Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/968

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A909alt8 - A90S<l89
JUL-DEC. 1977

£909448. The Deep freeze and other stories. By Marcello Maestro. 118 p. O Marcello Maestro: 70ct77: A909mt8.

S909»»9. Mirrors of the mind. Poeas by Thoiias lafayette Hanm. 2nd ed. , rev. 96 p. Q Thomas Lafayette Hamm; 7Nov77: 4909449.

4909450. The KinqdoB iiithin you. By Edaard F. Grant. 152 p. Edward F. Grant; 20Oct77: 4909450.

4909451. Blacks in science: astrophysicist to zooloqist. By Hattie car«ell. 96 p. e Hattie Carxell; 40ct77: A909451.

4909452. These special ones. By Lillia Dean. 80 p. Portion of photos. pre». put. in the picture magazine, Des Moines register and tribune. 1963-1973. 6 Lillia Dean; 120ct77: 4909452.

4909453. Free like a drean. Poems by Eobert C. Sluzis, illustrated by Kanda Sochanski. 43 p. e Bobert c. Sluzis: 1Nov77; 4909453.

4909454. Tales of Poultney. By Elton Haynes. 64 p. e Elton Haynes; 250ct77; 4909454.

4909455. Sorry so sloppy: a teacher's portfolio- By Deanne Dayila Burt. 112 p. C Deanne Davila Burt; 130ct77: 4909455.

4909456. Liberty's grandson: an unconventional autobiography. By Boderic Marble olzendam, with Gordon Keith. 178 p. Portions pre v. pub. in The Islands sounder & View northwest. Q Boderic Marble Olzendam; 30Sep77: 4909456.

4909457. Life in western mining camps: social and legal aspects, 1848-1872. By Darlene Hucibabich. 84 p. C Darlene Mucibabich; 50ct77: 4909457.

4909458. Falling arches: the case against Federal intervention in the practice of medicine. By Ben B. Rhite. 136 p. O Ben B. Rhite: 240ct77: 4909458.

4909459. The Fifth pillar: the story of a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. By Saida Miller Khalifa, pseud, of Sonya Lotimer Khalifa, foreword by 4bdel Halim Mahmoud. 131 p. e Saida Miller Khalifa, whose real name is Sonya Lorimer Khalifa: 210ct77; 4909459.

4909460. Yourself ten years from now: a career planning book. By David Klein 6 Marymae E. Klein. 152 p. Appl. states all new except p. 126-133 & some material on p- 12, 26, 37-38. 105, 106. Portions prev. pub. in The Behavioral sciences: an interpretation 6 others. O David Klein 6 Marymae E. Klein; 28Sep77: 4909460.

4909461. The Rhite minority: pioneers for racial equality. By Richard Stiller. 120 p. e aichard Stiller; 180ct77; 49 09461.

4909462. Samuel Johnson. By Halter Jackson Bate. 646 p. Appl. states all new except p. 240-259 (up to last 8 lines) 6 Halter Jackson Bate; 310ct77: 4909462.

4909463. Louis-Philippe: memoirs, 1773-1793. Translated 6 with an introd. by John Hardman. foreword by Henri, Compte de Paris. 476 p. NM: English translation C p. xxi-xxiiii. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 224U977; 4909463.

4909464. Lynne Palmer's Astrological almanac for 1978. 176 p. e lynne Palmer; 270ct77: 4909464.

4909465. Orson Relies: actor and director. By Joseph acBride, general editor: Ted Sennett. 159 p. (An Illustrated history of the movies) Appl. au: Jove Publi- cations, Inc., employer for hire. NM: text £ editorial selection 6 arr. of photos. e Jove Publications, Inc.; 31Auq77; A909465.

4909466. John Garfield. By George Morris, general editor: Ted Sennett. 160 p. (4n Illustrated history of the movies) Appl. au: Jove Publications, Inc., employer for hire. NM: text S editorial selection £ arr. of photos. Jove Publications, Inc.; 60ct77; 4909466.

4909467. Ida Lupino. By Jerry Vermilye, general editor: Ted Sennett. 160 p. Appl. au: pyramid Communications, Inc. , employer for hire. NM: text £ editorial selection 6 arr. of photos. © Pyramid Communications, Inc.; 1SJun77; A909467.

A909468. Paris! Paris! By Irvin Shaw £ Ronald Searle. 211 p. portions prev. pub. in The New Yorker £ others. NM; compilation £ p. 151-176, 191-211. Irwin Shaw; 31Mar77; A909468.

