Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec prt 1 sec 1.djvu/1902

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JUL. - DEC. 1977

11720A 2-18 GHz pulse modulator- A897687 2562

11855ft 75f non-printable data! type N accessory kit. A901838 2%64

1185GA 75f non- printable data 1 BNC accessory Jtit. A901837 - 2664

11857B/11 857C test port extension cable sets. A901836...- 266U

18620-00 power supply with crowbar service manual. A891590 .., 2411

20.000 leagues under the sea- A908923 2841

A921071 3H2 43027 auxiliary control nodule.

A87347A. 1964 43027 electric governing control 8230-081 with check panel 8230-085..

A873093... 1954 43027 electric governing control 8320-086.

A896773 2539 43027 electric governing fuel control 8230-080.

A910935 2889 60.000 more points about motion pictures: 30,000 for buffs — 30.000 for duffers.

A912220 2921 75815 sostenuto control. A925798 3260 75902 control driver.

A92579S. 3260 75915 sos-tcnrnto control. A92579 1 ) 3260 75916 mutation couplers. A925794 3260 75918 pizzicato unit. A92579J.. 3260 75919 lighting control. A925796 3260 85036A 75f non-printable data 1 type N calibration kit. A901839. . 2664 86290B RF plug-in 2.0-18.6 GHz. A901842... 2664 86635A modulat inn section 0M-PM. A882575 2190 98032A option 030 interface operating and service. A693397 ...... 2457 The 1,000_000 dollar good guys. A9-33235.... ..... 3444 The 1.000.000 dollar mare. A900242 2625 19.000.000 elephants and other poems.

R671026-. 3713



U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1979 O - 293-301 (Sei

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