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siego of Potarshurg thab T wan able to rejoin ovmmaand

"hore was we murmur of applamio 5 aad thon silet Suddenly, from yomuwhoere in the ruven, camo the sot of singing—* Mino eyes Inve xeon tho ylory of coming of the Tord! ‘Cho old bu bin hymn weer to strike the very mood af tho meeting ; Cho wl throng took it up, and they sang it, wfunan lage situnt Tb was rolling forth like a mighty orgurerhant ant oame to tho foryid cloning t-- TT hath soundad forth the bumped that shall never ell retl To ja alfling unt the hearts ef nia before tis jutionent aonb

Ohl ho awift, my aoul, lo answer Hin | be jubllund, ay foul Our God is marolikag onl"

Thera was ra pauao agains anil the presiding ol voao and aaid that, owing to the presened of a dit guished guest, they would forage one of Chote re and invito Judge Ullis to nay a few words, Tho dt came furward, and bowed his acknowledpment of t wolcomo, ‘Chen, porhapa feoting a neod wl redial a the sombro rooitil, the Judge touk ocmmsion to opole for his own tomority in addressing a roomful of > viora ; and somehow ho mayer) ta mikes tad rer him of a story of an army mul, & vory wiidaiag nt and that ramindarl hina of nnothor stery, until, whe stopped andl sob down, every ony in the ranm b inte dolighted applania,

Thoy wont in to dimer, Montages sit hy Ce Prontice, and ho, in turn, by the Juego; Lhe waa remindod of more stoviva during the dinner) kopt overy ono moar him luughing. Winally Mont: down home, who prasod himaall oi for an tin Tho Judge wag so good as to sonaider this an