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and godly acconts, “ Give tem fall, hoya hell P?-—Tha Colonels hand trembled now a ib owt, and his voice was shill and eracked % what ploasure it gave him ¢a meet Cenored M s0n.

“Why have wo never seen you befor Major ‘Thorne, Montagne replied tht ho | iull hi life in Mississippi-—his father having Southorn women wfber tho war, Oneo ovory Genoral had come to Now York bo attend th of tha Loyal Legion of tluy State 5 but some had to stay ali home with Din nother, Mon Hainer.

Vhore were porhapa a hundred men in | and he wes passed about from yreup ta prot of them had known hia father intimatoly. moa uneasy to him to meot chem in t to flnd them old and feohla, white-huaitad and As thoy lived in the eheammbor af hie mam wore in their nighty youth-—haraes, tranuli radiant, not anbject ta the power of tine.

Life on the big plantation iad hoon a k oxpooially for a Southoyn-horn man who h in tho Union amy. Goneral Moutagne he person of quiet tustes, and his proabeab ple boen to aié with hia two boye on hia Ines @ his batélos oor again’ fo hed eollectort all. burs of the corps which lia hed eammanded library of it, In whish Allan had learned wity a8 soon as ho could reud. He lal lite brought up on the war--Jor hems he would in some hig illustrated history, nncil people oiled him awry.’ Ho abudied maps of crm battlo-fiolds, until they became alive wil