A909469. Paris! Paris! By Irwin Shaw £ Bonald Searle. 211 p. Appl. states all illus. new except p. 79, 140. 144. 180-181. Portions prev. pub. in The New Yorker 6 others. © Bonald Searle; 31Mar77; A909469.

A909470. G. K. Chesterton: radical populist. By Margaret Canovan. 175 p. Margaret Canovan; 12Sep77: 4909470.

4909471. How far is Berkeley? By Helen Chetin. 122 p. Helen Chetin; 29Sep77; 4909471.

A909472. Hith my face to the rising sun. By Eobert Martin screen. 106 p. 6 Robert M. Screen; 50ct77 ; A909472.

A909473. The City builder. By George Konrad, translated from the Hungarian by Ivan Sanders. 184 p. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire of Ivan Sanders. NM: English translation, e Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 1NOV77: 4909473.

4909474. The sea robbers. By Robert Kraske. 147 p. e Robert Kraske; 270ct77; 4909474.

4909475. In the deserts of this Earth. By Owe George, translated from the German by Richard Binston 6 Clara Hinston, 309 p. Appl. au; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc., employer for hire of Richard £ Clara Hinston. O on translation; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.; 260ct77; A909475.

4909476. Oil and gas: from fossils to fuels. By Hershell B. Kixon £ Joan Lowery Nixon, illustrated by Jean Day Zallinger. 1 v. e on text; Hershell H. Nixon 6 Joan Lowery Nixon; 260ct77; 4909476.

4909477. Oil and gas: from fossils to fuels. By Hershell H. Nixon £ Joan Lowery Nixon, illustrated by Jean Day Zallinger. 1 v. on illus.; Jean Zallinger; 260ct77; A909477.

A909478. The Nutrition cookbook; a guide to healthy family food with gourmet recipes computer analyzed for your specific daily requirements. By Stephen N. ^Kreitzman £ Susan L. Kreitzman, computerized recipe analysis by Nutran Diet Analysis, Inc. 499 p. © Stephen N. Kreitzman E Susan I. Kreitzman; 20Oct77; 4909478.

A909479. Helga's dowry: a troll love story. Story £ pictures by Tomie De Paola (Thomas Anthony De Paola) 1 v. © Tomie De Paola; 1Sep77; 4909479.

4909480. Alan and Naomi. By Myron Levoy. 192 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Poems of Emily Dickinson. © Myron Levoy; 260ct77; A909480.

A909481. Fireflies. By Joanne B. Ryder, pictures by Don Bolognese. 61 p. on text; Joanne Ryder; 260ct77; A909481.

4909482. Fireflies. By Joanne Ryder, pictures by Don Bolognese. 61 p. © on illus.; Don Bolognese; 260ct77; 4909482.

4909483. The Deserter. By Nigel Gray, illus- trated by Ted Lewin. 168 p. © on text; Nigel Gray; 28Sep77; 4909483.

4909484. The Deserter. By Nigel Gray, illus- trated by Ted Lewin. 168 p. © on illus. ; Ted Lewin; 28Sep77; 4909464.

4909485. 4merican hunger. By Richard Hright. afterword by Michel Fabre. 146 p. Appl. states all new except portion prev. pub. in Atlantic monthly £ Dissent. 6 Ellen Hright; 25Hay77; 49094H5.

4909486. 4merican hunger. By Richard Hright, afterword by Michel Fabre. 146 p. Portions prev. pub. in the Atlantic monthly 6 Dissent. © on afterword; Michel Fabre; 25Bay77; A909486.

A909487. Put down and ripped off: the American woman and the beauty cult. By Nora Scott Kinzer. 213 p. Appl. states all new except portions prev. pub, as "Beast and the beauty parlor" in the Saturday evening post, Dec. 1974 £ "Soapy sin in the afternoon" in Psychology today, Aug. 1973. © Nora Scott Kinzer; 28sep77; 4909487.

A9094S8. Cinnamon cane- By Melinda Kilborn Pollowitz. 154 p. Portions prev. pub. from "Sonnet 29" in Collected poems 6 others. © Melinda Kilborn Pollowitz; 21Sep77; A909488.

A909489. I'll love you when you're more like me. By M. E. Kerr. 183 p. NM: compilation £ additional text. © H. E. Kerr; 7Sep77;



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