101. A Comparison of soae data collection aethods for nonaetric aultidiaensional scaling. By Harie Adele Hughes Hunphreys. Hicrofila. O Harie Adele Hughes Humphreys; 140ct77; A909101.

4909102. Those who reaain, one aspect of the process of aigration in a rapidly changing country: Venezuela. By Jose Felix Betancourt. Hicrofila. O Jose Felix Betancourt; 140ct77; 4909102.

4909 103. 4cquisition and retention as functions of feedback delay, expectancy, development and sex. By Bebecca Bardwell. Hicrofilm. O Bebecca Bardwell; 140ct77; 4909103.

4909 104. Knowledge or certainty? 4n inves- tigation of the subjective structure of some communication scholars. By Leonard John Barchak. Hicrofilm. Leonard John Barchak; 140ct77; A909104.

A909 105. The Belationship between selected school inputs and standardized achievement test scores of seventh grade students. By Otis Ansara Jackson. Hicrofilm. Otis 4nsara Jackson; 14oct77; 4909105.

4909106. Voluntary reduction of cannabis use among graduate students: reasons and pattern. By Caul Balph Baffoul. Hicrofilm. O Paul Balph Baffoul; 140ct77; A909106.

A909107. "Imaginary work": the functions of ekphrasis in narrative poetry. By Robert Craig Birss. Microfilm. © Robert Craig Birss; 140ct77; A909107.

A909108. A Normative model of bank portfolio selection under an equity value criterion. By William Jay Harshall. Microfilm. © William Jay Harshall; 140ct77; A909108.

A909109. Foreign investment: a synthesis of industrial organization, trade and capital theoretic approaches. By John fiussell Boodbury 3rd. Hicrofila. John Bussell Uoodbury 3rd; 140ct77; A909109.

A909110. Harriaqe in the novels of Arnold Bennett. By Judith 4nn Siegel Pearson. Hicrofilm. O Judith Ann Siegel Pearson; 140ct77; A909110.


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